Jupiter in a cancer in a woman's natal map and a man


The constellation of cancer for Jupiter is one of the best, in it the planet is in its exaltation and gets the greatest strength and influence. Jupiter in cancer gives a person a sense of compassion, mercy and spiritual heat. For him, traditional family values, homemade comfort and religiosity are attractive. I have such a granny: she evenly believed in the Soviet years secretly believed in God and read prayers with a whisper in the morning and before bedtime. What else gives Jupiter of his wards from the constellation of cancer?

Jupiter in cancer

General characteristics: Jupiter in cancer

These people are distinguished by an exacerby feeling of intuition, deep religiosity and a tendency to mysticism. They are more suitable intellectual work than physical. The best conditions for work is remote work at home. They tend to deep reflection on the meaning of life, internal meditation and mystical experiences. Accordingly, in a large society, there can be no speech about it. Therefore, privacy is vital for cancer.

On a note! For Jupitorian cancers, traditional values, morality and family structure are fundamental.

Cracks with Jupiter in a natal map love to travel in different countries, but at the same time they are strongly tied to their native land. These are patriots of their homeland who honor the traditions and ways, and will never leave their relatives for their own benefit. Yes, and happiness in a foreign land, they are unlikely to smile: in another country, luck will leave them.

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Strengths of character:

  • honesty and sincerity;
  • nobility of thoughts and intentions;
  • reverence of traditional values;
  • respect for senior relatives;
  • dedication to a family structure;
  • The ability to earn.

When communicating with Jupitorian cancer, you need to remember that related roots for them are sacred. It is impossible to criticize their relatives, especially the mother. If respectively refers to the ancestors of cancer, then he will consider such a friend with a member of his family.

Weaknesses of character:

  • self-deception;
  • illusions;
  • tendency to exaggeration;
  • loss of control over the feelings;
  • Region, drunkenness, drug addiction;
  • Easily givend to bad influence;
  • Excessive susceptibility.

With an affected astrological aspect, a person becomes a capricious and uncontrollable. It acutely reacts to the surrounding environment, becomes suspicious and nervous. Sometimes cancers closed in themselves, become passive and indecisive. But more often begins to do the nose, fall into the way of magnitude and acquire the character of arrogant snob.

Jupiter in cancer in a man

Jupiter in cancer in a man

This is a wonderful family man who lives for his loved ones. Generous, responsive, loving and attentive. He loves children, and they answer the father of reciprocity. Softness of character attracts children's hearts so much that they do not have the souls in their parent.

Jupiter in cancer creates the most favorable conditions for the realization of any desires than and enjoyed by his wards. They can be called lucky, so really implemented all their ideas.

Of negative qualities, you can note excessive emotionality and bias, the tendency to idealize anything or anyone. Cancer as if wearing large pink glasses that prevent him from looking at the world without illusions. These are fighters for justice, but special - what they themselves see it.

Jupitorian crayfish can successfully realize themselves in art, as they have a subtle mental organization and impressionable soul. They are great lovers of beautiful, love to participate in charitable promotions and provide assistance in need. A subtle mental organization allows cancer to be good teachers and work with a children's team. Also among them there are many doctors and younger medical staff. Favorite hobbies - mysticism and occultism, in which they achieve excellent results.

Jupiter in a woman's cancer

Jupiter in a woman's cancer

Jupitorian Cancer is strongly affected by the environment and depends entirely. Family for her plays the most important role in life. First, these are parents, then their own husband and children. Clean thoughts and unspoiled soul are beyond the enemies of a female cancer, attracting various sorts of fraudsters and sweat.

Excessive gullibility to people is a characteristic feature of Jupiterian cancer. This is used by unclean male, constantly betraying the gullible woman. She seeks to create his own family, to equip the house - but it is often ruthlessly betrayed. Woman cancer is a mascot attracting wealth and well-being. A man who will become her husband will be one of the happiest husbands in the world.

Good nature cancer are often accepted for nonsense and naivety. However, the female cancer just wants to be with all in warm and friendly relations. Giving people spiritual warmth, she is waiting for the same relationship to himself.

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