Selena in the 12th house in a woman and a man


In the human natal map there are two invisible planets of Karma: Lilith (Black Moon), protruding a daemon, which is capable of impede into the abyss of detrimental passions. And there is also a selenium (or a white moon) - showing the path of light. She will tell you what good things a person performed in his past lives, for which he is going to thanks. And tell how he moves through life to continue to develop positive karma.

In this material, we will look at how the selenium manifests themselves in the 12th house of the horoscope.

Selena is antipode Lilith

Selena in 12 field: features

A white moon in the 12th house protects a person from cunning intrigues of secret enemies, helping to quickly denounce them. Often in life there is a situation where the former enemy turns into a friend.

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The highest strengths keep the attendance from the fatal temptations, insincerity, disappointment, delusion. And the power of selenium becomes stronger than closer it is from Ascendent.

Professionally recommended to become:

  • medic;
  • psychic;
  • healer;
  • psychotherapist;
  • engage in art;
  • Occult disciplines.

Selena is our guardian angel

In different signs of the zodiac

  • Aries. This is a moral person, a noble fighter for the right things, very fair. Optimist, altruist, with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. Protects more weak.
  • Taurus - such an individual does not completely depend on the worldly things, giving preference to spiritual. It behaves with others benevolently, interested in art, beautiful and sublime.
  • Twins. Such Selena gives love to her neighbors, as to himself, as well as motivating the Nativa, right and righteously to serve them. This person is a conductor of sublime human ideas and divine omen.
  • Cancer - the owner of this village observes the traditions and laws of their nation, the rapadians, parents and continues them. From nature, he is very sensitive, susceptible, impressionable, ambitious, caring.
  • The lion - has developed creative abilities, a sense of self-esteem, incredibly noble, generous, benevolent and generous to the people around him.
  • Virgo is very intellectual, hardworking, has a pronounced sense of debt, mandatory, responsible, can voluntarily restrict itself in something if necessary.
  • Scales - a man desperately fighting for justice around the world, a humanist and an altruist, striving for the best future for everyone. Friendly, excellent diplomat, is interested in art.
  • Scorpion. Selena in this sign will help to cope with animal instincts, sexual and erotic obsession, instead gives real love, dignity and inner pride. The person is selfless, can sacrifice for the sake of others.
  • Sagittarius. Such a white moon expands the spiritual horizon, improving spiritual qualities. Moves with great love for humanity, so often these people become missionaries, preachers, priests, and so on.
  • Capricorn. Individual is very purposeful, purposeful, deep, with a solid life position, views and installations. And he knows how and loves to work, proud and with a sense of personal dignity.
  • Aquarius. Increased need to be free, independent and independent. There is a desire to patronize and patronize, being a patron, help others morally, financially. He is the soul of the environment, creates unusual ideas associated with the salvation of peace and people, begins to implement them in practice.
  • Fishes. Increases thrust for meditation practices, occult, plus compassion, mercy, willingness to help those who need it. In addition, strong love of nature, living beings, has been manifested. The man is soulless, gentle, kind, easily adapts under the surrounding.

Selena - otherwise white moon

In a woman and a man

White moon in 12 field of horoscope - is considered a very positive aspect. It helps men and women to work out the spiritual tasks set in front of them with solitude, the development of intuitive abilities (especially if there are aspects of the Moon and Mercury). Such personalities can be called guards of the secret threads of fate.

Important! With this aspect, the career implementation is not recommended, since then native can begin to degrade spiritually. Balance should be adhere to the balance between spiritual and material.

With the negative aspects of the planet, the native uses the secret information of others, but in bad light. Professionally, for example, be a successful spy or investigator, detective.

In addition, Selena in the 12th house sometimes talks about a hidden life, a diligent protected by a person from strangers.

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