Women's Japanese names - meaning


Women's Japanese names of the parents of girls are not chosen as we used to. They can take absolutely any word of their native language, regardless of the part of speech, and give it a word as a child name. Therefore, in the country of the rising sun, you can meet such a variety.

Traditional Japanese names and their meaning

The traditional Japanese name always consists only of the name and name - patronymic, habitual Russian, is not provided at all. Moreover, the surname is placed at the beginning. Various suffixes are very important for the Japanese.

Japanese female names and their meaning

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For example:

  • "-Hime" - means that the girl comes from a noble family, she is known from the caste, and not some sharp.
  • "-Hodzen" - indicates a married woman, whose man is a real samurai, this is his official title. And such women are more often called the rank and surname of the husband, and the personal name is not used at all.
  • "-In" - this suffix indicates that the girl serves as a nun and belongs to some kind of noble family.

But the overwhelming majority of Japanese girls are added to their name only suffix "-ko", which they are often lowered by their own initiative.

Next, we will analyze the most popular women's Japanese names and their meaning.


This is one of the most popular female names in Japanese culture. The girls with the same name, as a rule, are very active and energetic, who do not like to sit still and are constantly busy.

Japanese women's names

What else is characteristic of them:

  1. They are bold, confident, therefore, it is always almost achieving success if they put specific goals and act. From the side it seems that they are just constantly lucky, but it is not so - they are simply charged with their own thoughts and actions.
  2. Able to quickly make decisions for a long time they do not doubt and do not analyze. Therefore, I can become successful entrepreneurs, as in business this skill is incredibly important. True, this path Yoko is chosen infrequently because of the traditions of their culture.
  3. They have a lot of frames, templates and stereotypes in thinking. They are accustomed to relying on the advice and opinions of other people, although the final decision will still be accepted themselves. But listened to the maximum number of opponents before that.
  4. Very attractive, as a rule, have an extremely pleasing appearance. Therefore, they have no problem with how to like a man. There is a problem with how to choose the most worthy of the huge number of applicants.
  5. At the same time, the character of Yoko will not call feminine. It is very powerful, and in a relationship with a man sometimes turns into a real despot, demanding from a partner full and unconditional subordination, which, of course, may not like everyone.
  6. Often manifests the initiative and is not lost when he sees an attractive man. Always chooses the partner herself, without waiting for someone to pay attention to it and makes his choice.


This cute Japanese name is literally translated as a "useful child", which greatly reflects the character of the girl - the owner of the name.

Japanese names

What is characteristic of it:

  • It can achieve great success if it becomes politically engaged or will take a state post. Slowly, but right, it will move along the career ladder, sweeping on its way of competitors.
  • She is somewhat dependent on the opinions of people around them. It is important for her that others think about her, how to evaluate the people of her actions, words and actions. Therefore, it often tries to conquer everyone around and conquer the location of the most impregnable person in the company.
  • The weaknesses of the South Africa, who may prevent her to achieve success, is undoubtedly too lazy and extreme degree of arrogance. If she does not train discipline and does not pacify his pride, instead of achievements, it can get a lot of problems and considerable.
  • At the same time, she is a very attractive and charming girl who likes to men with his femininity, cute appearance and a meek character (its true essence it will not show until time).
  • She strives for a serious relationship that is very valuable. It dreams to love once and for life, and parting with a man, if it happens, is experiencing extremely painful, can digest the happening over the years.
  • It does not like to exchange for short intrinsics and have sex only in a relationship, not wanting to waste yourself on the endless change of partners.


The girls with this, the most "spring" Japanese name, is distinguished by a very bold and independent character. It stands out in childhood among the peers of his own and very strong curiosity, which periodically turns into too obsessive curiosity.

Its features and character traits:

  • The older it becomes Kharuko, the more powerful leader turns. It develops in itself such qualities as determination, responsibility in the performance of responsibilities, enterprise and decision-making rate.
  • Support is almost never needed, it is capable of cope with everything. It rarely asks for help, only in the most exceptional cases. And other people helps reluctantly. It goes towards only when he sees the benefit for himself.
  • Externally tries to constantly emphasize its status and make the impression of a successful person. Therefore, prefers branded things, expensive cars, housing only in elite areas. Moreover, it seems much more important to it than to be, she is also an amateur to let dust in the eyes of others.
  • For love and relationship practically does not seek, it is not at all alolyub. Often turns short intrinsic rocks and resort novels, without being tied to one man. It may generally be childfries, but absolutely not suffering from confusion in his personal life, career is more important to her.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Japanese names sound unusual for residents of Western countries, it is especially difficult to understand suffixes, each of whom has its own value and indicates the social status of the girl.
  • Traditional Japanese names are the same different as the characters of their owners. They describe and feminine, and strong, and attractive and not very girls. But unites them all one: they are very versatile and interesting personalities.

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