Names for boys rare and beautiful: list, meaning


The name plays a crucial role in the fate of each person. Therefore, the parents are a huge responsibility when they choose the name to their newborn baby. In this article, I want to talk about how to choose the names correctly, and also consider the names for boys rare and beautiful on the examples.

What is important to know if you call your child?

The person's name can focus on the characteristic features of his personality, to motivate him to self-improvement, but on the other hand, maybe, on the contrary, to have a negative impact.

How to call your baby?

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An important role when choosing a name is given to his sound. After all, the name itself is a certain melody combining certain sounds. And on what these sounds will largely depend on the nature of the owner:

  • Names with bright, rapid sounds - make a person active, leader, decisive and bold;
  • in case of a quiet, calm and melodic sound series - The same qualities can be observed in man.

Sometimes it happens that in adulthood, people deliberately change the names on those that have a sound that is opposite to their character. Thus, they seek to achieve internal equilibrium, improve their character.

In the modern world, parents choose names for boys and for girls, when they were born. But then it is completely incomprehensible, which will be a baby in nature, not one of his personality trait has not yet been manifested.

Therefore, parents are a huge responsibility to choose such a name, which in the future will not cause dissonance with a man's temper. It is worth stopping the choice on beautiful, congestive names with a positive characteristic so that in the future they are positively perceived by people around the child.

It turns out that the names given at birth are individual, but, of course, not only affect the formation of a person. For their part, they contribute to the manifestation of certain individual characteristics, but it is impossible to assume that everything in life only depends on the name.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the name given by the parents has a great influence on the character and personality, but cannot fully determine it.

But it is also impossible to reduce its role, because in the process of growing up and in adult life, a person hears a sound vibration of his own behalf and it affects it at the level of unconscious.

On the other hand, in some cases, the names are not expressing fully all their essence and are not fixed behind a specific individual. In this regard, our ancestors of Slavs have been laid on the various age and estate rituals of the name of name - to help a person develop in a certain area of ​​life.

For example, when it was necessary to take some teaching or become a merchant, a warrior or a priest - a person gave a new name of the name, designed to help gain more confidence on this path.

Correct name for a boy

Parents who have appeared on the Son, should know the following recommendations for choosing a name for him:

  1. With girls, unambiguously, it's easier at times - after all, they wondered, they will marry, change the surname or generally go to another state where patronymic is not used. Therefore, choosing the name for your daughter, parents feel more freely. When it comes to the boys, it is extremely important to consider the name harmoniously and under the name, and under patronymic.
  2. It is unwanted to call the baby with the name without a bright manifest sex characteristic, especially if the surname refers to the middle family. In the future, the boy can be very uncomfortable if it, for example, will be magnifying "Valya Stepanenko" - it is not clear about whom we are talking about a boy or a girl. Therefore, consider this moment in advance.
  3. The above mentioned about the influence of the name on the character of its owner. Accordingly, if you dream that the son has grown by courageous, strong, purposeful - choose names with the same energy (Alexander, Gleb, Boris, Egor). Softer versions (Alexey, Leonid) - also will also be in character.

Choose the name of the boy - the case is not easy

True, there are modern male names that correspond to the so-called "golden middle". For example, Andrei, Stepan, Peter.

And, again, do not forget about the harmonious combination of the chosen name with the patronymic and the surname. Ideally, the name smoothly flows into patronymic and is very convenient in pronunciation.

For example, it is much easier to say "Lev Petrovich" than "Viktor Aristarkhovich".

Men's names Beautiful modern Russian

And now I suggest moving from theory to practice and familiarize yourself with examples of male names of beautiful, rare and unusual.

Below are the harmonious and most popular names of men used in the modern Russian-speaking world.

