Saturn in Aries: meaning for man and women


What denotes Saturn in Aries, if not power and order? This is the image of your chief or a senior relative. Saturn turns a moving fiery Aries in an introvert, which is engaged in internal analysis, but with inherent diet and egocentric. It is such a thing in our team of the chef: he invented a new approach to organizing the work of his employees, than is very proud of. What is the difference between Aries with Saturn in Natal Map, what is their feature? Consider the question in the article.

Saturn in Ovne

Saturn in Aries: Characteristics

These are brilliant people who are capable of achieving a lot on any chosen field. Aries provides a pulse to action, and Saturn organizes an impulsive Aries and leads its chaotic activity to discipline and order. However, the genius of Aries with active Saturn does not tolerate any restrictions or coercion, so they choose professions with the possibility of self-realization without interference.

Positive traits:

  • Suitability;
  • modesty;
  • self-limitation;
  • diplomacy;
  • Talent leader.

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These two opposing beginnings, fire (Aries) and Ice (Saturn) give rise to such qualities of character, to resist which few people succeed. People with such an astrological combination in a natal map are distinguished by a superprobile character, it is available to them impossible.

However, women with a similar astrological combination of planets are distinguished by non-advisability and scandaling, multiplied by Melancholy and gloomy depressiveness. This is the type of boss and leader, but not a housewife and a caring mother.

Saturn in Aries for a man

There is another paradox in this astrological combination: the energy is trying to combine with confusion. Saturn is quenching the fiery temperament of Aries, forcing it to remain confused and insecure in his abilities. But at the same time, the impulsivity is not going anywhere.

As a result, an intricate generation of impulsive uncertainty is obtained, which finds its manifestation in slow perseverance and stubbornness, inorganization and chaotic fussiness. Fire melting and the energy of the Aries is rocked on trifles and unnecessary actions. Aries need to learn to correctly apply Saturn's energies to become collected and ordered in their actions.

Man is concerned about the anxious self-analysis, looking for its drawbacks. However, in a positive manifestation, this astrological combination leads to a scientific search and research.

Negative features:

  • capriciousness;
  • overestimated requirements for others;
  • indomitable strength of character;
  • Overchard hard restrictions.

An unfavorable combination of planets for Aries brings a destructive aspect in his life. People with this combination do not understand what is happening to them, and this can lead to the saddest and destructive consequences. Aries with Saturn in Natal Map are in constant voltage, which negatively affects communication with others: there is no mutual understanding, there is no successful cooperation.

Saturn in Ovne

Since the Aries is difficult to obey order and discipline, it diligently seeks to avoid restrictions. But it is difficult for him, as Saturn's energies are pressured and subordinate. As a result, numerous subconscious fears appear, which lead to a neurotic state. Some Aries appear obsessive need to be constantly justified, bringing themselves to the feeling of order and responsibility that the Saturn's energy imposes him.

Despite its internal resistance to discipline and order, Aries with Saturn at the head demands this from others and flows into rage at disobedience. Aries constantly goes beyond the instructions, but it categorically does not tolerate such behavior from others . The audacity, courage and non-recognition of other people's authorities are withdrawn on a different level of sensation of being - confrontation between the spirit of the time, the spirit of the era. This is a reformer, revolutionary, devotee and often just a rebar.

Personal life

Saturn in Aries gives a person an aggressive assertion and excessive sharpness. Even in women, this quality is present, which can sometimes be expressed in the initiative of dating with representatives of the opposite sex. Aries woman completely fearlessly offers a man's society, not a complex of about this. Men with Saturn in Natal Map do not differ in romanticism and poetic manifestation of feelings: they are rude with their second halves, and often just insensitive.

On a note! People with Saturn in Aries wayward and egocentric, with which you have to put up. It is impossible to change them or in any way.

Men with Saturn at the chapter will not spend time on courtship, and directly tell about their intentions. This may seem too primitive, but this is the essence of Saturnians: they do not like long and long preludes. What men are that women with Saturn in the map are coming alive and confidently bent their line, not a little taking care of the feelings of their chosen.

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