Moon in a 10-house woman and men


The moon in the 10th house says a lot about the character of men and women who were lucky to get such an indicator in the natal map. Read the article in which I analyze all the important moments and details in detail.

general characteristics

People with such an indicator are very important not just to strive for sufficiency and high social status. But also to engage in true loved things. Only then will be able to come to true success over time and improve the quality of their lives.

Moon in the 10th house in a woman

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If they work as needed or because they decided to prefer the fact that it is stable, then they seem to overlap the financial flow. Therefore, it is so important to follow your destination by listening to the desires and needs of the soul.

They are very creative, lungs on the rise, energetic, enterprising and emotional. Masterfully know how to make useful dating, see opportunities for self-realization in the surrounding space where no one else noticed them.

Can successfully perform in the public, become coaches, coaches, actors, speakers, politicians. But they will also easily succeed in any other sphere, if they themselves wish. The main thing is to love your work, and then everything will be in the best possible way.

Moon in the tenth house in a man

If a man's holotal map has such an indicator, it will always look for a woman. Attention, love and support of the opposite sex is extremely important for him, he cannot live, act and achieve goals without female energy and inspiration that gives love.

Moon in the 10th house in a man

What is still characteristic of him:

  1. In early childhood, the wise and a feminine mother, who sends, supports, supports, praises and believes to him, supports himself, allowing him to decide who he will be, when he grows.
  2. It was the mother who brings up a boy in such a way that he learns to set himself only high goals. It is constantly developing, wanting to earn more, know and be able to more, and this process is almost infinite. That is why he is able to achieve unreal heights.
  3. He likes to work in a purely women's team or where the head is a woman. And it is not bothering it. It is able to fly through the career ladder and on such conditions.
  4. Often it is the status and powerful women help him grow. Provide him, patronize him. In them, he also draws all sorts of opportunities for its own development and growth.
  5. He loves children and dreams of having. The child for him is the subject of adoration and incredible pride. He becomes almost perfect father and husband, as if from advertising. It can be rejected on it, it will bring up his own children, it is no worse than they brought him up.

Moon in the tenth house in a woman

Such an indicator in the women's natal map is very clearly indicated by certain traits. Such a woman is full of ambitions, seeks a lot to achieve in life, her material world and money is important.

Moon in the 10th house

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She is very hardworking, two-housing, worn, practically "Storuchny Shiva", has time for everything. Although work rate, she needs to learn to control so that it is not overcoating sooner or later.
  2. She is very purposeful. Moreover, it makes very bold desires, it is not afraid to dream of a large one. Often, her ideas seem surrounding insane, strange, unreal but she does not care. She still gets what he wants.
  3. In communicating with people, it is quite strict, demanding. Puts a high bar and yourself, and others. If they do not match, ruthlessly interrupts all communication. It is important for her to be surrounded by like-minded people and people with the same aspirations.
  4. It will also become a very strict mom. He will teach her daughter to set goals and reach them, will try to eradicate laziness and indecision. But at the same time, the child does not "photograph", but will help her harden the character very wise and prudent methods.
  5. Almost from the first steps of the child begins to teach him to discipline, order and work. Therefore, her children, as a rule, are distinguished by excellent education, grow in successful personalities, which were realized in the career.
  6. It is important for her not to overdo it with rigor, so as not to settle in the child's soul complexes and insecurity. Allowed him to make a choice in some important things.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The moon in the 10th house gives rise to very ambitious, purposeful, self-confident people regardless of gender. Both men and women are desperate careerists who do not think of life without high achievements.
  • A woman has to work in this life to develop femininity, develop softness and ensure that men's energies do not start predominate in it. The man's task is somewhat easier - to follow their true dreams and do not go from the way.

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