Moon in Lev: Meaning for a man and for a woman


If you see a person with the royal gait and the gangs of the ruler, then you met a lion with a strong moon in the natal map. They adore to be the center of attention, constantly concerned about the impression that is in public. Thirst for glory and applause leads them to the scene: these are magnificent artists. My rosulor is just such a thing (as he tortured us all, not to convey words). Consider the characteristic: Moon in Lev. What kind of people, how to communicate with them, what to expect from them?

Moon in Lev.

Moon in Lev: general characteristics

These people need to shine in society and receive praise in the form of approval or applause. They seek to get into the secular society and be sought-after. For Lviv with the Moon, social life is very important, so they often become public figures and leaders of movement or party. To be in the thick of the people and in the epicenter of events is just what the lion needs. They like the general public, as they know how to interest people and incline to their point of view.

On a note! Lions with the moon in a natal map often become volunteers or are engaged in charity to impress people.

A small lion with the moon in a natal map constantly needs praise and approval. If he does not give the necessary portion of attention, he can seriously get sick on the nervous soil. The lion with a strong moon is a very impressionable nature that is easy to hurt. Hypocrisy and false - this is what they hated. Sincere and naive, they go the world with a wide shower.

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The damaged moon enhances the negative component of the character and distorts everything positive. The lion becomes an unbearable pride, Zassay and Basta.

Moon in Lion for Men


This is a confident man and its own man who has the task of any complexity on the shoulder. Fusey optimism charges by positive everyone who is next to this person. Lev is noble, decent and generous. He also cares about his loved ones with a sincere heart, but not always faithful in marital relations. Treason is a manifestation of the thirst of glory and impressions: Lev is needed to admire them. If the spouse does not pay enough attention to his partner, he will find him on the side.

On a note! The more attention you pay a lion with the Moon in the horoscope, the more valuable and meaningful becomes in his eyes.

Lions with a strong moon in Natalo map - inborn artists, and they choose as a viewer. They need this woman to play a performance daily, a sort of one actor theater. Without this, the lion does not think of its existence, and he does not tolerate loneliness. He also does not tolerate people who disagree to be good spectators on his performances.

Moon in Lion for a woman


These ladies require constant attention, without which they cannot exist. If you forget about the Lioness, it will certainly remind yourself of a series of children's whims and demonstrative theatrical content of the material. From the children's years a lioness with the Moon in Natal Map considers himself an exceptional, queen position and unique in everything. She does not need a man who will have to support and comfort: for the queen you need a real king.

The desire for brilliance is laid in it from birth. If the lioness by the Will of the wrong occasion lives in a regular apartment, and not in the Tsarist Palace, then it will do everything possible to move to live in a choir. The royal chambers are needed by a lioness to demonstrate all their worth and cause admiration. She likes to arrange all sorts of parties to praise her for organizing and refined table. She will also always visit some kind of secular part to gain impressions and impress others.

The name "Svetsky Lioness" appeared not from scratch: Lioness with the moon in a natal map constantly seeks to take the most prestigious place in favorites (secular) society. If this does not happen, it considers itself unrealized in society. It can be alone along with him for some time, but a long stay outside the society is a lioness, and she again seeks to win the attention of others and impress them. The theater of one actor is characteristic not only for Lviv, but also for the lioness: she constantly plays a role.

If the baby appears in the lioness, she considers it an exceptional child and always finds this evidence. Her baby should be better than everyone, so the lioness takes care of his upbringing and education. The child will attend a lot of all sorts of sections and circles on the development of abilities, study foreign languages ​​and engage in art.

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