Together 27 years: what wedding and what to give an anniversary


Flew 27 years from the day of marriage, children rose and grandchildren were born. Spouses are still together, following this when registering an oath. What is the name of the anniversary of 27 years old - what kind of wedding? This date is called the wedding of a mahogany, comparing married relationship with a precious noble breed. My native aunt celebrates this anniversary this year, and I have already thought about choosing gifts. They and her husband were on the verge of a divorce twice, but always won love and once again love. Therefore, it is very important to register marriage for love, and not because of the benefit or for another reason.

27 years old wedding

Stretch wedding traditions

For 27 years, the collaboration of the spouses became one of the whole, which is very difficult to divide - but it is still possible. Red wood refers to valuable wood rocks. It has increased strength and, at the same time, it is easy to handle. So married relations have become durable for such a long joint stay, but still remain flexible and can be grinding and finishing.

Why does a red tree relate to valuable breeds and products from it are considered luxury objects? Because his wood is not amenable to attack termites, mold and chemicals. It has amazing resistance to external influences of any level. Products from it do not lose the form of decades, do not wear out and do not fade. So the relationship of the spouses did not succumb to external influences and attack of malicious forces - remained durable and reliable, did not lose their gloss and nobility of love.

The spouses no longer think of the life of a friend without a friend and are able to overcome the further binds of living together, having a reliable basis for relations - love and respect for each other.

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How to celebrate the anniversary? This date does not apply to the anniversary, but it should not be ignored. Psychologists believe that it is necessary to celebrate the absolutely every anniversary of the wedding to recall the joyful moments of the connection of two destinies in one. This anniversary can be noted in a family circle and invite closest friends. It is not necessary to come to the celebration with expensive presents, because the most important gift is always warm heart and sincerity of feelings.

An important part of the holiday is the recollection of past times when the couple just met and began to meet. This will be facilitated by photos and other memorable characters of those times. If you are not going to celebrate the anniversary of friends, and the relatives live too far away from your city, then you can simply spend this time together. Enjoy the feeling of peace, get enough happiness, remember the happiest moments of your life together - it is very important.

You can just stay at home by setting a candle dinner, but you can order a table in a cozy restaurant with a small number of visitors. The main thing is to be together in this memorable day, so you need to take in advance at work in the work or leave at your own expense.

The room for the home party is better to decorate the scenery in red tones: it will task the themed tone. The clothes of the culprits of the celebration should also be in red tones or need to buy red accessories to it. It is completely easy to do: a woman can wear jewelry or jewelry with red stones, a man can put on a red tie or butterfly.

27 years old wedding what a wedding

Ideas gifts

For wedding anniversary, it is customary to give a variety of gifts: from thematic to surprises-impressions. If there is no time to search for gifts to newlyweds, a cash envelope comes to revenue, decorated with a ribbon color of the holiday. In this case, this color is red. You can simply glue the envelope from red paper and put there a cherished amount of money - a great present.

Gifts guests:

  • Figurines and products made of mahogany;
  • Photo frames with photos of spouses;
  • Tree of happiness from beads and other materials;
  • Household appliances type microwave, etc.
  • a ticket to a sanatorium, cruise or in place;
  • interior items from any material;
  • Set of 27 objects ;;
  • Eco-friendly dishes made of mahogany.

It is important to emphasize the idea of ​​red: either choose things with a red tint, or wrap the gifts in the red packaging paper, or simply tend a gift with a red ribbon.

Any wedding anniversary is appropriate to give bed kits. This time you can choose underwear from red silk or bamboo cloth. It will also be appropriate to give a beautiful wine tinge bed or sofa decorative pillows. Bathrobes for spouses and bath towels of red tone are a chic gift that will always be by the way.

Interior items are always a wide selection of useful trifles or just beautiful baubles that create a comfort or a characteristic atmosphere in the room. It can be still life with red flowers or an original red glass vase or clay. In the stores of Indian goods sell keystones and mane wood caskets.

27 years of living together what a wedding

Gifts of spouses to each other

They do not have to be made of mahogany, although, a pair of wooden rings with inlay does not prevent: it will be an excellent reminder of the anniversary.

The wife can give her faithful tool set or a container for storage (not necessarily from mahogany). It can also be items for Hobbies Husband: Spinning, Equipment, etc. If the spouse drives a car, you can buy accessories for the cabin. Never hurt a ticket for a journey or rest in the sanatorium. If the husband is fond of chess or peoples, you can present a chic set of mahogany.

A spouse can give their half a set of cosmetics of the company that she prefers. A bouquet of 27 red roses will complement this gift by the sea of ​​smiles and kisses. What woman will refuse a certificate into an elite beauty salon? Therefore, such a gift will be the best of the presents. If a mahogany jewelry box appears on a spouse's dressing table with jewelry, it will bring her a sea of ​​happiness and become a reminder of the love of the spouse in his absence.

In addition to jewelry, you can give luxury jewelry, which is now in trend. If you put jewelry into a new mahogany casket, it will have to taste. If you add a gift to the beautiful underwear of the wine tint, then the joy of the spouse will only increase. Late in the evening, after leaving guests, you can open a bottle of dear red dry wine and celebrate the celebration in a more intimate setting.

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