Mars in Sagittarius: Characteristic for a man and for a woman


To be guarded by moral and ethical laws and see in this sense of life - before you Sagittarius with Mars in Natal map. These people are born to protect and develop spiritual values. Sometimes they just overtake stick as my niece. She fell into a religious sect and just giving anyone to anyone with the requirement of moral and ethical standards. However, to fulfill the required rules to her and the most immentable, they were so unbearable. What else gives Mars in Sagittarius, except spiritual aspirations? Consider in the article.

Mars in Streltsy

Mars in Sagittarius: General characteristics

Here, the Red Planet is in its element - fire. Mars is gaining momentum, nothing limits him in manifestation of its natural qualities - dynamics, focus, the desire to defend their own interests at any cost. A typical portrait of Sagittarius with Mars in Natal Map: a single leader who carries the crowd of followers. This person will not listen to the opinion of others about himself and his actions, he simply realizes his intentions. Among them were also the pioneers, talented inventors and reformers.

However, fiery signs are not always adjusted to the end, burning from the inside and quickly losing interest in their work. Therefore, they need helpers who will be able to bring started to a logical completion.

On a note! Spiritual ecstasy for Archers with Mars in a natal map may be more important than physical.

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Martian Archers have one feature: solid moral or religious beliefs. They are incredibly difficult to convince or "recruit" in their faith, as they are filled with awareness of their own rightness and infallibility. These people can change their beliefs extremely rare, but as an exception is still found.

Mars in Sagittarius in a woman

Mars in Sagittarus for a woman

It can be described by the phrase "fierce femininity". This is an Amazon, which demonstrates its independence and emphasizes independence. She is not interested in someone else's opinion, as she knows what to strive for and why. This woman always achieves his own, with any ways. Martians are not known. Such concepts like nobility and mercy: if required, they will go through heads.

In the modern world, Martian women successfully compete on the market, fearlessly by defeating their opponents and not bent into unclean methods. However, in family life prefers noble and educated men who could give them an impetus to spiritual development. They require comprehensive development, and will never choose a low-intelligence partner.

Mars in Sagittarus in a man

Mars in Sagittarus in a man

In the Vedic astrology, these men are given the following characteristic - the child of the war and the prince of good luck. Mars - Planet of Warriors, and the Sagittance constellation brings good luck in all endeavors. They are fearless and dynamic, choose the most unexpected and extreme professions, love to travel and are not afraid of the lack of domestic comfort. These men are always in finding new knowledge that will be able to expand their life horizons. Tireless dreamers, they can achieve quite material purposes using spiritual knowledge.

On a note! For whatever the Sagittarius with Mars in Natal Map, he will be accompanied by luck.

Among them can be scientists, courageous warriors and successful businessmen-businessmen. Take a bull for the horns - it fully corresponds to the spirit and aspirations of the wards of Mars.

However, with an affected Mars, a completely different picture is observed: the chaotic of intentions, the unwillingness to bring it to the end, impulsiveness, rash deeds, rampant decisions. These people instantly ignite any idea and very quickly cool to it. The same applies to communicating with women.

In intimate relations, these men are also successful, as they possess bright charismaticness and the ability to leave about themselves the most favorable impression. They attract women's eyes. These are self-confident interesting personalities, without complexes and internal limitations.

But not all Martian Archers belong to the category of Donjuanov: inside many of them hiding a deep personality with philosophical views on the world and the need for spiritual surveys. They are internally modest and unpretentious, they are content with small material benefits and do not seek noisy success.

But no matter how humble inside was not the Sagittarius with Mars in the horoscope, he will always give a decisive reversal to the manipulator. If someone tries to prescribe a man on this, he will receive unexpectedly gross aggression and decisive actions.

An innate sense of justice encourages Sagittarov to lead an active struggle against offenders: they can defend the interests of a completely unfamiliar person, if they see an unfair attitude to him. However, the image of Robin Hood is unlikely to suit them.

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