Wedding in a leap year - will be happy, signs


Perhaps the most popular sign associated with a leap year concerns the ban to combine yourself for marriage. Allegedly, then the married life will certainly be unsuccessful, and if you decide to get married, then you will make an unprecedented sacrant before God!

In this material, I want to figure out whether the wedding is possible in a leap year and are all the prohibitions justified?

Wedding in a leap year Signs

What is the leap year different from the usual?

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Surely, it's not a secret for you that in the leap year exactly one day more than in the usual one. This extra day falls on February 29, which is found in the calendar once every 4 years.

But this phenomenon has a completely logical explanation - as the Earth turns around the fact around the Sun for 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 16 seconds, then over time in the calendar there is an error.

That is why it was invented every 4 years to use extra day. With the exception of those years that are divided by 400 without a residue.

As you can see, any mystic is completely absent here. But where did superstitions come from the leap years? Now we'll figure it out.

To marry a leap year - bad? What the Church says

It is believed that all the signs of the wedding in the leap year leave their roots far deep into the centuries. Namely - during the time of ancient Russia. It was then a year with one excess day was known for the Slavs as "the year of the bride." Do you know why?

Because then, at the time of fair sex, it was allowed to show the initiative in choosing the future spouse. Yes, not just to exercise, but to wake him! Moreover, in most cases, the refusal of a young man has not been accepted.

It is not difficult to guess that such marriages were rare when they were successful and happy. From here, the superstition arose that it was not worth married to the leap year. So we got to the roots of this signa. Now let's find out what the church thinks about this.

Orthodox clergymen are unanimous, answering the question: "Can I play a wedding in a leap year or not?". They say that if there are real, sincere feelings between two people, then there can be no restrictions in the wedding rite.

No borders for real love

Having understood with the nature of this superstition, let's talk about the benefits of marrying a leap year.

Pluses of marriage in a leap year

  1. The first and most important thing - neither the church, no one (except for People's Molva), do not assume successful or unsuccessful years to enter into marriage. Church canons say that it is impossible to be marred before Friday and Sunday, and even during the entire period of posts. But no word is mentioned about the forbids associated with leap years.
  2. For true feelings there are no boundaries. Doesn't it make sense to dinner yourself and wait a long year if you can go a marriage with your second half now right now? In addition, this superstition is simply a superstition that is not explained even from an esoteric point of view!

If you are so much worried about the fact that the date of the wedding is chosen incorrectly - it will be wiser to consult an elective astrologer, which will tell the true state of affairs. Based on the actual data, and not on the ghostly signs.

  1. Another important thing is that the desire of someone is one of the young not playing a wedding in a leap year, most likely will lead to a serious conflict. Relationships may be plagued, yes because of such nonsense! Do you want it?
  2. If seriously take into account all the folk signs to marry a leap year, then you need to know that after the leafy year it begins "Year of Widow," and followed by "Year of Widset". Is it really that it makes sense to delay the long-awaited wedding for 3 years in order to please folk superstitions? And is there a guarantee that your family bonds will be strengthened from this?
  3. And one more obvious plus, if you decide to play a wedding in a leap year, for example, in 2020, then you will have much more choice freedom. After all, a lot of superstitious couple will still postpone the year ceremony. Statistics say that in leapsions of the years is held 10-20 percent less marriage conclusions. And, it means, to choose the place of painting, the restaurant, the place of wedding, the photographer and the very date of the wedding will be at times easier!

And for those who decided to marry a leap year, but he remains some concern, a good sign is offered. So during the wedding ceremony of the bride and groom in the temple should pronounce the following words:

"Wareered a crown, and not a leap end!".

This seizure is intended for a successful marriage so that it is strong and not collapsed. In general, this is also a superstition, but for soul calm it is quite possible to resort to it.

Wedding in a photo temple

Cons marriage in a league year

Now let's turn to the disaster disadvantages of such a wedding.
  1. The most basic is, of course, the superstition itself. After all, it is likely that everything around, starting from the parents and ending with friends of the couple, will discourage you to make a "fatal" act. A moral suggestion also often plays a big role. Well, or at least the mood spoils pretty.

Do not give too much importance to the words of superstitious relatives. Try, if possible, completely stop such conversations. And keep faith in a happy future, no matter what popular beliefs.

After all, only those people who believe in it can be destructed. And even remember that the priests negatively relate to such superstitions, do not recommend paying their attention to them. This should be especially important for those who plan to be married.

Wedding in the leap year: signs and superstition

Quite often, young people can not overpower their superstitious fear of bad signs. Therefore, the number of marriages imprisoned this year is noticeably reduced. How to act in this case, if your fear is stronger than sound sensitory?

It is known a lot of people will take and believes, sticking to which, you will protect yourself from the danger to destroy your relationship, as well as provide a long and happy marital life. These are these signs:

  • In the dwelling of the bride to the wedding in the leap year, it is forbidden to arrange noisy walking. It is believed that in this case it is possible to sighing her personal happiness.
  • When young will go to the marriage ceremony, they should not look back.
  • It is important to keep the tablecloth from the wedding and carefully store it. And the next 3 years each time to extract it on the anniversary of the wedding and to lay the table. According to beliefs, such actions will ensure the happiness in marriage and help bring young financial benefits to life.
  • The girl should stop his choice at the maximum long wedding dress. Allegedly, this indicator affects the longitude of the marriage.
  • And so that the spouse has always been faithful to her faithful, on the outfit of the bride buttons should be in an even quantity.
  • Never alone (even the closest girlfriend) do not allow you to wear your wedding dress with Fata, and even more so - the engagement ring.
  • The people are bad sign, if the engagement ring is put on top of the glove.
  • If the newly-made husband and his wife dream not just about family happiness, but also wealth - they should both put coins in their shoes.
  • Pay great attention to wedding shoes. So the bride should not be a shod in the sandals, whatever time of the year it stood outside the window. Choose shoes, because sandals are considered a symbol of an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Do not wear on your wedding and jewelry with pearls, as they foreshadow frequent tears.

I hope that this article helped you decide, you can marry a leap year or not.

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