What threatens the unclosed gestalt in a relationship with a man


Esoterics and psychologists converge in the opinion that relations with a person must be completed correctly. Today we will talk about what is unclosed Gestalt, and what he threatens. We also touch the question, how to independently complete Gestalt and correctly part with a man.

This topic is very relevant in the modern world, since the partners are often becoming enemies in a rather short period of time. All this ends sometimes very dramatic, and sometimes let's fly. Our colleague at work ended the niece, because her young man threw her. This is an unacceptable phenomenon in our society, so it is necessary to increase the psychological literacy of the population. This is especially true of youth.

What is the unlocked gestalt

Relief of relationships with a loved one for many girls is a drama. In a frank conversation with my sister, I felt how injured her soul after a divorce with her husband. It looks like a wreck of peace, personal apocalypse. The persuasion of the type "Time treats" and "everything will pass, and this is also a little help. In the soul of an open wound, memories of the past - a real salt on an open wound. In psychology, there is a specific name - unfinished (or unlocked) Gestalt.

What threatens the unclosed gestalt in a relationship with a man 3495_1

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Many people are heard about gestals, but not everyone knows what it is. Gestalt - the word of German origin that translated refers to an image or figure. But what does the attitude of the figure have to break the connection with the beloved? The figure in psychology is called what is important to humans. The rest is a background, minor objects.

For an abandoned woman, a beloved person is a central figure (Gestalt). But since the relationship with him was not completed or completed incorrectly, then Gestalt remains open: for a woman, the figure of his beloved continues to be central, despite parting. This is an unfinished Gestalt.

Important! Misunderstanding of the situation, the feeling of incompleteness and incompleteness in relationships is an open gestalt.

Most often, the gestalt is incomplete from the pair who was left. And it does not matter, the beloved person with his girlfriend explained or not: the situation is so trauma that the woman will constantly think about it. In the meantime she thinks and scrolls the situation in the head, Gestalt remains open, and the wound continues to bleed.

How to complete the gestalt independently

Unlocked, incomplete Gestalt prevents to live fully and enjoy life. The rupture of the relationship should always be closed, especially if parting with a sex partner. Esoterics have already been discovered about this, but few people listened to them. And now psychologists have spoke about it, which calms down a little.

Important! An unfinished gestalt with a former partner prevents the development of full-fledged relationships with a new sexual partner.

Unfortunately, Gestaltles are not so easy to close as it seems. They, as a rule, arise outside the zone of the mind control, so hard-controlled. We have to make an effort. The difficulty of completing relationships arises due to misunderstanding of the situation. Yesterday it seemed that the gap would bring benefit, and today the longing of a loved one begins: this is a trap of consciousness. What to do - it is not clear. But you need to act.

8 steps for the closure of Gesthatta:

  1. rebuild gestalt;
  2. enable logic;
  3. forgive;
  4. go "in the sunset";
  5. Invite actors;
  6. Fantasize;
  7. let go of the situation;
  8. Complete with inevitable.

Rebuild Gestalt - Find a replacement to your beloved. You need to choose a man and direct all thoughts in his direction, start actively to be interested. This man will now be your Gestalt (central figure), and the former will go to the background. This option is often triggered. If there is no desire to get acquainted with a new man, you can just leave with your head in a new occupation / hobbies / work. This also helps if the absorption of the new case is real: fills the emptiness formed in the shower after separation.

Enable logic And analyze the situation is an excellent idea for the full completion of relationships. However, a person with a injured soul and heart cannot defeat self-analysis, so it is better to use the help of a specialist. Sign up for a reception to a gestaltistist or a psychotherapist so that it helps to break like a relationship.

Forgiveness - Powerful psychological reception, which will allow to close Gestalt any complexity. Very often, relations remain unfinished because of a strong resentment and reluctance to forgive. If you manage to forgive the man who made a man, Gestalt closes.

«Go to Sunset " - what it is? This way to complete the relationship is suitable only for those who have a very strong will. It is necessary to fully ignore the former, not interested in his life and do not engage in self-confidence. But in a year you need to call him under any pretext, even the most incredible. And then you can fully realize that these relationships were not so important for you. Gestalt will be completed. And what if the former suggests continuing relations? This option is not excluded, but Gestalt will still be closed.

Integrated Gestalt.

Another way to close Gestalt consists of 4 steps:

  1. Agree with some man so that he played the role of your former. Arrange the scene of the proceedings and express everything that boiled on the shower. Try to do everything to put a bold point and bring the line under relationships.
  2. After improvised theatrical formulation, include fantasy and present your further life with the former in the most terrible paints: a lack of money, endless quarrels, treason and household routine. Try to present it as brighter and more convincing, completely abandoning any prospects for the resumption of relations.
  3. Next you will need to retell your fantasies to someone, but to present them as real events. For this purpose, the social networks and forums are ideal. If you share with someone with your fantasies of a terrible family life with someone's fantasies, the question of the former will lose their relevance.
  4. After that, it is necessary to realize that your "tragedy" on the world scale is simply nothing, and accept it.

If this is not done, build happy new relationships will be impossible.

incomplete gestalt in relationships

How to build new relationships

To create new relations, the gestalt of older must be logically completed. If you do not close the channel of the previous relationship, the echoes of the past will constantly disturb the heart and poison the poison of memories. Will pursue the desire to express what boiled. Will bite offense that they did not receive what they were calculated.

The danger of open gestalta - in repetition of the mistakes of the past. These errors will repeat again and again, move from old relationships in new - without end and edge. A woman pulls the cargo of old offense into a new life and is surprised why it happens again with her again.

The consequences of the unclosed gestalt:

  • apathy, depression;
  • distrust to all men;
  • Fear of new relationships;
  • pessimism and despondency;
  • Chronic failures in everything.

Complete Gestalt is the required minimum to be done for a happy life. Incorrect relationships crippled the psyche, turn a woman into a dull plaks and antisexual person. Do not risk your happiness, take the situation in your hands and manage it.

If with all the efforts it is impossible to close Gestalt, please contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

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