Orthodox names: recommendations for choosing, male names


Orthodoxy is one of the main world religions today. Therefore, it is not surprising that Orthodox names are very popular on the territory of domestic states.

What are their main features that should be considered when choosing a name? And also, what are beautiful Orthodox male names? We will talk about it in the following material.

How to choose the name across the sacnesses?

How are Christian names chosen?

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"Saints" - are church monthly, containing the names of famous holy individuals. There are names for both boys and girls and all of them are located in the calendar sequence.

All the names of the saints necessarily indicate the rank: Whether the holy prophet, the apostle, blissful, sacred martyr or weak or reverend.

An important nuance. The name plays a big role in the life of its owner, it can affect his character and even for the entire destiny!

If we turn to the new covenant, we will see that the Most High gives each person a name and his brief description. For example, the name Simon is translated as "the one who hears the Lord." And the name Peter in translation denotes "stone".

When the Christian religion began to actively spread the world - Israeli names were increasingly popular. Since then, it became taken during the baptism ritual to give Orthodox names for boys and girls so that the baby could live with God from birth.

How does the guardian angel differ from the Heavenly Patron?

Many people do not think about this question, believing that this is the same. But in reality there is a difference that you need to know if you are an Orthodox Christian.

  • Heavenly patron - Satya speaks, whose name is a person, being baptized. And the name day is the date of honor of the memory of the Holy Personality, born closest to the date of your appearance (usually takes the period of 1-2 weeks). You can determine the heavenly patron to the newborn, using the church calendar.
  • Guardian angel - It is an affordable angelic entity, fixed by man in the process of baptism. The guardian angel will become an eternal companion in life, protecting his ward from various adversity. And when it comes time to return to the kingdom of heaven - he will help the soul to say goodbye to the physical body and go to the spiritual world.

An important nuance. You should know the prayer to your guardian angel and regularly contact him for help. He will send according to the right life path, will provide support in good endeavors, will send tips for the right solutions.

Guardian Angel protects man in life

Selection of the name according to Orthodox traditions

If you are interested in Christian names for girls or boys, then you should become familiar with the following information.

First of all, the name of the newborn should not just differ by fraud. The name - acts as a heavenly patron, applying to the Lord about the new soul, which appeared in the earthly world. The saint patron will affect the fate of a man who made his name.

Therefore, it is necessary to study information about specific saints in advance and think about what qualities you would like to transfer to your baby.

Unfortunately, the church calendar does not always offer those names of the names that you like. Then the clergymen recommend picking consonant behavior.

For example:

  • Holy George Victorious - is a patron at the same time for the names of Yuri, George and Egor. He protects warriors and farmers, deserved special respect from Orthodox and Catholics.

How to choose or change the name, being adults?

At different periods of time, certain names are popular. Over time, the demand for them decreases, and some are completely out of fashion. It is not very recommended to give the child a too rare name, which for our time will be perceived as intricate. Stop your choice on more weacted options.

For example:

  • Children born on May 20, the saint can be called Isidors, Stefanans, Faddes, Mikhails and Josephs. It is clear that of them it is correct to choose the last two names.

It happens that people decide to appeal to Christianity in adulthood. Then the church names for the rescue comes to the rescue. And it is advisable to refer to the clergy, asking him to translate the old version of the name in modern:

  • Outdated name Martha - becomes Martha;
  • Leon - Lvom.

Double options for names

Church female names and men's single. Orthodox faith does not imply the use of double names.

If the parents are very dreaming for the son or daughter to have two names at once, you can come up with a compromise option: to write the official name to the passport, and for church sacraments, it is used to use the name that was given during the baptism rite.

An important nuance. Christians believe that after death, they will contact them in church names, and not official.

How do Orthodox male names selected?

Orthodox male names: full list

Having understood with the main trends of Christian names, I propose to consider the men's Russian Orthodox names and their brief description.

