At 28 years: what a wedding and that give the newlyweds


Live together for almost a third of a century - it is worthy of respect. The couple, together for so many years, have learned to yield to each other and consider the opinion of its halves. My second cousin and her husband celebrate this year the next wedding anniversary, so I'm starting to pick up gifts. What to give for 28 years and what a wedding? It is popularly referred to as nickel and compared with the metal already, unlike wood or stone. Consider the tradition of the wedding and gift ideas.

28 years old what a wedding

Nickel Day or wedding orchid

Nickel - resistant to external influences metal, which over the years not lose luster and does not tarnish. But the metal needs constant care, without which it will rust quickly. That is why the wedding anniversary of nickel appropriated the name: with proper care and caring attitude of the spouses does not "rust", and will shine and sparkle as nickel.

However, nickel is called only in Russia and in Europe, in America called Happy Anniversary orchids. This is also a beautiful and romantic name, which like our fellow countrymen.

By tradition, the wedding anniversary of the couple repeated oaths and vows in the wedding day.

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This is reminiscent of the fact that they married for love, and swore allegiance to each other until death. After repeating the vows the couple exchanged gifts with each other, symbolizing the tenderness of their feelings and relationships with each other.

Gifts should not be too expensive and demonstrative: just a simple souvenir. The main gift in the life of each of the spouses is its second half - it must not be forgotten for a moment.

How to make a celebration, where to spend the holiday? In our country, not neyubileynye anniversary decided to celebrate in a big way, so 28 years of wedding it is possible to note at home. To emphasize the warmth and romance of a happy family life, we can put on the table a nickel-plated samovar. Samovar anciently symbolized hospitality, prosperity and well-being of the family.

If you are going to celebrate the anniversary together, it would be appropriate home-cooked dinner by candlelight or in a small cozy restaurant. Not necessarily ordered some expensive meals, we can do quite a bottle of champagne and dessert. The main thing - it is to be alone and to recall the happy times past, when you were young and in love.

28 years of marriage

After dinner in the restaurant, you can go through the streets for which you walked during dates, as well as go to the park or Square. Houses Be sure to review the family photo album to re-survive all the moments of happiness. Remember how your little family was born as hoped for a joint life. Since you are still together, it means that your family life really took place.

On a note! On the day of the nickel wedding, it is not bad to give each other a nickel alloy rings made to order. This is to strengthen the marital relationship for another year.

However, if you wish to celebrate the anniversary with a scope, you can safely book a banquet room in a restaurant or rent a country house. You can invite all native, friends and acquaintances, and have fun from the soul. The decor of the room must correspond to the anniversary symbolism. If you order a hall in a restaurant, decorators will take care of this (they are specifically invited). If you celebrate a holiday at home, then take care of the scenery yourself.

On the festive table there should be a brilliant white tablecloth, napkins and capes on the chairs can be sewn from silver plated fabric or decorated with silver bows. The table is served by table devices from nickel alloy or melchior / silver. The more metal dishes will be on the table, the better.

Do not forget about the photo shoot: Be sure to hide a professional photographer and duplicate all the pictures made 28 years ago on this day. Date 28 years old is very complex and ambiguous, as the married couple is experiencing middle-aged crisis. At this time, brewing between spouses may increase, and the relationship is to give a crack. Therefore, it is very important that this day repeat everything that was exactly 28 years ago - and the photo in the same places, and the wedding dinner, and the wedding night, and the oaths in love and loyalty.

28 years old wedding what a wedding

Ideas gifts

This anniversary is given everything that is made of nickel alloy or covered by it. It is worth entering the household goods store, in the dishware, in the souvenir shop. Ideas for gifts Centers Celebrations are limited only by the flight of your imagination.


  • Household appliances with nickel inserts;
  • chandeliers with inlay nickel;
  • cutlery and dishes;
  • Candlestick made of nickel alloy.

You can also give everything that has a silver shade, for example, beautiful bedspread or curtains. Also it can be all sorts of baubles to decorate the interior.

In addition to traditional gifts, you can pretend gifts-impressions or a cash envelope with bills. If the spouses have not visited the theater for a long time, you can buy tickets for the performance. If a married couple loves to travel, you can give them a ticket to beautiful places. Any entertainment or sessions of wellness procedures will come by the way. You can also give spouses and subscription to a photo session.

Gifts of spouses to each other

What can I give a wife in such a significant date? It can be a set of kitchenware, which she dreamed of, or a pushed electric samovar - a symbol of a family coziness. If the spouse loves jewelry and decorations, you can give her a set of elite jewelry. It is desirable immediately with a storage box.

On a note! No solemn event passes without a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with a beloved woman.

If you bought a nickel alloy or accessory or accessory, make engraving with the words of love and loyalty. It will warm the heart of a woman during your absence.

What can I give a spouse? If the husband smokes tobacco, then a wonderful gift will be a cigarette party from a nickel alloy with engraving or expensive lighter. You can order an ashtray, buy cufflinks or key chains from nickel. In the shop for hunters, you can buy a pocket flask if the husband loves to fish or engaged in hunting. Also look for shaving sets with nickel details.

But the most important and best gift on this day are the words of love uttered from the bottom of my heart to each other. Give love, tenderness and passion for each other every day so that your marriage is truly long and happy.

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