Value of colors: Lilac who chooses it how to improve health


Lilac color is one of my favorite. Therefore, just a sin not to know what he means. I suggest you in this material to discover the value of the flowers lilac, if you love it in clothes, the interior.

Influence of different colors per person

People seek to express their feelings and emotions into the surrounding reality with the help of various ways. For example, the singer sings, the artist - draws, and the writer - creates another literary masterpiece. Methods can be different - bright appearance, hairstyle and so on.

Lilac hair color girl photo

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Psychologists have already learned long ago to identify the character of a person on his manner to dress and favorite colors. Let's talk about those who love lilac color gamut.

Symbolism of a lilac shade

Lilac - is one of the varieties of purple color. It is a combination of red and blue shades. The purple gamut find enough "young", because it was created not so long ago.

In psychology, lilac color value is considered positive. So they are associated with clean and good thoughts and actions. What else will tell the color of the young lilac?

What does lilac color mean?

Psychologists associate a lilac shade with the following things:

  • Hope for the best future;
  • nostalgia;
  • creativity;
  • mysteriousness, mystery, space, esoteric;
  • immaturity;
  • vanity;
  • new endeavors, growth;
  • severe attachment to material things, people. In this connection, those who have purple - favorite color, extremely hard tolerance, because they are like a little death for them;
  • unconscious, for this reason, this color is often used in meditative practices;
  • This shade is similar to the blooming spring, coming after a tightening winter pore.

Lilac color impressive with its beauty

How does love for lilac color in clothing characterizes?

Psychology offers many information regarding the nature of personalities who prefer purple shade in the wardrobe, namely:
  • As a rule, such people are independent and very freedom-loving people. It concerns this absolutely all spheres of their life - work, personal relationship, and so on;
  • Their opinion for them is always the only right. They will not allow anyone to remove him with accounts. If necessary, they will defend their position, whatever efforts they do not cost;
  • Characterized by the highest purposefulness. If the "purple" outlined itself some kind of purpose - no one and nothing can knock down from the right course. Neither will not regret either the time nor energy or finance for the implementation of conceived;
  • It is often affected by sharp changes in mood. And the most interesting thing is that there are no objective reasons. When they are in the bad arrangement of the Spirit - to find a common language with them becomes very difficult;
  • Have pronounced creative inclinations: beautifully draw, feel cool, they write verses or prose;
  • Also, lovers of all shades of purple are epitats, which are given to feel the emotional state of their interlocutors;
  • Tell to mysticism, esoteric, everything unknown, because violet - acts as a magical and mysterious tint;
  • They differ responsiveness and selflessness. These are very sensitive personalities who are readily assist those who need it in absolutely not looking for benefits for themselves.

Interesting moment. In psychology it is believed that adolescents show love for violet color if they are quite infantile and are not ready to take responsibility for themselves, their lives. But adults of lilac fans are characterized as sensual nature, often felt in the clouds and very vary.

The value of lilac color in the interior

This shade is quite attractive for many people, however, often refuses from him, as they are experiencing so that he does not get tired over time, he began to annoy it and so on.

And really lilac - performs quite difficult color, aggressive in the design of the apartment, not all people can use it.

What will love for a lilac shade in the interior tell?

  • Usually Siren It is selected for the design of the housing with creative personalities. They find it beautiful, sensual, bright and seek to create an atmosphere of home heat and coziness with its help;
  • In addition, the phials palette Popular people who have non-standard thinking, Very peculiar.

Bedroom in purple colors

It should be added that each room in the house has its own destination. Therefore, when you choose her color palette - be sure to consider all the nuances. With a purple tint, they will be such:

  1. For kitchen and dining room. Here we are not delayed for a very long time, and therefore, you can show a fantasy to the full coil and, if you wish to takeout the kitchen, even in very screaming tones of purple.
  2. Bedroom. But the main purpose of the bedroom is to be a rest room, therefore it is worth being substunished. Refuse the catchy, too causing purple and lilac tones to subsequently fail with aggression, strengthening of their fears. Choose a tender lilac color gamut.
  3. Living room. This room usually spends quite a lot of time - guests are celebrated here, arrange noisy friendly sites. Designers do not advise the living room in one shade, it is desirable to dilute the lilac color by others - for example, beige, white, plum, lavender and dairy.
  4. Children's As a rule, in the lilac palette, the shades stylize the room for the daughter, although boys are also not worth neglecting this color. The difference is that the baby should stop their choice on gentle colors, for example, light-lilac, lilac, beige or pink. And the boys are suitable for more dark versions - a plum and coffee or saturated violet.
  5. Cabinet. In the process of making a personal office, it is advisable to stay on the purple dark palette: a shade of ripe plum, black grapes, eggplant and so on. It is perfectly combined to a natural tree.
  6. Toilet, bath . In principle, you can make a bathroom with a toilet of any of the shades of violet. But do not forget about sound practicism - the dark color scheme visually puzzles small flaws of the room, and even watch it much easier than very bright.

Effect of violet shade on health

It is interesting to know about how the lilac affects the psyche and general well-being:

  • Performs analogue soothing! Makes a person more stable emotionally, reduces aggression and hot temper;
  • Able to relieve panic attacks, increased anxiety and anxiety. But only in moderate in quantities - in large "doses" will be directly opposite!
  • normalizes cardiac activity;
  • acts anesthetizing - at the expense of the nervous system;
  • reduces pressure and reduces appetite;
  • during meditation - contributes to a faster healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, activates self-witness;
  • improves brain activity increases the concentration of attention;
  • It is believed that the effect of bright tones of lilac is much more useful for the psyche than dark.

It can be concluded that the lilac is an attractive color, mystical, filled with powerful energy, developing fantasy and impressionable. It prefers people extraordinary, deeply creative and freedom-loving.

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