Orthodox female names: where do options come from


Orthodoxy - speaks one of the main these christianity. The literal translation of the word from Greek speech means "correctly glorify." The birth time of Orthodoxy is accounted for 1 thousand of our era. Today it is 3 in popularity the direction of Christianity (in front of him Catholicism and Protestantism).

In Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR, the main religion is Orthodoxy. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has found its reflection in everything, in particular, in national names. In this material, consider Orthodox female names: their story, examples.

Beautiful Orthodox girl photo

Where did the Russian Orthodox names arise?

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Orthodox (or other than church) names are presented by a rather extensive list, the so-called "sacraticles" (or differently referred to as the "church calendar"). The date of the compilation of the church calendar falls on the 7th century, and its author became Holy John Damaskin. "Saints" are used to adopt the date of honor of various holy individuals.

When Russian Orthodoxy only originated - there are names for the sacresses for girls, perpetuating the memory of the Holy East Byzantine Church, as a rule, of Greek origin:

  • Galina - quiet;
  • Eugene - noble genus;
  • Irina is peaceful.

A lot of names had Latin roots:

  • Marina - Death Sea;
  • Natalia - Nature Element.

Famous and names with Persian roots:

  • Darius - the winner.

The names of the righteous women borrowed from the Bible were quite popular in the "saints":

  • Eve - filled with life force;
  • Salomia - humble.

In addition, the early Orthodox names of girls possessed the pagan motives. This was facilitated by the holy people called by such names, which the Orthodox Church took to the face of saints.


  • The Greek name of the Olympiad has two values ​​at once: the pagans are "that that praises the deities), and the Orthodox -" Soviemal Heaven ";
  • The Christian Name of Muza - accounted for the same Greek name given in honor of the pagan goddess of art;
  • The female name Pelagia comes from the ancient Greek "Pelagios" - that is, "from the sea." It was one of the epithets of the Greek Goddess of Beauty and Love Aphrodite.

Many can meet and having a connection with the glorious heroines of the ancient Greek epic:

  • Ariadne - the one that retains loyalty to her husband;
  • Harita - is distinguished by courtesy.

And some of the Orthodox female names shed light into the place where the girl was born or where she lives in adulthood (Lydia is a resident of the eponymous domestic city).

Also, daughters were often made in honor of the fathers, grandfathers, in connection with which, in the church calendar there were a lot of variants of names applicable to both sexes:

  • Alexander - Alexandra;
  • Pavel - Paul.

Due to the split of the Christian Church in the 11th century, Catholicism separated from Orthodoxy. Previously, the "sacraticles" were united for everyone. Therefore, many Orthodox female names are identical with those that lead Catholic sacraticles:

  • August - is sacred;
  • Barbara - came from foreign lands;
  • Zoya - the owner of strong energy;
  • Catherine is characterized by spiritual purity;
  • Iraida - acts as heroine.

Nowadays, the listed options for reasons worldwide are recognized as typical Christian names.

It is noteworthy that there are also names for girls for months in church nameslo. Every month of the year, certain holy women are revered, in honor of which the newborn babies are numbered.

In Orthodoxy, names are given by

New Variants of Girls for Church Calendar

The centuries-old history imposed his mark on the confession of Christian names: all new and new names with various etymology (Slavic, Georgian, Scandinavian, and so on) were attracted to her.

Why did it happen? Here the mass spread of Orthodoxy in foreign countries was played here, and also - canonization of new saints.

For example:

  • The name of Mstislava is a traditional Slavic, but now it is considered to be a new Orthodox name (it means "that that skillfully Mustrate) in honor of the new martyr church calendar.

Distinctive features of Russian Orthodox names

In the territory of Russian lands, the use of church names after 988 of our era is expanding - when the baptism of Russia was performed. True, there are some differences between the initial form of names and their version used in everyday life. Namely:

  • Iuliya - turned into Julia;
  • Arina - in Irina;
  • Pelagia - in Pelagia;
  • Juliania - in Ulyana and so on.

Explained similar changes very simple: unknown for the Russian people of the name were not perceived, therefore they were partially adapted under the national speech.

Girls for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

Church "Saints" contain a large number of very harmful names for representatives of the fine sex. Such behavior have not just an attractive sound, but also differ in the characteristic of a certain Christian virtue:

  • Isidore - turned into a yurodivaya for Jesus;
  • Cleopatra - famous for his father;
  • Kira - is Mrs.;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Rafail is healing.

Beautiful names of Orthodox girls

Church names for baptism: list

Now, when we studied the main features of Orthodox names, you can go to the review of the most popular options.

