What is trucade: briefly about buddhist teaching


Buddhism is one of the three major world religions, which is confessed worldwide. Buddhism originated in India, but received widespread in Asian countries. My sister a year ago I became interested in the teachings of the Buddha and told me that the truck is one of the sacred Buddhist books. What is this teaching, what is written in the Holy Book: I will tell about it in a brief in the article.


Sacred books Buddhism

The teachings of the Buddha did not lose the relevance and in our modern age, because it is responsible for the most important question - about suffering. This teaching explains the cause of all suffering on earth and the way of liberation from them. Also in Buddhism, the issue of exit from the Circle of Sansary (reincarnations) is raised, and which method can be achieved in one life.

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The attractiveness of Buddhism is that he does not establish restrictions and does not put the question of morality above all. In this teaching, you will not meet the blind faith, fanatical followers and dogmatics: each person has its own karmic path, and it is he determines the direction of spiritual development. Buddha himself urged to check his doctrine in practice, and not blindly believing every word.

On a note! Buddha managed to achieve enlightenment, which gave the right to leave this world ahead of schedule. However, he stayed on earth to become a spiritual teacher and the mentor of his students.

Each spiritual tradition (Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc.) has its own sacred books. In Buddhism, this book is called truck. As a torus consists of five books and the truck consists of three main books: they are called Buddhism "Baskets" (Power Power). In these three "baskets" (PASS) contain other books-sections that reveal the essence of the three main.

On a note! The truck is the canon of the Buddhist faith, a set of rules and instructions for monks and laity.

Three main sacred books (PASSIONS) Buddhism:

  1. Vinaiya;
  2. Since morning;
  3. Abhidharma.

Why are books called baskets? Because before the texts were recorded on palm leaves and stored in braided baskets. The basket on Sanskrit sounds like "Power Power".

Harfish: Content

So, in the truck all the famous sermons of the Great Buddha, who remembered his students. The books were artistically decorated in the first century to our era, but the very teaching existed even before his record in the book.

In the first book called Vinal Power The rules for the community of monks are recorded. It consists of five sections:

  1. Arrival of the Buddhist community;
  2. Rules for admission to the community;
  3. rules for the behavior of monks in the community;
  4. Moral Code of Monks;
  5. Rules for the behavior of monks with the laity.

As a result, the book regulates life in the monastery in the smallest details. These texts help monks harmoniously organize their lives in the community and faster reaching the state of enlightenment. Translated to the Russian word "Vinalia" indicates the "Charter".

trucade is

Second book Pierced Sutra represents the essence of the teachings of the Buddha, which is recorded in the form:

  1. dialogs;
  2. Proverbs;
  3. aphorisms;
  4. poetic narration;

Sutra on Sanskrita denotes the main text of Buddhism. In these sutra (their number is 10,000), the preaching of the Buddha, history from his earthly life and the life of the first monastic communities is recorded. Also in this book all memories of the past Buddha incarnations are recorded. As soon as the Buddha managed to achieve enlightenment, he opened the secrets of his past embodiments. Based on the stories from the past lives of the Buddha illustrated the inefficiency of the karmic law.

It is believed that the authorship of the texts belongs to both the Buddha and his close disciples and followers. Also, the content of the book reveals both the life of the teacher himself and its students: some sutras are dedicated to them.

Third Sacred Book Abhidharma Consists of seven sections, which explain the philosophy of the teachings of the Buddha. These are fundamentally different texts, not similar to the Scriptures of the two previous books: they are written in the form of comments. Comments help better understand the principles of teachings, as they are recorded accessible to understanding by the language (without allegory and parable).

Sacred book Buddhism

Where to start learning

Newbies in Buddhism do not know where to start learning the sacred texts. To better understand the principles of Buddhism, you need to start exploring the Holy Scriptures from the following sections:
  • Dharma wheel launch sutra;
  • heart sutra;
  • Diamond sutra;
  • About the lotus flower wonderful dharma;
  • About karma;
  • Vimalakirti-sutra;
  • Sutra of the basic vows of the bodhisattva of Ksitigarbha.

The launch of the Dharma wheel launch is fundamental, it is from her to begin the study of Buddhism. After thoughtful reading, it is recommended to reflect on written. In this sutra recorded the first preaching of the Buddha, giving the beginning of his teaching.

Heart sutra introduces neophyte with the basic concept of Buddhism about emptiness. Shunyata (hollowness) is the main purpose of Buddhist meditations. To describe words, this concept is impossible, it is comprehended in practice.

Diamond sutra gives an idea of ​​the universe, it contains the basic concepts of the Bodhisattva path. More widely the essence of this sutra is revealed in another section - sutra about the lotus flower wonderful dharma.

The principle of the karmic law of the Universe is revealed in Sutra about Karma.

Vimalakirti-Sutra reveals the instructions and teachings of the Bodhisattva of Vimalakirti, and the sutra of the main vows of the bodhisattva of Ksitigarbha reveals the essence of the way of Bodhisattva.

The study of the sacred Buddhist texts reveals the wisdom of the Buddha, which has achieved enlightenment during life. Those who become enlightened will also be called Buddhas: these are the features of this amazing teaching.

On a note! For complete assimilation of information, each text is recommended to read 33 times in a row.

Even simple reading of texts clears consciousness from vigorous thoughts and organizes a thought thread. Buddhist sacred books purify and sanctify the inner world of a person, freeing it from a squall of external destructive information. Even without achieving enlightenment, a person becomes another: calm, balanced, reasonable and stress-resistant.

Three editions of trucks

Nowadays, there are 3 publications of the Holy Book:

  • Pali Canon (in Pali language);
  • Chinese truck;
  • Tibetan truck.

Pali Canon is used in Thailand, Laos, Burma, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Chinese version in the course of residents of Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China. In Russia, Mongolia and Tibet use the Tibetan version of trucks.

In the Chinese version, in contrast to Tibetan, less tantricism. In the Tibetan version there are more texts of Tibetan authors. Pali Canon summed up the development of Doccanic Buddhism.

The question of the correctness of the creed was finally resolved in Burma (Myanmar) at the end of the XIX century. A single truca was created, which is recognized by all three branches of Buddhist verbation. The text of the sacred trucks is carved on marble "sheets" (729 pieces) and placed in the temple complex called Kuto-to Payya. Each marble sheet is located in an individual mini-temple. This cult facility is sacred for Buddhists of all directions.

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