Jupiter in the Virgo in Natal Map in a man and a woman


Jupiter feels in the sign of the Virgin Uncomfortable, they are hostile to each other. Hence the beginning of stubbornness and stubbornness. However, in a favorable astrological environment, Jupiter is able to reward his wards in a deep mind, a tendency to patronage and scientific research. My uncle is just Jupiter in the Virgin in the natal map. He teaches at the Institute of Arts at the Vocal Faculty. What else differs all features of Jupateria?

Jupiter in Vid.

Jupiter in Virgo: general characteristics

For the sign of the Virgin, special pragmatism and sanity are characteristic, as well as the tendency to expose everything in the world to the detailed analysis. That scope, which is peculiar to Jupiter, for the Virgin is simply unthinkable. Virgo is cold and keeps the world of senses and emotions under the watchful control. Jupiterian maids are distinguished by borestip and pedanticity, multiplied by egocentrism. However, they are not alien to the feeling of compassion, because it corresponds to the Moral Code - its virgin is carefully observed.

These are meticulous people who can hardly perform painstaking work and not lose patience. Long efforts always lead to success, which is deserved by its own difficulty. Among the representatives of this astrological complex are many talented teachers, financiers and entrepreneurs. The ability to concentrate on trifles helps the devans to control financial flows, which makes conscientious bank employees from them.

On a note! Virgo performs work for the sake of work itself, very meticulously and conscientiously. These people attach the meaning of every little things, can bring everything to perfection.

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The Virgin is the same diligence as in the role of the head and as a subordinate. Jupiter gave them to the talent of the organizer and the artist - two in one. These bona fide workers will not be afraid of any difficulties: the harder the task, the greater the excitement it causes.

Positive traits:

  • High moral qualities;
  • organizational talent;
  • Critical to yourself and others;
  • diligence, hard work;
  • Love for study.

On a note! These people also have a cleanliness in the house, and the clothes are carefully deposited. Dust on the shelf is perceived as a global tragedy.

Negative sides:

  • moralizing;
  • criticism;
  • moral instability;
  • religious fanaticism;
  • recklessness.

With a damaged astrological combination of the Virgin prone to extramarital relations, violation of moral norms and prohibitions, a change of religion. They may also prefer marriage with a partner much older than themselves: as a violation of traditions and norms.

Jupiter in Virgo in a man

Jupiter in Virgo in a man

Here we see the bizarre combination of gravity and tendency to charity. The Virgin Sometimes demonstrates non-excited greed, but at the same time he will hear generous patters. Also, Jupiterian maiden may be engaged in the work purely from the desire of the neighbor.

Among the representatives of Jupiterian virgins are many good chess players, hardworking notaries, mathematicians, physicians and teachers. They also serve as officials and office workers (white collars).

On a note! Jupiter in the Virgin will never go to deals with conscience.

Potability to authoritations does not allow the devans to dissolve in any religious teaching, leaving them in the stream of scientific atheism. But with damaged aspects, you can see a different picture: unprecedented fanaticism. Also, a negative astrological aspect creates out of sober-minded devs, critics and self-masses that are playing on subordinates.

Jupiter in Virgo in a woman

Jupiter in Virgo in a woman

This is a selfish and pedantic woman with a cold heart. They are lucky in commerce, thanks to the ability to undergo a thorough analysis. These are conscientious accountants and cashiers, as well as lucky entrepreneurs. They are well given intellectual work, but physically the virgin is not capable of working.

These women are very ambitious, they are ready to give everything to career and success. With a negative astrological aspect, they become stingy and picky, pricked and contemptuous. If Virgo with a negative astrological aspect receives a leading position, it freezes the whole team of petty pickles and making importance to insignificant details.

In an unfavorable aspect, the Jupitorian girl tears the inner disagreements that she tries to pour into others. This is an unbearable bore, capable of removing even a calm person from equilibrium. They are constantly unhappy, although it is no longer necessary for what.

With a favorable astrological combination of representatives of the virgin sign, useful criticism and sound judgments are formed. They know how to empathize and be humane, and instead of the pick-up Virgin make useful clarifications. These pretty women care about the comfort of their loved ones, trying to be useful and courteous.

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