  • Andrei - is a husband, a real man.
  • Adam is the one who created the red clay.
  • Alexey - guarding humanity.
  • Athanasius is immortal.
  • Alexander - acts as a defender of people.
  • Arkady is a man living in the same city.
  • Anatoly is the place of his residence - East.
  • Aristarh - He acts as a wonderful warlord.
  • Avakuum - is the love of the Most High.
  • Averky - the one who removes.
  • Arseny - has a strong, inconceived spirit, courage.
  • Abraham - stands by a large father.
  • Agapius is the one who loves much.
  • Agafon - Shows Mercy, has a good heart.
  • Alias ​​- distinguished by the variability of nature.
  • Antip - strong addition.
  • Anton is the one who blooms.
  • Apollo - he is able to destroy.
  • Aria - is a lion.
  • Aristocals - Wonderful, amazing.
  • Artyom - has a lot of power, health.
  • ARTEMON - Sailboat.
  • Asteria - Star.
  • Affiony - living in abundance.
  • Achilles is the one who grieves.
  • Bogdan - the Lord himself presented him.
  • Boris is the one who fights.
  • Varlaam - I have the Son Most High.
  • Victor - wins.
  • Vladislav - He owns glory.
  • Vyacheslav is a glorious warrior.
  • Vadim - attractive outwardly.
  • Veniamin - acts by the child of the hand.
  • Valentine is a strong static.
  • Valery - belongs to the pedigree Valery.
  • Bartholomew - the son of Ptolomeh.
  • Varnava - giving consolation.
  • Venedict - received a blessing.
  • Vasily - is the ruler, the king.
  • Vincent - will be the winner.
  • Vissarion - is dense, forest.
  • Vladimir is the owner of the world.
  • Vitaliy - filled with energy of life.
  • Vsevolod - all-in-law.
  • Mills - Different with Nervice.
  • Georgy - he cultivates the land, acts as an agriculture.
  • Gabriel - Assistant Most High.
  • Herman - is the only one.
  • Gregory is the one who does not sleep, wakes.
  • Gennady - noble blood.
  • Gondi - suffers from pride.
  • Gerasim - respectfully applies to other people.
  • Gleb - acts as the heir to God.
  • Dmitry - he was dedicated to the goddess Demetra.
  • David - stands in love.
  • Denis - a man of funny in the nruh.
  • Daniel - the Lord for him, the judge.
  • Demid - the Most High takes care of him.
  • Demyan - Damius dedicated him.
  • Elisha - Most High - is the only salvation.
  • Egor - Farmer.
  • Ephraim - is distinguished by yield, fertility.
  • Evdokim is a nice man.
  • Evgraph - He has a literary talent.
  • Evsey is distinguished by piety.
  • Emelyan is the one who belongs to demilia.
  • Eugene - noble origin.
  • Eustachius - he is firmly on his feet.
  • Efim is characterized by complacency.
  • Evtichia is positive, happy.
  • Evtropy - has good upbringing.
  • Eleazar - it helps the Most High.
  • Yelladius - lives in Ellade.
  • Epiphany is the one who came.
  • Ermil is the place of his habitat - Hermesova Grove.
  • Yermolai - is a messenger, a messenger.
  • Ermey is profitable.
  • Elevferey is the one who is waven, is in freedom.
  • Effrosions - correctly thinks.
  • Zakhar - stands for the memory of God.
  • Zinovy ​​- a righteous man.
  • Zosima - filled with vital power.
  • Ivan (otherwise John) - is the grace of the Lord.
  • Isaac - it looks funny.
  • Ignat is hot, fiery.
  • Igor - military rank.
  • Hippolytia is one who straightens horses.
  • Innocenta - distinguished by righteousness, innocence.
  • Hilarion is joyful.
  • Ilya - is the fortress of God.
  • Joseph is the one who gains.
  • Irakli - Slavs Goddess Gera.
  • Ismail - heard by the Lord.
  • Kasyan is empty.
  • Cyril - owner.
  • Clement - with good heart, merciful.
  • Claudius - lame.
  • Konstantin - is distinguished by consistency, it can be rejected on it.
  • Kondrat - performs a spear.
  • Cornelius - a ridge plant.
  • Lion - lion.
  • Lazar - Assistant Most High.
  • Lavrenty - laurel leaf.
  • Leonid - he resembles the king of animals - lion.
  • Luka is a man living in Lucania.
  • Lukyan - blonde.
  • Makar is blissful.
  • Mauritius - possesses dark hair.
  • Maxim - acts the greatest person.
  • Mikhail - he reminds God himself.
  • Mark is the one who fades.
  • Markell - he was dedicated to Marsa to God.
  • Matvey - was a presented Most High.
  • Methodius - is distinguished by orderliness, accuracy.
  • Miron - fragrant like a fragrant flower.
  • Moses - is a child, a child.
  • Nikolai - He will win.
  • Nazar - he was dedicated to the Almighty.
  • Naum is a comforter.
  • Nestor - one who returned.
  • Nikifor - is a triumph.
  • Nikita - he carries victory.
  • Nikon is a harbinger of victories.
  • Onacyim - makes useful things.
  • Oleg - makes righteous, sacred business.
  • Orest - Born in the mountains.
  • Pankrat is omnipotent.
  • Paul - younger age.
  • Pantelemon - manifests great mercy.
  • Paramon - he can be trusted.
  • Pat - has a static figure, wide shoulders.
  • Petr - like a rock, stone.
  • Pinna - pearl sink.
  • Polycarp - a large number of fruits.
  • Pontius - belongs to marine elements.
  • Burner - is far.
  • Prokop - the one who succeeds.
  • Prokhor - Chief in the choir.
  • Plato - a man with broad shoulders.
  • Rafail - endowed with force to heal.
  • Roman - was born in Rome, Roman.
  • Rodion - acts as a real hero.
  • Rostislav - His glory grows with every day.
  • Samuel - the Most High heard his requests.
  • Savva - winemaker.
  • Stanislav is the one who set fame.
  • Seraphim - is a flame.
  • Sergey - High Growth.
  • Semyon is the one who was heard.
  • Solomon is distinguished by a peace-loving character.
  • Sofron is a correct thinking.
  • Spiridon is distinguished by reliability.
  • Stepan - Venedous.
  • Taras - in character he rebar.
  • Timofey is the one who honors the Lord.
  • Tikhon is a fateful.
  • Terente is rubric.
  • Trifon - acts chic, luxurious.
  • Trofim - is a family breadwinner.
  • Uryal is the light of the Lord.
  • Poda - praising.
  • Felix - is a happy man.
  • Fedor - he was presented to the Most High.
  • Filimon is the one who loves.
  • Feodosius - Most High sent him.
  • Fedot - Dar of the Lord.
  • Philaret is distinguished by virtue.
  • Philip is a horses amateur.
  • Thomas - is a twin.
  • Hariton - endowed by the grace of God.
  • Yuri - acts as an agriculture, a farmer.
  • Julian - refers to the pedigree Yuliyev.
  • Yaroslav is the owner of bright fame.
  • Yakov is the one who goes on the heels, not behind.

We reviewed the names for boys rare and beautiful Orthodox. Some of them are still actively used, and some have already been outdated long ago. But at times, parents, thirsting to be original, make their babies like names of names.

In any case, it is important to think not only about your personal preferences, but also about what the baby will subsequently be worn by either a different name whether it will give him discomfort in society.

Finally, I suggest familiarizing yourself with the women's names that have the most severe energy in the video:

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