44 years - what a wedding in the people, how to celebrate it to give


In the bulk of the wedding cases - the most important and cutting event. After all, it is strong and a long marriage union that is a pledge of a happy life. If husband and wife lived together, 44 years old, what kind of wedding is the people? It's time to deal with this question, and also find out how to celebrate the anniversary that to give it to it.

44 years in marriage - Topazovaya Wedding

The origins of the tradition of celebrating the dates of weddings

What is a wedding? This is not just a solemn ceremony in the registry office with painting, a solemn table and a photo session. First of all, the wedding is the creation of a new family, the "cells of society", as they would say in the USSR. And each anniversary in marriage is the same celebration as the wedding ceremony itself.

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After all, with each new year, the relationship of the relationship of spouses is increasingly strengthened. Gradually, they begin to quarrel less, as mutual compromises are found much easier.

Yes, and over the years of marriage, the pick-up to the second half becomes smaller, because you already know the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen one, you see what you can count on and what to expect from him. In general, normal over the years in the family, harmony, supplemented by mutual understanding and love.

44 years of living, what kind of wedding?

When the spouses lived in the marriage union of 44 years, their wedding is called Topazova. Interestingly, 16 years from the date of marriage is also called the Topazovaya anniversary. Surely, it is so conceived specifically to rejuvenate a little more than 44 years of marriage.

Symbolism of a topaz wedding

The main symbol of this anniversary is an excellent mineral toopaz. Topaz - is transparent, but very hard gem. In lithotherapy, he is able to protect a person from negative effects, plus attracts good luck in the money.

Why was the 44 year from the date of the wedding called exactly a topaz wedding? If you are decorating with blue minerals, you could not help but notice how beautiful they are poured in different shades ranging from delicate and dark ending.

Stones Topase in the shape of hearts

Similarly, with family life - there are also dark moments (conflicts, troubles), but abundantly and good, joyful and exciting.

By the forty-fourth year of marriage the couple has managed to create its own financial base to achieve a certain level of material and spiritual life.

If you decided to celebrate this date honorable noisy guests, the latter will have to work hard to impress the culprits holiday interesting show.

How to celebrate the anniversary of topaz?

Forty-four years spent in marriage - it is not the date of the round, it is necessary to consider at its celebration. Yet the couple often decide to celebrate it, and then they have to come to the aid of children and grandchildren.

After all, they went on the family fortune. And now, when the husband and wife have physically difficult given the organizational part of such events, it is necessary to help them.

In this process, use the following guidelines as noted topaz wedding:

  1. Say "no" pomposity, keywords holiday - modesty and sincerity. Therefore it is necessary to convene only the closest surroundings.
  2. The triumph should take place in a small but cozy room. It is come down and home decor or room in an institution can be ordered if desired. Issued it in topaz scale - that is, all shades of blue and blue. For more festive hang balloons and put on the wall of funny photos and posters dedicated to the heroes of the event.
  3. To use the table a snow-white tablecloth and utensils necessary to take blue.
  4. Additional elements of decor - pink flowers in vases and necessarily a celebratory cake!
  5. It should take care of the exterior of the husband and wife: help them choose appropriate clothes and jewelry.
  6. During the celebrations the couple can again pronounce the oath to be faithful and to love each other until the end of his days.
  7. Interesting options for hanging out - planting a commemorative tree, burying the capsule, which is a message for posterity and not interfere Order a photo session with a professional photographer to immortalize the memory of topaz wedding.
  8. Welcome contests, games and other entertainment. However, it is worth remembering that even elderly spouses will be given a lot of things is not easy, so you should take care of their health.
  9. If neither the husband nor the wife has no desire to organize a noisy holiday, help them to arrange an evening for two, for example, book a table in a cozy family-run cafe. They love music? Then donate the tickets to the theater, philharmonic concert or favorite performer.
  10. Do not forget to please the "newlyweds" congratulations and gifts, regardless of whether a magnificent celebration is planned or not.

Lucky we launched for the '44 married to each other

Ideally, a gift should fit into the subject of the holiday. The most successful option is a presentation of topaz jewelry. So the spouse can please their faithful sophisticated earrings, pendant, brooch or ring. Even the lady at the age will certainly be reeling like!

If the decorations are not in priority, then a new handbag is suitable, a stylish pair of shoes or details of clothes in blue colors. Warm palatine, scarf or shawl will warm an elderly woman with cold winter evenings.

The spouse, in turn, can be presented to the fabulous elegant cufflinks with inserts with topaz. Although most of the representatives of the strong floor are not very complaining of the product of the jewelry industry, so it is worth thinking whether your gift will be used for its intended purpose.

Other Interesting options: Wristwatch, stylish lighter or ashtray with mineral imitation, tie clamp. Or you can consider the items of clothing, which will certainly please your beloved man: warm scarf, self-knitted sweater, cap, and so on.

Suitable gifts from guests

In the first place, of course, there are products from Topaz. But, perhaps, not all of the invited they are on the pocket. Then it is worth remembering that the topaz is a transparent stone and, accordingly, it is quite possible to replace it with glass. Then the present will be original, and does not require large financial spending.

Good examples of gifts of such a plan: a beautiful vase, decorative dishes, a figurine or a picture.

Let us look further with other successful options:

  1. Each family has its own way of life. During the years marriage, life has long been established, so if you want to give something worthwhile - you have to work well. Banal, but the present with which you definitely won't go - money. Let the culprits of the celebration themselves themselves acquire what is needed.
  2. A good solution is the presentation of things necessary in everyday life: dishes, bed linen, textiles.
  3. A woman is probably an excellent hostess. Why then it is not pleasant to surprise it with a useful kitchen appliance: a new microwave, juicer, meat grinder, blender. Again, an alternative is a card for the purchase of electronics. Let people themselves choose accessories on their requests.

Blue bed linen - great gift

There are more original presents:

  1. You can ask for the photos of the times of their youth from spouses - for example, with the marriage ceremony, moments of birth of children, grandchildren and create a real film based on them. Such guaranteed a lot of positive emotions and memories.
  2. Or write in their honor a cheerful song, compose verse or order a portrait written off with one of their photos.
  3. This also includes presents in the form of T-shirts, on which a photo pair applied the print. It can be a decorative plate with photos or other interior items that contain photos of the culprits of the celebration.
  4. As an option - you can purchase an unusual bouquet, which is not alive, and glass flowers and beads. Such a composition will look especially exquisite if placing it in a glass ball. Additionally, it is decorated with crystals, satin ribbons if desired.
  5. Emotions is always a good gift. And if the memories of them can be saved for a long time, this present will certainly be appreciated. Therefore, we recommend that you order a photo session with a professional photographer. Such photos look much brighter and more interesting than ordinary, amateur. They will be happy to please the pleasant memories of this event. Additionally, immediately give the festive photo album where the finished pictures will be placed.

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