Venus in 12 houses in a woman and men in the horoscope


Venus in astrologers is associated with beauty, love, harmony, joy of life, art, creativity, finance and partnership. As Venus manifests itself in the 12th house of the horoscope - we will talk about it in this material.

Venus in astrology - Planet of love and harmony

What is 12 house responsible for?

The twelfth field in the Natal Map - is responsible for secret ill-wishers and restrictions. On him, an astrologer receives information about whether there is a threat to a valuation to be in voluntary or forced isolation, restriction, deprivation of freedom and independence. It also tells about the danger that the enemies are represented.

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The secrets of the individual, the things he sought to hide from foreign eyes are hidden. All the fact that fears dictate him - or rather the fear of aggression or loss of social status.

Venus in the twelfth field: features

Since the 12 house of the horoscope is considered evil, then Venus getting into it is not a very favorable aspect. Such a person enjoys solitude. He does not give happiness ordinary earthly joy of life: communication with other people, meetings, dating, dating, holidays.

As a rule, his addiction and hobbies also remain unrequited. It can have a rather strange hobby, which causes bewilderment around everyone around.

On the other hand, Venus is a kind planet, a symbol of creativity and harmony. Therefore, when native is alone with himself, it can be placed by attacks of creative inspiration or sublime feelings.

From nature, he has a very developed imagination. The results of his activity are often brilliant musical compositions, wonderful poems, paintings and so on.

The owner of Venus in the 12th field of the horoscope is distinguished by diversity, romanticity, sensitivity. Often, he happens secret love, but he is difficult in to reveal his feelings.

She is inclined to idealize the object of its sympathy, in connection with which, with a closest acquaintance can be very disappointed. But the experience of wonderful feelings inspires on creative achievements. Can exalt positive qualities of the character of their chosen one, his talents.

Also a person with Venus in 12 field of natal card very much like harmony, silence and nature. Often such personalities prefer a secluded life in the village, where they feel complete peace, occupying agricultural activities.

Such a person can choose life outside the city

In addition, Nativa and religious, and philosophical, and esoteric questions. It stretches to everything unknown, mysterious and what is not available to the wide masses of people.

The owners of the Venus under consideration may be very intelligent, highly spiritual. Often these are humanists, pacifists, patterns and deeply believers.

In the process of studying religious work, they seek feelings of internal harmony and balance. And committing a pilgrimage or practicing charity, get the opportunity to look at the world a little differently and feel necessary in it.

Venus in different signs of the zodiac

Despite the initially unfavorable nature of the twelfth field of the horoscope in cases of severe Venus, it will help a person to overcome even difficult life situations. Characterized times of emigration, isolation, when there is a long time to be in a hospital or other closed organizations.
  • If Planet hit the constellations of fish, weights and calf - The conditions forced to stay at the place of restriction of freedom or hospital are more comfortable.

In such cases, the native falls the opportunity to once again think about its own life values, filled with new forces and energy alone, change its physical and spiritual state. Then, in the future, you can hope for a fairly favorable perspective.

In a man

If the planet occupied 12 house in the men's natal map - this is a pointer not very successful marriage. In personal relationships there is always something incomprehensible, secret, hidden.

Interference on the way to personal happiness - the presence of illusions and unwillingness to accept your chosen one as he is actually is. Often there is a fictitious marriage union.

With serious lesions, Venus or her weakness - the spouse may have a weak health and unstable psyche.

Often, the acquaintance with the future wife happens somewhere on vacation, outside the city, on treatment, while traveling or long-distance travel. An ideal woman for such a man is a merciful, kind, responsive and loving art.

acquaintance can happen in travel

In woman

The owner of Venus in the 12th Horoscope field often experiences difficulties in order to manifest initiative or demonstrate their abilities to other people.

In her life it is characteristic that the surrounding decisions take fateful decisions, and she simply obeys someone else's will. Despite this, she can do a good creative career, or to realize himself as a medic or practicing charity.

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