Eclipse in 2020 solar and lunar: what and when will


The approaching 2020 promises to beat all records on eclipses, because we will survive 6 such astronomical phenomena at once! In the following material, I propose to find out what dates Eclipses fall out in 2020 solar and lunar and how it follows themselves at this time.

What are the eclipses of the sun and the moon

Eclipse - refer to astronomical phenomena that takes no less than four times a year. But for 12 months no more than 7 eclipses occurs, more than their number is considered to be greedy.

Eclipse in 2020 solar and lunar

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Solar and lunar eclipses happen in pairs, according to the nearest one to his friend's full moon and new moon.

What happens during eclipses?

  • With lunar eclipse - The moon is immersed in the cone of the earthly shadow, and our planet is at this time in a straight line, which connects together the day and night luminaries.
  • In the case of solar eclipses - The solar disk is shielded to the moon disk for a short period of time, and the moon shade cone drops to the ground surface. Mind the eclipse of the Sun can people living in the territory where the shadow is from the earthly satellite.

Lunar and solar eclipses in 2020

Now let's return to the coming year and find out the dates of the eclipses of the lunar and sunny, as well as their exact time.

Solar Eclipse 2020.

Total 2020 will occur two astronomical phenomena.

  1. The first eclipse of the Sun falls on 06/21/2020 - That is, at the date of summer solstice. This astronomical phenomenon will happen at 09:41 am (Moscow time). Then the sun will be in 1 degree of cancer constellation. It will be possible to contemplate it from the central regions of Africa, from the south-east of Asia, as well as the south-west of the European continent.
  2. The second solar eclipse will fall on 14.12.2020 . It will reach its maximum phase at 19:17 (in time of Moscow) and at 16:17 (according to Greenwich). At the specified moment, the daylight will enter 23 degrees of Capricorn constellation. What parts of the world will this eclipse be completely visible? From the south of America, Antarctica. And partially will be able to observe him in Argentina and Chile.

Lunar eclipse 2020.

Finding out when there is a solar eclipse in 2020, we turn to the second category of astronomical phenomena - lunar. A total of them for the next 12 months will occur already 4!

  1. The first eclipse of the moon falls on 10.01.2020. It will be semi-mounted and will happen at 22:10 (in Moscow time), at 20 degrees of cancer constellation. It will be available for observation by all living on the territory of the European continent, as well as in Asia, Australia and Africa.
  2. The second lunar eclipse will fall at the beginning of the summer and will occur 06.06.2020 Specific at 22:12 (Moscow). The moon will be at 15 degree sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. And Europeans, Asians, Africans and Australians will be able to see the phenomenon of astronomy.
  3. The third eclipse of the moon accounts for exactly a month after the second - at 07.07.2020. It will be half-mounted, will happen at 07:44 in the morning (in Moscow time). But only Americans and Africans will be able to follow him. The moon will then be at 13 degree constellation Capricorn.
  4. The fourth and final eclipse will occur at the end of the year - 30.11.2020. It will happen at 12:30 (Moscow time) at 8 degrees of the constellation of twins. The observation area will be more extensive - so, asians will see it, Australians, as well as residents of both Americas.

Lunar Eclipse Bloody Moon

Finding out the dates of eclipses for the next year, I propose to get more information about the impact of these phenomena on the well-being and life of a person as a whole.

How solar and lunar eclipses affect the person


The lunar eclipses occur when the night light is in its full phase, and the opposition itself between the Sun and the Moon happens next to the lunar nodes. Opposition - In astrology, this is a rather stress aspect. Therefore, it is believed that emotionality, aggression, nervous excitability increases in the full moon.

As for the lunar eclipses, they lead to even stronger mental reactions: an increase in anxiety, impassable, strong emotional splashes. As a result, there are more often than usual, conflict situations arise, people behave inadequately, either face unhealthy enthusiasm.

Also possible attacks of jealousy. Characteristic sleep disorders, for example, somnambulism. A sufficient large number of people complains of headache, fluid delay in the body.

The number of poisoning increases against the background of increasing the sensitivity of the stomach. And drugs, alcohol and poisons at this time act especially strongly.

It is noteworthy that the effect of the lunar astronomical phenomenon extends more to representatives of weak gender than for men.


This category of an astronomy phenomena falls on the new moon phase. At the same time, there is a connection of the night and daylight luminaries near one of the lunar knots. Solar eclipses take time on the so-called "chambers' days" - which in ancient Greece was associated with night darkness, decay of vitality, weakness.

Solar eclipse of photo

In the days of solar eclipses, infarction and strokes occur more often. And people feel exhausted, depressed, which is in physical, which is in intellectual plan.

Usually there is no desire to perform active actions. A tendency towards despondency, challenging, the susceptibility of surrounding irritants increases.

Interesting moment. The eclipses of the sun disk are acutely felt by representatives of the strong floor, but also - by the leaders and the creative personalities of both sexes.

The impact of astronomical phenomena on the state of current affairs

Regardless of which an eclipse takes place, its influence will be shown on weak, emotional-unstable people. When using alcoholic beverages, sharp aggression often occurs. Also, the emergence of various figures, mental abnormalities is not excluded.

At such days it is important to be extremely attentive on the road due to an increase in the risk of accidents. It is harder to control myself, the concentration of attention is disturbed.

If everything is in order with health and psyche, then you can and do not feel the strong exposure of the eclipse. Equally, observe the marginal caution.

What can not be done at this time?

  • assign operational interventions if only they are not urgent;
  • start important activities;
  • Follow emotions, impulses in the business industry.

How eclipses affect human fate

Each of the astronomical phenomena has a fatal impact on human life. But at the same time it is quite not necessary that it will be negative. The main thing is that all the events embedded in the program of a particular astronomical phenomenon are developing fatally inevitable.

But it is not worth exaggerating - the influence on a particular individual will be strong only in the case when some kind of sensitive point is affected in the natal map, for example, the vertex of the house or the planet.

People who have emerged at such periods of time are often faced with various fatal events in their lives. However, there will be good or bad aspects of the luminaries on the other planets and their position in the horoscope.

In general, it is not necessary to fear eclipses. They represent a great time to make it possible to the directive. It is very successful to abandon the destructive addictions, to solve psychological problems, completing unnecessary relationships and work out other negatives.

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