Moon in 3 houses in woman and men


The moon in the 3 house indicator of a very live, active, inquisitive and mobile person. In the article, I disassembled the characteristics of men and women with similar natal maps so that you can analyze their behavior too.

Moon in 3 houses

Moon in 3 houses in a man

Such an indicator in the men's natal map very brightly characterizes a man as a person who can quickly adapt to unusual conditions, enterprising and resourceful. About such people say "will not disappear with him!".

Moon in 3 houses in a woman

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What else is special in his character and behavior:

  1. He is a versatile developed personality, the list of his interests is simply huge. He wants to know and be able to be able as much as possible, so it is constantly progressing, improving and developing. Never stand still and quickly ahead of your surroundings, because of what the friends often change.
  2. Its advantages he is obliged to mother who took care of the right upbringing of the Son, putting it the necessary qualities. He appreciates and understands it, so in a mature age continues to listen to the maternal advice, her opinion. Makes decisions, however, only himself.
  3. In men with such an indicator in the map, there are often relatives or cousins, sisters with which he is in close relationships. Related links mean a lot for him.
  4. Interaction and communication with members of the kind is that which he will never refuse. And not in vain - the genus gives him a colossal amount of energy even without conducting various esoteric practices.
  5. He does not seek easy ways to self-improvement. On the contrary, it often chooses for themselves the most complex tasks, rightly believing that they are able to bring it to true success in comparison with lighter.
  6. But this can also be a disadvantage: he spares his attention immediately into many cases, because of which it will not take a single one. This option is possible with a weak or affected moon in the horoscope.

Moon in 3 houses in a woman

The girl with such an indicator in a horoscope from an early age is distinguished by its outstanding thinking. It stands out among the peers with something elusive, inherent only to her. The surrounding remains only to guess that "not so" with this special, why views are always chained to her.

Moon in 3 houses in a man

What else is characteristic of such women:

  1. It is easy to contact, open, easily tie new acquaintances. She has no barrier before communicating with people, she likes to communicate, recognize other people's characters and fate.
  2. It is very curious - striving to always be aware of events. Vivid is interested in all what is happening in the world and in the life of surrounding people. But in his curiosity, with all this is not intrusive, but rather correct and tactical.
  3. From birth, it is gifted by a high degree of intelligence, so studying and mastering new knowledge is easy to it. Gets good assessments and makes homework at school not from under the stick, but in pleasure and on your own request.
  4. Loves a variety and life changes. If most people prefer stability, then, on the contrary, the monotony eats. With change, it is easily adapted to new conditions and always feels like a fish in water.
  5. For her, any changes, including negative - an excellent chance to improve their lives, to do self-development and learn lessons who presented to her fate. And in general, she constantly strives to improve something, redo, strengthen and do significant.
  6. She seeks to constantly go to the new stages of its development, cultivating in all spheres of life. Stagnation and long stress in one place will pretend to it, it does not feel happy in such conditions.
  7. Creating a family, she becomes a wonderful mother. She strives to pay for children as much time as possible, devotes long hours to develop their intellectual. Itself becomes the first teacher of the child, she has enough pedagogical talents.
  8. She loves to ride around cities and water, visiting relatives and friends. Eternal traveler, which is difficult to constantly be in one place. Her soul will always demand diversity so as not to get bored and not to lose their vital energy.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The moon in the third house indicates that a person with a similar indicator loves changes much change and never stands on the spot, it is very moving, constantly developing and improving.
  • For such a person, relatives, friendly and family connections are incredibly important. People, especially the members of the kind - its main resource. Therefore, he always seeks to build good relations with every person who meets on his life path.
  • This is an eternal student who is constantly learning something, causing a slight perplexity of others. But he does not care - because in the world so much interesting thing that cannot be discharged.

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