Together for 16 years: what a wedding and what gives an anniversary


Sixteen years of living - is it a lot or a little? My close girlfriend did not notice how the children were flying and grown. Yesterday she cried and said that soon they had a wedding anniversary with her husband. And she cried from happiness, which gave her the fate of a good and reliable satellite of life. If married couple together for 16 years: what is this wedding and what is called? The people came up with a very beautiful name for this anniversary - to-chamber. Lavaled years like a gem shine on the horizon of living together. Consider the question of how to give to the topaz celebration.

16 years old wedding

Traditions of a topaz wedding

Topaz refers to the group of semi-precious stones and is distinguished by transparency. However, in its beauty, it is not at all inferior to precious stones, besides, has protective properties. This stone has been assessed as an overlap against diseases and to protect love relationships. Topaz gives his owners wisdom, patience and gives peace of mind.

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There is a belief that writing water is able to protect the family from any trouble, if it is hiding all the plants in the house. On the eve of the topaz wedding, you need to put a stone into the water, and in the morning you will pour all the home flowers and decorative plants in the morning.

How and where to celebrate 16 years of living together? This date is not considered round and anniversary, so you can do without a solemn ceremony. However, friends and relatives are not in the expense: they should certainly be invited to the anniversary. But the feast will be in the evening, and the daytime spouses must devote themselves. It is necessary to make an ingun in advance at work or ask for a vacation at your own expense to celebrate the anniversary as it should be.

A visit to the theater, cinema, the museum is everyone will remind the days of youth when you walked around the city together and went in a cafe or museum. Perhaps you went to the museum just to warm up, but how beautiful memories were about this time. Stroll around the city by the routes that went to youth: you then did not have a car, so it's best to get around the places of dates on foot and do along the path of Selfie.

If friends and parents do not mind, you can celebrate the anniversary of nature - picnic, kebabs, a small buffet or fishing. It is important to dedicate from everyday worries, just relax and enjoy the rest. In the evening it is useful to open the wedding photo album and remember the pleasant details of the marriage. If you are crowned in the church, it is advisable to order Prayer Saint Peter and Fevroni to strengthen marriage.

16 years wedding what wedding

Ideas gifts

What to give for 16 years weddings, except for decorations with topazs? The best gift of the spouses will be the words of love and loyalty immediately after waking up. This day you need to devote to each other and your happy memories that will help strengthen the marriage ultrasound: ahead of the long and many years of happy life together.

Gifts Female

Of course, this is a jewelry with topaz. You can give a whole set: necklace, earrings and ring. Topazy look very well in silver frame. If you doubt your taste, you can simply give the spouse a new wallet with a gift amount embedded in it. The spouse itself will buy himself what you like.

In addition to jewelry, you can give electrical appliances for the kitchen: meat grinder, blender, combine or juicer. It is necessary to navigate the need, because the wife does not hold his desires secret.

16 years old wedding

If the wife loves to travel, you can buy a ticket to exotic countries or just ride in beautiful places. Air travel lovers can arrange a walk on a balloon or horse riding with an instructor. Options for outdoor activities and travel is always enough.

Tickets for a cinema or theatrical production - a wonderful idea of ​​a gift wife. Especially if you met the movies or often watched movies during dates. Remember youth - What can be wonderful?

Gifts husband

Always beautifully look at cufflinks with precious and semi-precious stones, so you can give them to your beloved spouse and pin (clamp) on the tie. You can also give a new elegant suit so that the cufflinks of a gentle blue color come to it, and a tie.

If the husband does not wear elegant suits and prefers the clothes of a more sporty type, then you can give a smoking tube with inlaid to topases. A good gift will be a dear leather purse, presented with love.

Over the 16 years of the husband's joint life, the spouses well studied the interests and preferences of their faithful, so you can safely give accessories for fishing (fisherman), accessories in the car (driver) or useful things for hunting. What would not be fascinated by the spouse, you need to take care of his interests carefully. A man will definitely appreciate care and attention if the wife gives him the necessary things and objects for the hobby.

Gifts for children

What can you give dad and mom, except love and gratitude? One of the best gifts will be general cleaning in the house: Help Help Mom. So that cleaning has passed qualitatively, you need to spend it no one day before the holiday, but at least 4-5 days.

What else can give children to their parents? For example, a personally made photo frame. To do this, find a dense cardboard, glue and a couple of hours free time. You can decorate the finished photo frame with buttons, sprigs of trees, painted with pasta or beads - any grain material.

If the daughter knows how to sew, you can make a sofa pad as a gift. The pattern can be found on the Internet, and as a filler there may be a synthet or cotton.

16 years of living together what wedding

Gifts friends

If the married couple is included in the circle of people close in the spirit, you can give a dear gift for memory: a photo frame with inlaid to topaz. You can attach a family photo album to the photo flash, which spouses will be filled with memorable photos.

Bed linen kits in blue tones - always demanded gift. The kit can give a beautiful bedspread or plaid, a set of terry towels and bathrobes. These things are always at hand, so the memories of the solemn event will constantly warm the soul.

If the married couple visits the church, you can give a dear icon of Peter and Fevronia. These are the holy patrons of married couples who will protect a married couple from adversity and fill their heart with love with each other. The icon can be bought in the church or to make to order, asking to add inlaid from topaz.

A car envelope will become a wand-makeup for any holiday. Decorate the usual envelope of the symbolism of the celebration or simply pull it into a blue color, put the money bills inside and check the envelope with a blue ribbon. This is a great gift to the anniversary of the wedding beloved friends.

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