Selena in 2 houses in a woman and men


Astrologically selenium (either a white moon) - personifies itself to all that good karma, which the man's soul has developed throughout his multiple embodiments on Earth. And now the Higher Forces send him a well-deserved award, and also protected from the influence of evil.

Selena in 2 houses and its characteristic features - that's what we will talk in today's material.

Selena - also known as a white moon

Selena and her role in the horoscope

White Moon stands in the perilem of the lunar orbit. When the satellite of our planet falls into the point of his perige, it develops the maximum speed and gets close to the closest distance. Then the maximum depth and intensity of communication between the moon and the earth are observed.

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At the same time, a very intensive connection between the physical plan is achieved with astral, which is manifested in the external world in the form of lost control over its emotional sphere.

What characteristics does a white moon have?

  • Provides support for light forces;
  • able to bring real benefits to people;
  • personifies the area of ​​life in which the native is lucky most;
  • tell about the brightest moments of life;
  • features creative nature;
  • protects against danger, gives a reward;
  • sheds the light on those good actions that were performed in previous embodiments;
  • Cuts from incorrect actions;
  • Every 7 years (exactly - 6.95 years) - the white moon returns to the place where it was at the time of appearance.

At the same time, Selena manifests itself in different ways in people of varying degrees of spiritual development every 7 years:

  1. Sinners and those who have a low level of development, At this time faced with great difficulties. Light forces do not give evil to manifest themselves in their lives, from which they feel powerless and unhappy. They face a complete failure, failure, all their dark plans are ruined. And inside the conscience begins to awaken, which interferes with further limits.
  2. For mid-level - Assistance comes from others. At such moments, interest is increasing at such moments, he begins to take suddenly, its financial welfare, career increases. There is a lung solution of old problems, the implementation of the most intimate desires.
  3. The same, who are at a high level of development of the soul - They get an excellent opportunity to start a powerful spiritual growth, faced with insight, enlightenment, acquire a true faith, they open their real purpose. A teacher may appear in life. In such people, a bright start finally wins dark. The light creative potential is revealed, they begin to actively carry the good to the world.

Therefore, if you suffer from total bad luck during the periods of returning Selena - it is worth thinking, and whether you righteously live?

Selena manifests itself as a keeper angel

White Moon in 2 Horoscope Field: Features

Now let's turn to Selena in 2 house of natal card. She makes his owner noble, prudent and merciful. And still removes depending on the material benefits, the power of money. Native may well be content with small sums, does not seek a luxurious, rich life.

If he has funds - he will gladly donate them in good goals, those who need it. Finance as easy to come, also easily and go. The personal well-being of the owner of Selena in 2 houses is the result of the realization of its abilities, talents and his personal efforts.

You can choose a profession associated with applied art, artistic, craft and any kind of art. Also finding a white moon in 2 field provides successful financial manipulations, promotes trade.

At the same time, the lack of obsession with finances, especially in the presence of favorable aspects in the horoscope. In some cases, the native may unexpectedly make a profit. But still the money will come even to the necessary needs (no more than or less). It is necessary that a person can develop spiritually, not concentrating on the material.

In the case, if the individual starts to show the paddiness to the money, then the white moon will simply take the surplus, but not all means.

White Moon is responsible for Divine Help

In a woman and a man

Representatives of both sexes with a white moon in 2 field are very friendly people, in whose priority, which always stands spiritual before material.

It is also worth noting 2 levels of manifestation of Selena in 2 houses:

  • High - manifests itself to charity, respectful attitude towards his body, as the temple, in which the immortal soul is located;
  • Low - a person over forcibly deprived of the opportunity to make accumulations, earning a lot of money if it will steal - immediately will come.

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