Mars in Scorpio: Men for Men and For Women


Do you sign an authoritarian chief, who is not considered anyone and with anything? Our team is already tired of the psychological terror and the unaczzle of our chef. So what to do? So Mars is manifested in Scorpio, where for him a complete expanse. In the Natal Map of Human, the location of the planets at the time of birth, and Mars in the constellation of Scorpio found one of the most favorable provisions for himself. Consider the main features of the character of a person in a positive and negative manifestation of an astrological aspect.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio: General Characteristics

Free Will, and Mars Razdat. Nothing limits the manifestation of his originality, nothing infringe on his rights and freedom. This is the most favorable position for the Red Planet in terms of manifestation of the main characteristics. The carrier of this combination of planets is different:

  • enviable exposure and endurance;
  • directness and honesty;
  • courage and courage.

Plus, purely scorpion intuition and foresight are added to these advantages. If there are obstacles on the way, they only harde the brave character of the Martian Scorpio. He will never go with the planned path, because it is deprived of fear and insecurity.

On a note! Mars in Scorpio makes a person so brazed and fearless that he is ready to roll the mountains and swim the sea climb.

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Martian Scorpions never rely on a happy case, and take circumstances in their hands and manage them. Often they just go along the heads of people to achieve the goal, and can calmly sacrifice the interests of close people. In their dedication, they demonstrate unprecedented rigidity and even cruelty. There is nothing surprising in this, since Scorpions with Mars in Natal Map and their own lives are constantly experiencing strength.

Caught cascaders, they are completely alien to the feeling of fear. These are those who will go through the fire will jump from the roof on the roof and somewhat sedses the ocean wave on surfing. Often, Martian Scorpions come into any secret societies, because it is dangerous and terribly interesting.

With a negative aspect, excessive aggressiveness, merciless and unceremoniousness, cunning and egocentrism appear.

Mars in the Scorpio in a man

Mars in the Scorpio in a man

This is a dictator and a skillful manipulator, who even blows his line in love and will not work for a compromise. Not every partner is able to withstand such toxic love of a very advantage of the heart. In the relationship there will be all the paints: from romantic meetings to maniacal jealousy from scratch. They are alien to delicacy and courtesy: these traits of nature can not be instilled with scorpions with no effort.

On a note! Scorpions with Mars in Natal Map are converted to deadly enemies for those who have ever betrayed them.

Agreeing to friendship with Martian scorpion, you need to be prepared for unconditional submission. They simply do not recognize other relationships: either obey or go. They even object to them, not something to go. Scorpions always get what they achieve, and the heart of the elect - no exception.

These bright charismatic men allow all means to achieve the favor of elects: Harizm, personal charm, money, power. However, women with brightly pronounced individuality and independent character are better to bypass Martian scorpions to the tenth road: the union is doomed in advance to the collapse. To endure the Samoram Martian Scorpio - the same feat of long-suffering.

Mars in scorpion of a woman

Mars in scorpion of a woman

Ladies with this astrological aspect in the horoscope have similar characteristics. They are also intolerant for the manifestation of someone else's individuality and independence. These ladies are confident that there are no better in the world in the world, and they constantly strive to demonstrate and emphasize their superiority. However, in the family, this iron lady turns into a loving mother and a caring spouse.

But despite maternal care for the family, Martian scorpions will never throw a career. Their energy and life forces are enough to combine work in the office and work around the house. If scorpion does not realize himself professionally, then turn into a mad fury. It is better not to take a chance for a professional implementation: it is more expensive. Scorpions prefer guidelines with a large number of subordinates.

These amazing women can solve the most complicated professional issues, but at the same time they never forget about lunch in the family circle. If you do not infringe on the personal interests of the Martian Scorpio and not limit the freedom of self-expression, you will see a fresh woman with a friendly smile on the lips.

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