Saturn in the 12th house in a woman and a man


Saturn is a planet order, law, discipline. In astrology, it is associated with restrictions, obstacles, feeling that a person from all sides is surrounded by solid interference. You can cope with them if you begin to develop spiritually and, accordingly, ride up.

Saturn acts as a teacher - strict and merciless, which cruelly punishes for unfulfilled tasks. What will tell Saturn in the 12th house - let's talk on in the article.

Saturn in 12 house

Saturn in 12 field of horoscope: features

A person whose Saturn hit the 12th house, has to cope with the restrictions of fate. Often such individuals cannot affect what is happening, they can not direct the events at their own discretion. Therefore, they are forced to be passive observers waiting when and how the situation will be resolved by itself.

Often, because of fatalism, these individuals begin to be seriously involved in esoteric, occult.

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The native can apply incredible efforts, however, his activity does not become a public domain. Despite this, he managed to achieve success in charity, medicine.

Sometimes people with Saturn in 12 field, work in secret organizations, closed institutions. In addition, they choose hospitals for themselves, sanatoriums, children's camps, nursing homes and so on. As a rule, they own secret, confidential information. At times in their lives there are periods when they will retire from everyone, behave like reasons.

Another twelfth field of radix is ​​associated with diseases. Therefore, the owners of the Saturn under consideration are subject to the negative impact of stress, nervous overstrain. They should carefully monitor their well-minded, regularly treated in sanatoriums, pretabria, ride a holiday abroad, practicing alternative medicine. So they will be able to restore health and physical, and spiritual.

By nature, native is a calm person, suspended, reasonable, not loving a rush and a bustle next to him. All the started he will definitely bring to a logical completion. He likes to analyze the mistakes of its previous activities and plan work for the future.

Under no circumstances to disrupt nor earthly (those that exist in society) nor spiritual laws are unacceptable. Otherwise, probably imprisonment and the need to repair karmic lessons repeatedly.

If a person will deprive the independence of others - he will fall in a situation of forced restriction of freedom. With repeated passage of this cycle, there is an understanding of karmic patterns, the spiritual growth begins, the interest of religion begins.

can occur in isolation from society

Saturn in different constellations

Plays a big role and a sign of the zodiac in which Saturn is located in Natal Map.
  • The owners of the essentially strong planet (a sign of Capricorn, Libra) in 12 field - morally persistent, honest, conscientious, have a great mental strength. It is possible that they will have to live for some time abroad to order their own character, become invulnerable to life difficulties, as well as to gain rich professional experience.
  • A damaged or weak planet (in the constellations of cancer, Aries) - provokes mental disorders, accidents, protracted isolation or emigration. The native may depend on the detrimental habits (be an alcoholic, drug addict), bad magic influences are easy for it.

In a woman and a man

What obstacles will have to cope in their life path to men and women with Saturn in the 12th house? First of all, with their the most terrible fear of loneliness, helplessness, dependence on others, madness.

Such people are very scared of loneliness

They have a strong fear that life can be destroyed by something unknown, inconceivable. They scares chaos, loss of goals, fear of all irrational, fear of loss of control over himself, getting into isolation, prison.

If they move on the wrong path, then behave in vicinally, fiercely and tensely try to concentrate, proving others that they can be alone with them. Forced themselves at the cost of incredible efforts to be alone, self-isolation.

The right way implies a calm, mature perception of loneliness, difficulties, restrictions, dependencies, chronic pathologies. It is necessary to learn to cope with the inner phobias, gradually take all the limitless, unknown, unconscious, carefully hidden in the secret corners of the soul.

If such men and women will practice spiritual development, then in solitude will be able to gain character solidity, concentration.


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