Moon in the 7th house in a woman and men in the horoscope


The moon in astrology is also a planet, like the sun. But then, the daylight is associated with male, active energy, then the moon - with female, with emotions, the inner world. The moon is our comfort zone, habits, sixth feeling, maternal instinct, our unconscious and soul. A little more interesting about her, as well as what the Moon will tell in the 7th house, learn from this material.

What is the moon important for women?

The art of being a real woman implies close relationship with its unconscious, intuition - that is, with a soul or with the moon. The moon plays a crucial role in the female horoscope.

Moon in the 7th house in the horoscope

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When a fair sex is too often analyzing what is happening with it, it makes more logically, than intuitively, ignores the signals of its unconscious - various psychosomatic pathologies may arise.

Moon in 7 houses: features

At the location of the night shone in the 7th house of the horoscope, the increased significance of the topic of partnership in the life of the NATI thing is characterized. He is experiencing an internal need for someone who can be held next to him, who can tell their emotional experiences, share thoughts.

At the same time, he himself perfectly adapts to other people, he easily be able to find a common language with all thanks to the innate ability to energetically tune in to the radiation of another person.

Therefore, a professionally owner of the Moon in the 7th house is recommended to become a consultant, a psychologist, a diplomat. All of the listed activities contribute to the ideal manifestation of their character qualities.

Another moon is moving and a variable luminaries in connection with which, such personalities are prone to a quick change of partners. At times, even immediately have a relationship with several people, depending on their mood. In one person, they find the qualities that are not in the other, and it is very impressed.

Often, the individual cannot decide who from partners to translate into the status of a permanent satellite in life. True, it is important not to delay with solutions here, because later life will make its own adjustments to what is happening, leaving you not the best of options.

If the luminaries are damaged by others, there are negative aspects, then the lover of such a person will distinguish capriciousness, infantility, laziness, excessive caution, indecision. And the relationship will bring many negative emotions, disappointment, partners have secrets from each other, unfulfilled promises.

The role of the moon in astrology

Moon in 7 field in different constellations

The sign of the zodiac, in which the moon was in the horoscope also plays a huge role in the interpretation.

  • Constellation of Taurus and Cancer - are considered the most favorable. Such personalities are very concerned in love relationships, and meet the same positive partners. Create durable, happy unions based on mutual love and support.
  • Signs of Capricorn and Scorpio - tell about quite difficult relationships with the opposite sex. In love there are many difficulties, pitfalls, the second half is often closed, suffers from anxiety and with difficulty goes to a frank conversation.
  • Air constellations Aquarius, twins and scales - communication with a partner plays a big role in relationships, I want to exchange information infinitely.
  • Those who have a moon in the 7th field turned out to be in fiery signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - love to lead a secular life with their second half, so they often go to people and openly declare their feelings. As a rule, marry and married at an early age.
  • The moon in the constellations of the water element is characterized by increased susceptibility to the emotional world of others.
  • In earthly signs - will lead about the importance of the subject of money in love.

Moon in the 7th house in women and men

In a man

Finding in the horoscope for a man's Moon in 7 field will tell about his romanticity, emotionality and desire to have a family. It is not capable of staying alone long, seeks to find a soul mate, which is very similar to his mother.

With the negative aspects of the moon - you will have to face infidelity, separation, separations. The main task for such MCH is to learn to change yourself, to show more reliability, seriousness and responsibility towards the elect.

In woman

If the moon fell into 7 house of partnership in the horoscope female, then its owner must learn not to depend on public stereotypes. Traditionally, girls love courageous, strong, decisive leaders of sports physique.

But it often sends completely different partners - a soft character, but the sensitive, about which you want to take care of which is a close mental connection. Understanding and taking such wishes, a girl with the Moon in the 7th house will be able to create a happy relationship.


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