Lunny sowing calendar for December 2020 for gardener and gardery


The moon is located from the ground at very close (on cosmic standards) of the distance and has a strong impact on human life, as well as representatives of the animal and plant world.

In this article, I want to deal with what works on the lunar calendar are favorable for different lunar days. Plus, I bring to your attention the lunar sowing calendar for December 2020 for gardener and gardener.

The moon affects the floral world and this is proven scientifically

The influence of the moon on the vegetation world

At the beginning of the past century, the very first scientific experiments were falling on the subject matter. Then it was established scientific that the wheat grain, planted after the full moon, grow faster and give a greater harvest. But those plants that sowed on a young or growing moon - did not give the same result.

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In the future, research was conducted on herbs, for example, in the Salad Cress and they also confirmed the originally received data. Scientists have established that even with the same temperature indicators, seedlings will absorb more water to the full moon phase than new moon.

What is already talking about numerous folk beliefs that breeding centuries keep information about when planting a harvest, and when to clean it.

It is believed that in plants there is a smaller percentage of water at the beginning of a new phase.

I wonder, but scientists went further and decided to complicate the experiment - send plants into a darkened room without access to the effect of sun or moon light. Even despite this, the plants still reacted to the change in the phases of the night shine, as well as those that grow in open land.

It was installed experimentally that the seeds of any cultures, if they sow them before the full moon or shortly after it, will grow several times faster than those who were seen in the new moon. Based on this, we can conclude that when the moon is complete - the seeds are absorbed a much larger percentage of water, which contributes to more active growth.

In full moon plants absorb water better

But in lunar astrology, attention is paid not only to the phase of the night shone, but also the signs of the zodiac, in which it is located, as well as other planets:

  • For example, try to take into account, in what position on the moon is Saturn, when cultures are planting, which will be cultivated more than one season. This is explained by the fact that endurance and durability are extremely important for perennial cultures. And if you put them on the "favorable" Saturn, then it is quite possible to ensure all the above qualities.

Saw seeds, plant plants, collect harvest and perform any other manipulations in the garden and garden most effectively, if you take into account the finding of the shone in a specific constellation.

But, of course, it is not necessary to fully lose weight over the moon completely. After all, it is clear that it is impossible to plant roots per day when there is a strong shower, even if the moon calendar is just the perfect time for this. It is worth waiting for another favorable period.

But in general, you need to follow the next recommendation - Try to perform any of agricultural work as close as possible to the middle of a successful period for them. Even if there are difficult weather conditions or a soil problem, you will still have the opportunity to sow and plant in the lunar calendar minimally 80 percent cases.

Do not forget that the plants consume less water before and during the new moon. In this connection, they refuse at this time from any trimming of trees, collecting herbs, mortgages - wait for the moon, so that the work did not harm the plants and trees. The growing moon for them is also not suitable.

And in order to get the best result, if possible, try to follow such advice of the lunar calendar:

  • processing the soil - on the moon in the constellation of the lion;
  • Pour the garden - on the moon in the twins;
  • Various fertilizers to enter the ground - on the Moon in the Virgin.

Lunny sowing calendar for December 2020 for gardener and gardery

Go to the calendar of works in the garden and garden for the first winter month this year.

WITH November 30 to December 3 The moon grows in the constellation of Aquarius.

  • During this period, having having any actions associated with the plant world;
  • Especially undesirable to water the room flowers.

WITH 3 to 5 December. The moon increases in the constellation of fish. The second quarter drops on the 4th.

  • Successfully: Water home plants;
  • Unsuccessful: cook home seas, especially cabbage.

WITH 5 to 8 December, The moon is growing in the constellation of Aries.

  • Positive: to harvest annual shoots to the spring vaccination; recycle perishable products, do homemade preservation;
  • There are no unsuccessful actions.

successfully these days do homemade pickles

WITH 8 to 10 December, Night luminaire increases in the constellation of the Taurus.

  • This period is desirable to pause and time with any agricultural actions.

WITH 10 to 13 December. The moon increases, December 12th full moon in the constellation of twins.

  • The time is unsuccessful for works associated with plants;
  • Especially undesirable: watering indoor flowers; Saw seeds and plant plants for 24 hours before and after full moon.

WITH December 13-15, The moon begins to decrease in the constellation of cancer.

  • Successfully: abundantly water the plants in the house;
  • Unsuccessful: to harvest homemade preservation.

WITH December 15-17, The moon decreases in the constellation of the lion.

  • It is desirable: to harvest annual shoots of fruiting plants to the spring vaccination;
  • Any actions concerning plants are allowed.

WITH December 17-19, The moon decreases in the constellation of the Virgin. The 19th comes fourth quarter.

  • Successful: To do the preparation of the soil to grow in it seedlings and replant the houseplants;
  • Forbidden manipulations at this time are absent.

WITH December 19-21, The moon decreases in the constellation of the scales.

  • Positive: Catch out stored vegetables, fruits, floral bulbs;
  • unfavorable: watering the houseplants.

WITH December 21, December 23, The moon decreases in the constellation of Scorpio.

  • Recommended: Water plants in the house;
  • Not recommended: prepare home conservation.

WITH December 23 to December 25, Night shone decreases in the constellation Sagittarius.

  • It is desirable: to carry out winter trimming of trees and bushes;
  • There are no bans on the lunar calendar now.

WITH December 25-28, The moon decreases. December 26, the new moon in the constellation of Capricorn, as well as a sunny eclipse at 05:18.

  • having having any work that relate to the plant world;
  • Especially unsuccessful: sow or plant for 24 hours before and after the new moon.

WITH December 28 to December 31. The moon is growing in the constellation Aquarius.

  • Successful actions are missing these days;
  • Especially undesirable to water the houseplants.

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