Exile demons of man and housing


Demons constitute an integral part of Christian culture, personifying spiritual impurity and thoughts. The expulsion of demons from the dwelling and man is a centuries-old practice that originates from the times of early Christianity. Is it possible to cope with unclean spirits yourself?

My girlfriend learned to cope with the evil spirits with the help of Orthodox prayers. He says that it helps to get rid of attack inside itself and spiritual torments. As you know, demons bring precisely spiritual torments, depriving peace and joy of life. In the article, I will tell you how you can drive a demon of myself and your housing with prayers and conspiracies.

Exile demons

Exile demons

How to determine what evil attacks you from the inside? Firstly, a person loses his spiritual equilibrium and peace, he begins to pull "on the feats", aggression or unreasonable feeling of burning hatred appears.

On a note! Any deviations from the norm of behavior adopted in society may indicate the attack of unclean spirits. Also, the demons are sitting on a person various visions and send crazy thoughts.

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The devil and his servants are the enemies of a person, so hard to harm him in all. The unclean power of omnipresent, it can even be in the church or monastery. The recoveors of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra often experienced the action of the unclean strength, which can take quite visible and even tangible image. Some reasons of the evil spirits so introduced in the vague, that they involuntarily renounced Christ.

On a note! Nobody is insured against the impact of unclean strength.

Neither the san priest nor the monastic stop is a guarantee of protection against the influence of demons. They have the power to seduce a person, sending sinful thoughts to him. But a person always has a choice to discard these thoughts and throw them out of the head. If a Christian is able to cope with the influx of unclean thoughts, it means that he defeated the fight with demons. If you judge the temptation, I will punish myself.

What if united the deva or tries to harm the man thoughts? You need to drive it with the following conspiracy on the flock of Crow:

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So that the demons did not dare to harm the thoughts and sinful desires, you need to read the following prayer at dawn:

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However, it is not enough to read prayers and conspiracies from the unclean, you need to make efforts to counteract the flaws of demons. If you are overcome sinful thoughts, you can not succumb to the temptation: it will open the canal demons for further permit.

Exile demons of man

If you bland the thoughts to take revenge on the offender, you need to strain your whole will and say: I forgive this person for the sake of Christ. Look, then it will be with him. When we forgive the offenders and do not wear the revenge plan, the forces of the Universe are joined. It has already been checked many times, just need to be able to wait. If a person begins to revenge himself for himself, thereby he does not give the forces of the universe to enhance him and punish the villain.

What does man encourages to take revenge offenders? The Fathers of the Church believe that this is not a person himself wishes revenge, and the spirit (demon) of Mist svchens was settled into it. Therefore, it is urgent to be freed from this entity and understand that the thoughts of revenge come from unclean. To help yourself get rid of the spirit of messenger, you can apply a way to write a letter to the offender. Just set out on a sheet of paper all that would like to tell him. After that, read the conspiracy to get rid of grief and heavy thoughts:

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A letter with a letter must be burned on the flame of the candle, and the ashes dispel in the wind. Imagine that you all told your enemy and he knows about these words. Now you should be much easier. If the inner pain has not passed to the end, repeat the rite.

You can get rid of annoying thoughts at the intersection: there they love to dwell demons. To do this, take a small pinch of salt from salt, reach the intersection (better away from the house), throw salt through the left shoulder and say to yourself:

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After that, go home and do not look around. If you turn, then again picker the demon and bring it home with you. It is advisable to return home another expensive, and even better - come on a minibus or bus. If the demon somehow clutched after the rite at the crossroads, then it can be left in another place - in the store, bus or cafe.

Remember that picking the demon is very easy: it is worth only to go about bad thoughts. But not always the evil sends sinful or illegal thoughts, often a demon may be seduced by despondency or sadness. The despondency in Christianity is also considered a sin, but not everyone knows about it. To indulge in sad thoughts, thorough and sadness is the mistrust of God, ungrateful for the wonderful gift of life. If a person does not work something, this is not a reason for sadness. Just think about it seriously, so as not to give the reasons for the union.

Exile demons from the dwelling

Since unclean force is a subtle formation, it can be influenced by material methods, for example, by smoke from herbs. No wonder in the church in the service is constantly entering incense: they drive the evil who crowded near the parishioners. However, on demons, not all herbs act equally: there are special - endless.

For the housing rite, the home will be required:

  • Holy water;
  • Church candle;
  • church icon;
  • Bunch of dry wormwood or incense.

Icon should be purchased in the church or consecrated in it. Do not buy icons outside the church yard, as they will all demand the rite of consecration. Instead of wormwood or other coating grass, you can use incense or monasurers (church Fimiam).

To purify the room you need to take an icon in hand and not to let it go during the sprinkling of the room with holy water. But first you need to get around the entire apartment around the perimeter with a burning wax candle, reading prayers (at least just our father). You need to loudly read prayer, keep the icon and walk with a lit candle. Corners and door shoals need to be baptized with candle, also window openings.

On a note! So that hot wax does not drop on the skin of the hand and do not glasses on the floor, the candle "dress" in a skirt of paper. Just cut the hole in a paper circle and insert a candle into it.

After you go home with a candle, you will need to sprinkle the entire room with holy water. For convenience, you can take advantage of parsley or dill twigs: dipped them into the water and froze the room. During the rite of expulsion, it is necessary to have a consecrated cross in the church in the Church: without a native cross, it is impossible to hold rites.

During the sanctification of the room with candle and holy water, the incense should smoke or a beam of wormwood. If the apartment is big, then you need to pre-dress all the rooms incense or wormwood, and then go with a candle and holy water. Do not forget to clean myself bathrooms and utility rooms. If the house has a attic and a basement - be sure to clean them.

On a note! For the expulsion of demons from the room, you need to read the prayers of ours, "God will resurrect," the guardian angel.

To fix the housing cleansing from demons, put a rolled sheet with a protective prayer from non-dust into the hallway. This leaflet can be put in a small box or sew it incense from the matter or a piece of leather. It will not hurt to hang in the hallway icon "Unbreakable Wall" or "Seven Street". These protective icons will scare demons that pass to the house with other people.

Exile demons from the room

Which apartments need to be cleansing from unclean:

  • where alcoholic lives;
  • where the murder / suicide occurred;
  • where often scandals and hate each other;
  • Where he lives a seriously ill person.

These premises especially love unclean spirits. They are incitement to quarrels, drunken and even inclined to suicide. Clean the rule to clean the room after each scandal, booze or illness. Bypassing a house with a candle worth nothing, and the benefits of this action will be huge.

Well cleanse the space bell ringing. You can record the bell tongue and include it periodically so that the sounds do their job. You can also be cleaned with a bell tongue in the church - stand next to the bell tower when the rhodtle is ringing in the bell and read our all the time. If you are constantly cleaned by the sounds of the bell, the demons will leave you alone.

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