What is Gestalt in psychology in simple language


Psychology as a science about the soul is rooted in ancient Greece. However, it is impossible to establish with reliability, who is the father of this amazing and useful scientific discipline, which studies the invisible and intangible substance - the soul of man. Particularly interested in people Gestalt Psychology - a very wisdom word.

The daughter of my rosulor sister could not survive the breaking of relationships with a young man, lost appetite and literally melted in his eyes. We have become worried not only for its mental state, but also for physical. Has her psychotherapist helped her, which literally "for the ears" pulled her from the emotional swamp, in which she sank himself. So what is gestaltpsychology, and is it possible to explain to it with simple words? Read the article.


What is gestalt in simple language

How is the word "Gestalt" translated from German, and why did they begin to call a whole direction in psychology? Most people are in bewilderment and ignorance regarding Geshetalt Psychology: it is called too wisdom, incomprehensible. But everything is not so difficult, as it seems. Gestalt with German translates as:
  • structure;
  • image;
  • the form
  • Put in shape.

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But this little about what the uninitiated psychology is in the basics of psychology. In practice, Gestalt is simple words to eliminate psychological problems and destructive from the past through the memory . This is what secretly sits in the subconscious, but manages the behavior and perception of the present life. It can also be called psychological blocks that interfere with man adequately look at some life situations.

On a note! The destructive gestalt can be an unfinished matter from the past or current problems.

A psychologist who specializes in gestalt therapy can look deep into a person's subconscious and find a hidden psychological clamp (block) that prevents living and feel happy. This is a very serious and responsible direction in psychology, which is more often called the word therapy (treatment). This is the treatment of the soul without pills and mixtures, physiotherapy and other medical procedures. No pills from psychological blocks: they just need to find, realize and destroy. This is the gestalt-therapist on sessions.

Why is Geshetalt call a medical word therapy? Because this is the most real treatment, and it is always painful. A person needs to remember the traumatic event in all details and again survive that horror. Only after that the psychological block (clamp) disappears, the other path is not given. Imagine how it hurts. But the pain, of course, is not physical. When a person is able to rebel everything, and then rethink and get rid of memories, is called "Close Gestalt".

How Gestalt is formed

What is Geshetalt in simple language, we disassembled. But how is it formed, and why hides in the depths of the subconscious? Gestalt is formed quite legally, and not unconsciously. For example, you have quickly quarreled with a neighbor or work colleagues and can not throw this event out of the head. Thoughts are constantly scrolled in the head, you create dialogues (what a neighbor would say that I would answer her - and so in a circle). This is already the formation of gestalta (image, form, structures), which begins to take peace and darken life.

Some people are professionals for the formation of an elephant of flies so much they can exaggerate the importance of any event and advise missing parts.

But why negative images are getting stuck in memory and do not quietly live, why don't the positive images torment anyone and do not make happy once at once? The answer is very simple, according to one of the creators of Gestalt therapy Frederick Perlz. A positive situation is for a man's psyche completed: positive emotions have been obtained, summarized. The negative situation is unfinished, since the benefit from it is not received.

Gestalt is simple words

For this very reason (desire for completeness), a negative image over and over time pops up in memory only with one goal: to come to its logical conclusion. This looks like this: to make a conflict with a neighbor or somehow punish her for Ham's behavior. If neither one nor the other is happening, the situation is perceived by the subconscious as unfinished. This can last for years and even decades, perceived painfully and painfully. Therefore, at the reception at the psychotherapist, a person must once again survive the traumatic situation, but already with a logical conclusion. Only after that it will disappear from the memory and leave the soul alone.

The incompleteness of Geshtalta is the psychotractor that does not give a person to be internally free and happy.

But why can not be independently completing Gestalt and get rid of it? Some it is possible, for example, when the offender is forgiven. But most people are not able to handle the problem independently and only aggravate it. Therefore, it is very important to make an appointment to a psychotherapist in time to get exemption from the mental clamp (block).

In the future, a person will learn to easily get rid of gestalts, as from a painful indoor in the body. This is a very important skill that the client teaches a qualified gestalt therapist.

Gestalt is in psychology

The reason for the appearance of Gestaltov

Why is the aborigines of any tribe or undeveloped technically, gecentals are not formed? Why are they characteristic of educated people from developed countries? Because the aborigines of some African tribe can live "here and now" and do not pull problems from the past.

Important! The main reason for the appearance of Gestaltov is the inability to live in the present time, constant thoughts about the past. The task of the Gestalt Therapist is to wean a person to live past.

Modern European is so looked at the failure, which can not say goodbye to them and pull them at the moment of time (and in the future too). While a person does not learn to live in a real moment, he will be induced and immobilized by Geshtaltami as a refrigerator. He walks into the future and pulls the huge backpack of past failures behind the shoulders, does not want to part with them. Moreover, it makes the foundation for the future: that is, consciously poisoning his own life with the poison of the past.

Gestalt is an incomplete image in psychology. To get rid of it, you need to close it. First to work, and then close. Frederick Perlz is not just on an empty spot formed his method: he studied the principles of buddhism philosophy for a long time. The basis of Buddhist teaching is a concentration on emptiness. A person in meditation to the emptiness seems to clean "his cache" from all extra. Meditation is not emptiness helps Buddhists live "here and now" and free from unnecessary information trash from past memories.

The empty chair method is one of the main gestalt-therapy techniques. Before the client put an empty chair, and he must present himself on this chair. Next, the psychotherapist offers the client to talk with himself, "sitting on an empty chair." During this action, the psychotherapist carefully monitors the change of emotions and the behavior of the client.

To be happy you need to learn to live "here and now", and not memories of the past and not dreams of the future.

what is gestalt in simple language

To accustom yourself to live by this moment, you need to make a simple exercise every morning during breakfast. It is important to feel all movements: touching a spoon, chewing and swallowing food, touch of lips to a cup, etc.

If you teach yourself to such awareness, then in a short time, Gestalta will stop. Live in the present is a great art that is never late to study.

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