  • Agaphia - is kind, good.
  • Agnia - Keeps his innocence.
  • Alevtina - endowed with great strength.
  • Akilina - Orlitsa.
  • Alexandra is the one that protects others.
  • Alla - advocates goddess, the other.
  • Alena - is an excellent woman.
  • Anastasia is the one that resurrected.
  • Agrippina is a wild, unnecessted horse.
  • Agatha - distinguished by good, good temper.
  • August - is distinguished by majestic, nobility.
  • Aza is a strong body girl.
  • Angelina - stands for the Messenger of God.
  • Anxia is an executing ending.
  • Anna - endowed by the grace of the Lord, is characterized by force and courage.
  • Antonina - rushes into battle, is an opponent, flower.
  • Anfisa - flower.
  • Apollinarium - belonging to God Apollon.
  • Ariadne - at the name many values: clean, attractive appearance, faithful or ruling.
  • Valentina - with great physical power, excellent health.
  • Valeria is filled with vital energy.
  • Barbara - she does not know the Greek language, performs a rough alien.
  • Vassas - associated with the desert.
  • Vasilisa is a royal special.
  • Victoria is, that becomes the winner.
  • Faith - will be faithful, the minister of the Lord.
  • Veronica - she will definitely bring victory.
  • Galina - is calm, quiet.
  • Glafira is characterized by grace, external beauty, has smooth skin.
  • Glycheria is sweet.
  • Darius - several values: owning knowledge; The one that was presented.
  • Dorofay - presented by the Lord.
  • Doma is Ms., Lady.
  • Dosfere - the one that expresses his sincere thanks.
  • Eve is the one that breathes and lives.
  • Eugene - has good genes, comes from a noble family.
  • Evdokia - the one that favors.
  • Evphrosinia is joyful.
  • Catherine is pure spiritually.
  • Elena - is a light man.
  • Elizabeth - she was dedicated to the Most High, holy honors him, prays him.
  • Efimia is a pious christian.
  • Zinaida - Divine Origin.
  • Zlata - the name is associated with metal gold.
  • Zoya - has many vitality.
  • Ivanna - the Lord bestowed her grace.
  • Ilaria - behaves quietly, rejoices.
  • Isidore is a pretty closed girl, everything prefers to "keep in themselves."
  • Ia - in honor of the purple flower.
  • Irina - has a calm, peace-loving temper.
  • Iraida - comes from the genus of the ancient Greek goddess Gera, is the daughter of the hero.
  • Capitolina is the one that was born in the capitol.
  • Kira - acts as Mrs., power, sunny.
  • Claudia is a seaming.
  • Christina - is a zealous Christian.
  • Ksenia - came from foreign lands, showing hospitality.
  • Larisa - acts seagull, sweet, fortress.
  • Lydia - so called a certain area in Asia Minor; The owner of musical talents.
  • Love is that he knows how to love.
  • Lyudmila - she Mila Another.
  • Leah is the one that is tired, tired.
  • Margarita - Pearl.
  • Marina - belongs to marine elements.
  • Maria - her appearance to the world very desired; It is bitter, serene.
  • Matrona - lady noble class.
  • Melania is black, dark.
  • Militz - is honey.
  • Marfa - I have to Mrs., hostess.
  • Hope is the one that gives a sense of hope.
  • Natalia - she was born in Christmas; It is native.
  • Nick is the winner.
  • Neonic - updated, young, fresh, young.
  • Nina - Performs by the Limit; associated with youth; is Mrs.
  • Nona - the ninth child in the family; was given in dedication to the Lord.
  • Oksana - is guests; Same manifests hospitality.
  • Olga - distinguished by holiness, carries the light, the Great.
  • Olympia - has a divine origin, daughter of the Olympic Gods.
  • Paul is a small, miniature.
  • Pelagia - refers to the element of the sea.
  • Pulcheria - has an excellent appearance.
  • Praskovya - the name was given in honor of the fifth day of the week - Friday.
  • Raisa - the name has several values: light and leader.
  • Rufina - a girl with red, golden hair.
  • Rimma is the one that appeared on the light (or lives) in Rome.
  • Regina - royal blood, stands by the Royal.
  • Salomia - peace-loving, carrier world.
  • Sarah - originating from a notable kind, prosperous.
  • Svetlana is associated with light, good.
  • Susanna is associated with a white lily flower.
  • Sofia is famous for his wisdom.
  • Stefania is a noble class having a crown on the head.
  • Taisiya - the one who devoted the goddess Isis; Differs in fertility.
  • Tamara - the name is given from the name of the fig tree, the palm tree.
  • Tatiana - performs the founder, suits everything.
  • Julianna - possesses fluffy, curly hair.
  • Julia - comes from the Yuliyev family.
  • Cecilia - deprived of the opportunity to see; In another embodiment, suffering from myopia.
  • Christine is the daughter of Christ.
  • Feodosia - acts in the gift of deities.
  • Fevronia - differs in radiance, clarity, carries light into the world.
  • Ferofila is the one that loves her lovers.
  • Fedor is a girl who appeared as a gift over.
  • Faina is shiny.
  • Fekla - assessed glory of the Most High.

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