Lilith in scales in a woman and a man


Lilith (or a black moon) - will lead about dark, hidden states that can manifest themselves. And a person, who knows about his temptations on Lilith, should be consciously avoided. In addition, Lilith is also a "counter" negative karma, which increases from every dishonest, criminal and immoral act.

As Lilith is manifested in the scales - we will find out further.

Manifestations of Lilith in the Sign Sign

Black Moon in the constellation of scales: features

Lilith, falling into the zodiac scales, is considered a rather difficult aspect. The most important thing is that in no case cannot be done by such a person - to condemn others (if he, of course, does not want to become the object of mass condemnation itself).

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In addition, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • do not treat biased, dismissed to their loved ones, friends;
  • do not change in personal relationship;
  • Do not violate the established agreements.

Otherwise, Nativ invariably collises with the difficulties in the sphere of marriage, business, social relations. Additionally, an indivible situation may arise, provoking difficulties with legislation. Shuffle will be the owner of the Black Moon in the scales.

Lilith in the constellation of weights manifests itself as a demon dependency and korestoloby. In their early incarnations, such people held the position of judges, ready to break the law or took bribes. They tried to justify their own negative actions, hiding for the ostentatious "Justice".

In general, the Black Moon in the Sign Sign can manifest itself in an active or passive state.

  1. Activities: Scales are noticed flawed in everything and in all, exhibit uniformly overestimated requirements for people. For example, choosing a loved one, they are focused exclusively to appearance and social status, and not on spiritual, moral qualities.

Their system of life values ​​makes up exclusively aesthetic estimates that are mostly subjective. The goal in life is placed only when you want to achieve a higher level.

Such personalities have very distorted concepts of justice and injustice. Often use others by manipulating them for their own mercenary purposes.

  1. In passivity: The owner of Lilith in the scales is very difficult to make a choice. He fluctuates between two options for a long time, not knowing how to stop. In the field of personal life, it may be dependent on a partner, fully obeyed him, agree with everything that he says and strive to shift all the responsibility on him.

There are often cases of marriage for considerations of calculation, when we need to correct financial position or they simply do not want to work, want to be on the content of other people.

may take place marriage by calculation

In the process of spiritual cleansing, Lilith scales may encounter serious court disassembly, as well as quarrels with the second half. They can change.

There is a risk of being in prison for no reason. You should also be very careful with the subjects of electricity and carefully behave in society (do not provoke scandals, gossip, excessive hype). Does not put care at the workplace (since there is a probability of production injuries), and during travel.

In a woman and a man

The Black Moon in the women's horoscope will tell about the opposite side of the concepts of mother and wife, making such a lady with a bad parent or, instead of his wife, mistress. Astrologically, Lilith exhibits aggression arising from the rejection, hidden by the unconscious desire for power, distortion of the picture of the world, fears, karma, unconscious processes that affect the lifetime.

In this case, Lilith is in the sign of the scales specializing in the sphere of good relations. Therefore, such men and women are strongly susceptible to risk to their partner, as it is often distinguished by his opinion more than their own.

More such people are often discussed by, finding their behavior in society unworthy, vicious, causing.

We must not forget about the agreements relating to the obligations - another scope of the influence of the scales. In many pairs, where one or two partners have a black moon in the scales, constantly arise treason, the desire to disrupt marital loyalty, to pervert partnership in every sense of this word.

Lilith in scales provoke treason

Therefore, if your partner is either the Lilith itself stands in the scale of the scales, and you are pretty jealous of nature - it is better to once again not provoke it with bullless accusations and suspicions. After all, it often happens that the person begins to do from anger to do exactly what he was accused - so as not to slander in vain.

More interesting information about Lilith in the scales will be found in the following video:

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