Venus in the 11th house in a woman and men in the horoscope


Venus is in astrology, heavenly shovel with good nature, which correlates with such concepts as love, beauty, material benefits, creative classes (especially needlework), relationship preferences (persons of the opposite or their own sex), sympathies, partnership, social relationships .

As Venus manifests itself in the 11th house - you will learn about it from this material.

Venus - Planet of Beauty, Love and Harmony

What answers 11 houses?

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11 House - called home assistants, goodwires and patrons. According to his aspects, it becomes clear whether a person meets such people in his life path.

In addition, 11 field of the horoscope is associated with friends, buddies, like-minded people and management with them. It will tell, whether the real friends will be in the life - sincere, devotees, reliable, or he will meet cunning, selfish and mercantile personalities.

And another 11, the house will tell whether the native himself behaves decently and gratefully with his loved one. Or, perhaps, will begin to get rid of any friendships, completely killing any sympathy for himself and the desire to assist him because of his total ungratefulness.

Venus in 11 house: features

Now go to Venus in the eleventh house. In this position, she promises a large number of friends, buddies or like-minded people. NAVA will be popular in society. It is shown to engage in any group and public activities.

And if you consider that Venus is also a planet of money, then when it is strength and harmony, we can talk about obtaining financial support from friends or superior persons. Anyone, even strange, the idea of ​​such a person will certainly find a response and desire to sponsor it.

In his own way, the owner of Venus in the 11th house is a person friendly, cheerful, sociable and peace-loving. He cannot tolerate routine gray everyday life, preferring an interesting point in the circle of his loved ones and friends. He is interested in culture, art, politics and finds many like-minded people in these subjects.

In the life of such a person, friends are very important

He gives present pleasure to invent and organize collective entertainment, parties, campaigns for cinema, exhibitions, concerts and museums. In his scale of life values ​​at the highest place is friendship and spiritual unity, as well as creativity.

Often such personalities organize different social transformations and are actively involved in social movements. For example, they can be volunteers, visit children's homes, to have care of nature, engage in organizing shelters for abandoned animals and so on.

Venus in 11 field in different constellations

From the strength of the planet depends on the strongest communication of the NATIV.
  • When you find Venus in constellations Taurus, scales, fish - It is possible to characterize the environment of a person as balanced, kind, intelligent, creative and cheerful. With such friends just unreal to miss! They will inspire, charge positive energy and hope that everything in life will definitely be fine.

But native for its part shows loyalty and devotion in friendly relations. He is readily listening, gives reasonable advice and provides his full assistance when required.

  • In the case of the weakness of Venus in the 11th house - in the constellation of the Virgin, for example, - The character shows petty, pickiness and increased criticality to a friendly surrounding. Maintaining lungs and harmonious relationships with friends is given with great difficulty, as they sometimes behave coldly, silently, scoop or indifferent.

In a man

In the men's horoscope Venus points to marriage and love relationship. If she falls into the freedom-loving 11 house, then such a similar aspect cannot be called a very successful aspect for personal life. The exception will be the situation when only the favorable values ​​of Venus occur.

Often familiarity with the future wife takes place in a friendly company, for example, on some holiday.

Perhaps acquaintance in a friendly atmosphere

When the planet has intensive aspects in 11 field - this is one of the instructions of the termination of relations, divorce. Once such a man can stop appreciating his woman and hold on to she, letting her leave. Or maybe even to become the initiator of the gap, as it feels a serious damage to his personal freedom.

In woman

The owner of Venus in 11 field of natal card is a woman smart, friendly, independent. It is not difficult for her to find a common language with other people, so she always has girlfriends and friends. To sit at home is completely uninteresting, she prefers more active time.

At times, excessive freedom is manifested in its character. With the weakness of the planet in 11 field or its damage - a girl with difficulty is to maintain a long relationship with a partner. They can be destroyed by the strong interference of the friends of this woman.

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