Mars in cancer: meaning for a man and for a woman


Fantasies and developed imagination are distinctive features of people with Mars in cancer. Unbalanced and unstable, they are looking for a strong spirit of partners to gain patronage and support in their face. My second core sister has in Natal Mars in cancer, and I often watch her melancholic mood. It is not even despondency, but some kind of exotic sadness and sadness. Moreover, melancholy on her rolling parodially, and the girl is unable to resist. Consider the main characteristics of people with such an aspect in the horoscope.

Mars in cancer

Mars in cancer: general characteristics

Astrologers argue that the influence of any planet in the human horoscope may be weak, neutral and strong. In this case, we see the weakening of Mars, which is called a drop. The planet is in the conditions unusual for it, therefore loses quality characteristics. The essence of the planet Mars varies beyond recognition, and the constellation of cancer at the same time strengthens its negative characteristics. Thus, this combination of planets is extremely negative. To neutralize the negative, you need to engage in meditative practices and develop the power of will.

On a note! Seasonal depression and pessimism - a distinctive feature of crayfish with Mars in Natal map. Depression can take chronic form.

Cancer constellation gives its wards of amazing intuition: they feel the risk before all. These are sensitive people with a subtle mental organization that can get out of any non-aggative situation. As they say, always come out with dry water. They awkwardly feel at the time of conflicts and the rapid clarification of relations, but do not mind to weave intrigue behind their backs.

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These people are distinguished by irresponsibility and inability to make important decisions. Mars gives them some share of impulsiveness and aggressiveness, which is expressed in the Bunte against parents at a young age. But on this everything ends, and the matured crayfish lose the militant spirit forever.

They are often torn to part internal contradictions due to inability to compare the desired with possible. They also suffer, breaking between work and the house, and do not have time anywhere. However, raks with Mars in Natal Map can find the implementation of their inconsistencies in astrology and esoteric. If they acquire knowledge and skills in these areas, it will help them solve the internal contradictions and gain peace and peace.

The negative influence of Venus leads representatives of this combination of planets to alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of marginal lifestyle.

Mars in cancer in men

Mars in cancer in men

This is a classic image of a romance that devotes beloved poems and sings the serenade under the windows. This man shows an attractive leaning for the female heart:

  • patience;
  • modesty;
  • tenderness;
  • gallantry;
  • timidity.

Its type of thinking is more like female, so raki with Mars in the horoscope is easily found with women common language. When they fall in love, it's impossible to do for the ladies of their heart. This is the perfect husband and family man, the dream of many women. They are happy to engage in garden plot, prepare lunches and help around the house. Very love children and take an active part in their upbringing.

In his wife, this type of men chooses women with a strong character, but gentle and responsive. Cracks are very oppressive and wounds, so do not bring long communication with a rude and aggressive woman. Their spouse must be solid, but at the same time be very sensitive and delicate.

Mars in a woman's cancer

Mars in a woman's cancer

Ladies with this aspect in a natal map are characterized by increased sensitivity and sensuality, they are easily wounded and vulnerable. Therefore, partners are looking for strong, but gentle and delicate men in communication. It is very important for them to hear the words of approval and support, which are for cancers a lifeful source and an incentive for creativity. These women know how to create an atmosphere of comfort and well-being in their home, which is especially important for harmonious relations between spouses.

On a note! Women with Mars in cancer possess a peace-loving character and a light aura. For them, internal harmony and spiritual comfort above all.

The dominant man with an aggressive type of character is not her dream and hope. Although the woman is cancer and can be viewed on a muscular macho. But it is more of curiosity than to attract attention to yourself. She needs such a partner for whom she could be a mother: take care, fuck and cherish. If such comes across on her life path, both acquire the joy of family happiness and well-being.

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