  • Alexander - Defender of mankind;
  • Alexey is the one who protects, protects;
  • Andrey - brave, brave;
  • Anton is the one who fights;
  • Arsen - endowed with great courage;
  • Artyom - the owner of good health;
  • Bogdan - the Lord himself sent him to parents;
  • Valery - filled with life force;
  • Vasily - royal origin;
  • Vsevolod - owning everything;
  • Vyacheslav - endowed with eternal glory;
  • Georgii - the one who cultivates the Earth;
  • Herman - is the only one;
  • David - it loves him very much;
  • Daniel - who appeared before the court of the Lord;
  • Eugene - noble origin;
  • Kirill - Speakers Barin, Mr.;
  • Konstantin - permanent;
  • Makar is blissful;
  • Maxim is the greatest of all;
  • Matvey - a gift of God;
  • Mikhail - It is considered equal to the most Almighty;
  • Nikita - acts by the triumph, the winner;
  • Nikolai is the winner of whole nations;
  • Oleg - a bright person, is distinguished by holiness;
  • Ruslan - lion's;
  • Sergey - the one who is very honored;
  • Stepan - venance;
  • Yaroslav - has bright fame.

Unusual names for boys Popular

This rating of names was drawn up by the results of social surveys, as well as statistical data and voting in many countries of the world. Unusual men's names given in it are most often issued by search engine inquiries.

  • James is the one who follows on the heels;
  • David - is a sweetheart;
  • John - received pardon;
  • Michael - is equal to the Almighty;
  • Daniel - the judge of God is considered;
  • Matthew - he was presented by the Most High;
  • William - Defender;
  • Thomas - has a twin brother;
  • Ryan - royal origin;
  • Jacob - the one who goes next;
  • Robert is the owner of brilliant glory;
  • Joseph - the Most High Sumbamine;
  • Ashley - he desperately seeks power;
  • Mark - the name is given in honor of the god Mars;
  • Anthony - has outstanding services to humanity;
  • Liam - Volve, fateful, defender;
  • Mari - a variant of the Generic Roman name;
  • Sebastian - stands up sublime;
  • Gender - small growth;
  • Alexander (in some countries - Alex) is the one who protects humanity;
  • Noah - calm in the lava;
  • Christopher - is a Yarym Christian;
  • Jack - Most High sent him his mercy;
  • Kevin - the owner of a cute appearance, the one who loves, acts as a beautiful king;
  • Brian - noble origin;
  • Ethan - permanent;
  • Whether - native;
  • Veniamin - acts as the favorite son;
  • Nikolai - winner;
  • Aaron - Covenant Ark;
  • Arkady - a leaving from the eponymous region in Greece;
  • Justin - lives in justice;
  • Morgan - loves the sea;
  • Luke - light;
  • Peter - like a rock;
  • Austin is distinguished by majestic;
  • Richard - endowed with huge courage;
  • Jonathan - granted to the Most High;
  • Eric - acts as a noble leader;
  • Tyler is distinguished by large hard work;
  • Brandon - Prince acts;
  • Jason - has healing abilities;
  • Eduard - cares about the acquisition of wealth;
  • Loren - his laurels crowned;
  • Adam is characterized by humanity;
  • Samuel - he was heard by the Most High;
  • Valentine - has good health;
  • Henry is a rich homeowner.

Vintage Men's names Slavic

Our ancestors of Slavs were very wisers and therefore gave their children solely the names are beautiful, with good energy that could provide successful fate boys and girls. Maybe that's why in the modern world it became fashionable to use vintage names?

Interesting Slavic names for boys

  • Bazhen - is cute, desirable;
  • Whitewood - he knows how a just ruler;
  • Belosar - reached enlightenment;
  • Belomir - with pure thoughts;
  • Boguil - he pleaded to the Divine World;
  • Vaclav - Slava disassembled about him all over the world;
  • Vitoslav is the owner of the birth of glory;
  • Vladimir - the owner of the world;
  • Warbor - one who wins in battle;
  • Gremslav - famous for his glory;
  • Dobrynya - creative good deeds;
  • Rider - is a welcome child in the family;
  • Zvenir - one who calls to the world;
  • Dustbor - was chosen;
  • Gobiotar is a gift of love;
  • Lyudmil is the one who is cute people;
  • Young man - young;
  • Mstislav - vengeful, nice;
  • Novomir is the one who creates a new world;
  • Putyslaw - reaching fame;
  • Radomir - concerned about the world;
  • Ratibor - Defender;
  • Rostislav - his glory over the years will only grow;
  • Light - standing at the head of the troops;
  • Sudislav - is distinguished by fairness;
  • Tikhomir - His modesty, showering;
  • Standaslav - owner of fame;
  • Yaromir is the one who seeks to the world in the world;
  • Yaropolk - acts fierce warrior.

