Neptune in a 10-house woman and men


Neptune is the eighth planet for remoteness from the Sun. Astrologically, it is associated with intuition, mysticism, religion, dreams and fantasies, dreams and creative inspiration. How will Neptune be able to manifest itself in the 10th house of the horoscope - we'll talk about it next.

Mysterious Planet Neptune

Neptune in 10 field: features

Planet Neptune, holding the tenth house of the horoscope, begins to conceal the purpose of man, interfering with it to concentrate on one professional lesson. Nativ sincerely craves to bring the benefit of society, express, however, in practice it is difficult for him to understand how it is necessary to do it.

A man with Neptune in 10 field begins to try himself in different areas of life, but he constantly pursues the thought that it is not what he needs. And according to the result, he is again recorded on the next courses and is arranged for a new job.

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It may even happen that a person to work on ordinary office work for the earnings of finance, and in the depths of the soul passionately dreams of becoming the famous, to become famous for the whole world.

It is noteworthy that all people who have Neptune occupied 10 houses seek popularity, glory. And they receive real pleasure even from the simple praise of their creative or other abilities.

Ideally, a person should dwell on the creative profession, because he has a bright acting charisma and congenital talent to attract the attention of others publicly.

The actor is an ideal profession for such a person.

If the planet is in a weak position or have a negative aspects - Nat is often faced with intrigues, goat colleagues, he has difficult, stretched relationships with leadership. On the contrary, at a strong position of Neptune - it is possible to go out dry out of the water even in very difficult situations.

Neptune in the 10th house and profession

10 The field of the natal card is responsible for a career and social realization. If the dreamy Neptune is located in it, then when choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics.

So, the native should not choose the role of the head. The fact is that even though he has leadership abilities, but has a strong ego that can hurt the vision of many things - the "crown" raises on his head.

Here, neptunian arrogance, pride is instantly backed by hard saturn, so it is important to be successful in a career, it is important to occupy an equal position, without exalting itself.

The ideal option for women with neptune in the 10th house is to be married to a secured man, not work, and engage in creativity for the soul.

As for the choice of a suitable profession, it will definitely be something unusual, the fact that it is not clear the bulk of people, for example:

  • Alternative medicine - treatment with energies, herbs, techniques of rail, judges therapy, treatment with minerals;
  • Occultism - fortune telling on maps, coffee, spiritism classes, chiromantia. Here, the nate helps his innate extrasensory abilities;
  • Creativity - a wonderful artist, musician, actor, singer or model will be released out of it. In addition, such a person is very much painfully daily office routine, tedious duties, freedom is important;
  • Religion - the strong floor with the indicated position of the planet often takes on the San of Collinity, and in some cases they can even go to the monastery, away from worldly life;
  • Marine case - the sea and the ocean seduce such a person since child age (not in vain Neptune in mythology is the Lord of the Sea). Therefore, a suitable profession - captain, ichthyologist, marine archeologist or organizer of marine tourist trips
  • Television - a lot of publicity will be satisfied if native will choose the profession of the screenwriter, composer, the author of the text, the sound operator, and so on.

We must not forget that Neptune also correlates with alcohol. Therefore, you can organize your business on the implementation of alcohol.

Alcohol also correlates with neptune

And such personals sometimes realize themselves in rather strange activity - become prison workers, shelters for street, psychiatric hospitals and so on.

In a woman and a man

Representatives of both sexes whose Neptune took 10 houses, tend to vitania in the clouds, love to fantasize and dream. They are with great difficulty an objective assessment of their skills and abilities in any of the areas of activity.

As for women, they often cannot solve for themselves that they are more important than a family or career. And if there are aspects of Neptune to the Sun in the women's horoscope - their chosen one has a lot of "skeletons in the closet" or a strange profession.

Neptune in 10 field contributes to the blurring of everything around, so it is unrealistic to find such personalities, they often go not their dear, they are looking for "their" work for a long time. But if you show enough perseverance and not give up, then according to the result everything will definitely work out.

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