Ketu in 1 house in woman and men


Rahu and Ketu are shadow (or fictitious) planets, that is, those that do not have the material mass, however, from this, their influence on human life does not become less.

The location in the horoscope Ketu - describes a special, rather complex area of ​​human life. On the one hand, it hides in themselves many talents, resources, and with another - provokes unforeseen, fears, dissatisfaction, causes the karmic debts of the past.

What will Ketu tell in 1 house? Let's find out.

Ketu in astrology in the first house

Ketu in 1 field: features

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The first house is considered the basis of a natal card. He gives the characteristic of the appearance of the Native, his personality, the same, how he interacts with the surrounding people.

The position of Ketu in the 1st house - hesit about numerous challenges from life, the main one is internal conflicts. But thanks to difficult lessons, deep wisdom is comprehended, its uniqueness is revealed.

Ketu in the first field in a man and women

  1. Ketu is a mystical planet that contains the memory of the soul about her past lives. Here we find the developments of early incarnations, like bad and good. And from here, the first characteristic feature implies - the native is often not able to be objective in his actions, actions, makes them unconsciously. That is, suddenly a person in his head arises some thought, the idea, he jumps up and begins to introduce it in reality.
  2. Often the owners of Ketu in 1 field are people strange, not understandable to the end. They often repel themselves from themselves with their behavior, as a result of which they suffer, they seek to change their character, but they do not succeed.
  3. Another Ketu will tell about the most vulnerable, painful area of ​​life. In the case of the first house, this is "I" or the "Ego" of the individual, that is, how he perceives himself. There is an increased sensitivity to criticism, too varying ego.
  4. So people like to do everything themselves, they hardly seek help to other people.
  5. Often they are very stubborn and self-removal, prefer secretive actions because of their fear of criticism, condemnation. It can be difficult to negotiate with them.
  6. On the other hand, Ketu in 1 house gives special talents, a sense of own uniqueness, a favorable difference from the "gray mass".
  7. The feeling of lost against the background of maximum self-confidence is another typical trait of Ketu owners in 1 house.
  8. The personal sphere of life is the most sore place in their lives. It happens because, opposite the first house in Natal Map, there is a seventh house responsible for the partnership, alliances. And here is located Rahu, he always stands opposite Ketu.

Ketu in 1 house - a sign of difficult relationship

Rahu is associated with ambitions and lessons of the current embodiment, when a person comes to a numerous crisis, dissatisfaction with a certain sphere of life with Yarym desire to correct the situation. It turns out that the owners of Ketu in the 1st house there is an urgent need for love, relations on a par with fear, fear of mistakes and accusing themselves in them.

How to work out ketu in 1 house

It is worth listening to the following recommendations:

  • Please accept your characteristics, do not try to be better than others, but also do not lower yourself below the floor. We work the feeling of guilt and inner discontent with yourself.
  • Understand that you yourself defend your ego from other people, as too vulnerable. Become more open to the world, learn to trust others.
  • Learn to adequately perceive criticism, improve your vulnerability. To do this, it is important to produce a real, deep self-confidence.
  • Do not seek to prove to all in a row that you are right and do not find crack over to others. A similar behavior strategy is inherent in the owners of Ketu in the first field and this is the usual compensation of insecurity, vary. Then the person begins to "attack the first", as it is afraid that it will make his opponent. Again, it will take an increase in self-esteem.
  • Learn to confesses others.

Learn more to trust the surrounding

  • Understand and accept the fact that personal life is the most sore area in the current incarnation, over which you will be forced to work very long and diligently. Do not attempt to completely refuse relationships, because it is impossible, just start as soon as possible to work out the karmic lessons of the past, making the right conclusions.
  • Often there is a pride, it is also worth a honestly admit to himself and start fighting her.
  • Take yourself the most surrounding people as they are. When Ketu in 1 house is characterized by excessive criticism and the rejection of all around - as a result of rejection, first of all, itself. Just let yourself and yourself, and others be unique, not trying to redo or condemn anyone.
  • Since Ketu is a spiritual planet giving Moksha (liberation), then you have the opportunity to feel the highest condition of freedom, even achieving enlightenment.

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