Rare male names that were forgotten

Some names in the course of different historical events were invariably forgotten and went into oblivion. To parts of them, people subsequently returned again, but some remain "dead" to this day. Let's look at such rare male Russian names further:

  • Agapion is the one who loves;
  • Akaki - a unlocked in the lava;
  • Ambrose - is immortal;
  • Amos is a carrier of rosy;
  • Bogolep - Most High love him;
  • Durables - is characterized by simplicity, inexpressibility;
  • Vivian is a surrichness;
  • Wucol - acts as a shepherd;
  • Hermogen - Son of God Hermes (Mercury);
  • Guriy - Lion;
  • Demid - the one who rules;
  • Distane - presented by the Most High;
  • Evgraph - one who painted beautifully, an attractive appearance;
  • Evtichiy - lucky man;
  • Efrosin - joyful, funny;
  • Zeno - Divine origin;
  • Heraclius - the one who was dedicated to Hercules;
  • Isidore - His goddess Isis;
  • Carp - fertile;
  • Kasyan - wearing helmet;
  • Klim - gracious character;
  • Xenophon - is a foreign one;
  • LUC - Wolf;
  • Melitone - honey;
  • Mine - Month;
  • Money - one who mocks;
  • Nonphone - the owner of a sober mind;
  • Nikandra - is a victorious warrior;
  • Onyim is the one who executes, completes, is beneficial;
  • Onanem - is useful;
  • Pankrat is distinguished by omnipotence, altitude;
  • Paramon - the one you can rely on;
  • Polien - it is often praised;
  • Burled - one who was born without a father;
  • Dissentman - smart;
  • Sopper - he saves his father;
  • Stocks - spikelers;
  • Tit - a wrestler for honor;
  • Triphilia is a clover leaflet;
  • Phiogen - a man-God;
  • Frol - it blooms;
  • Foka - seal;
  • Harlampius - radiates joy and love;
  • Chrysanf - is a crutcher;
  • Celebration of celestial origin;
  • Erast - beautiful, lover;
  • Ust - lives fairly;
  • Juvenali - He always remains young.

Some names are striking by their originality.

Strange male names

Some names cause surrounding one-only reaction - sincere bewilderment, as parents decided to call their child exactly. Finally, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the variants of rather strange male names.

  • Angel - in honor of Divine Essences;
  • Atlas - in honor of the congregation of maps;
  • Blud is a libertine, depowders;
  • Warrior - militant;
  • Sloba - he hits, like thunder;
  • Boulevard - yes, there are such names for boys in the world;
  • Hamlet - a name in honor of the hero of the literature;
  • Gigabytes - by analogy with a computer term;
  • Google - apparently, parents are large fans of information technology;
  • Dolphin - in honor of the animal;
  • Jazz - a name for an old fan of jazz music;
  • Cosmos - Universe;
  • Mars - in honor of the ancient Roman warlike God;
  • March is the one who appeared in March-month;
  • Ocean - an amateur of ocean depths;
  • Prince - the name is called upon to emphasize the "royal" position of the boy;
  • Dawn - dawn;
  • North - born in the north;
  • Sky - Heavenly;
  • Herbra - will be very brave;
  • Eden - Paradise.

Choose a good name - not easy, but it's quite real, if you have to do this question in advance, to study the values ​​of all the options like. Then the choice will be much easier.

And at the end of the topic, I propose to view an interesting video:

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