21 years: what a wedding, how to point it to give


Every year of the marriage union is in its own way unique in the life of a couple. Each subsequent stage of relationship is characterized by certain joys and sophors, difficulties and pleasant moments, as well as a huge number of questions that have to find answers together.

21 years old - what a wedding, how to celebrate and what to give spouses - to look for answers to these questions will be in this article.

Together for 21 years, what is the wedding?

With each newly spent the year of the relationship in a pair, somewhat changing. And there is nothing good or bad here - it's just a peculiarity of married life. After all, people do not stand still in the development of their worldview, their perception of the surrounding world changes, attitude to certain things and many other factors.

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21 years together - Opal marriage anniversary

21 Weddings, what a wedding is traditionally called opal. It is believed that by this time comes a complete age of marriage in every sense of the word: physical, psychological and spiritual. The date marks what the more serious marital life begins, requiring greater responsibility.

This is the third decade of years, lived together. The opal wedding is the starting point of the new family level. There is no longer a crisis of a porcelain wedding, the spouses know each other perfectly, a long time ago reconciled with mutual disadvantages and know how to find compromises in any situations. Now they travel in life calmly, measured, enjoying the society of friend friend.

Opal wedding is a real precious mineral of the Institute of Marriage. Therefore, it is important to celebrate it in order to strengthen its union even more.

Where did the name "Opal Wedding" come from?

Often people are interested in where the names of different anniversary of marriage come from. Each designation has its meaning and symbolism. Yes, and you can simply be amazed at how well the definite date is associated with its name: it is ideally displayed by weak places of each period, but its joys are also emphasized.

Why is 21 years old who are called a opal wedding? People since ancient believed that the gemstone had an amazing ability to influence the feelings of lovers. He patronizes creative personalities, gives his vital wisdom and tremendous patience.

However, this is not the most basic property of the opal, the main thing is that he revives the cooled feelings, making them brighter, flames and helps to embody the most courageous dreams in life.

On the other hand, it does not work out without minuses. The main minus mineral - he is able to attract conflict situations. And when people together for 21 years already, then they may have a certain crisis of relations, just manifests themselves in quarrels.

Opal shows high stability before the conditions of the surrounding world: it is not terrible or high humidity nor the impact of various chemicals nor the temperature changes.

But if you do not care for him properly, it will quickly lose its aesthetic characteristics and as a result will collapse. As a metaphoric, if you compare with relationships: After all, when the spouses do not pay enough attention to each other, feelings fasten, covering the dusting of the routine and the ashes of indifference. And if it continues so long enough, then the flame of love risks to go out forever.

But we will not be about sad. Imagine that the spouses managed to preserve their love, did not lose mutual interest and prepare to celebrate 21 years of living together. How best do they do it?

How to celebrate 21 weddings?

The ideal version of the celebration of the opal anniversary is a close family circle, ideally alone along with each other. This is not a magnificent porcelain date requiring mass feast. Here, bustle and pompous, on the contrary, will be superfluous. The more calmer and more secluded you will celebrate the twenty-one year of marriage, the more harmonious will accommodate the next 12 months.

Spend this day with each other

Therefore, order a banquet in a restaurant, convene the crowd of guests is not the best idea. Replace it with simpler classes, which you could have a time in everyday life. Time flies too quickly, a lot of people physically do not have time to make pleasant gestures to their beloved due to fatigue, routine, everyday worries.

Perhaps over the years you have ceased to appoint each other romantic dates, do not go anymore in theaters, movies, do not walk along the spring park, do not please the second half a cup of fragrant coffee in the morning. And, perhaps, you have long planned a fascinating journey together, but before it also did not react. "

Because of the constant routine, concerns of household matters, the emotional side of relations is strongly suffering from financial issues. The spouses are closed in their own experiences, begin to move away from each other. But after all, relationships and family are also a big work and the duty of a person to pay for them due attention. They are like a flower that should be regularly water so that it does not dry.

Therefore, the best advice to celebrate 21 anniversary of the marriage is to give up the routine, negative, remember the youth, the beginning of the relationship and pleasantly surprise each other of the good joys, which once delivered you great pleasure.

Suitable options, how to mark the Opal Date:

  • Order a table in the beloved restaurant for two;
  • To please each other with sensual pleasures, remember the passions of youth;
  • Go to a joy.

Gifts for the 21th anniversary of the wedding

Traditionally, this date, the presents must correspond to its symbol - opal. But, first of all, a loving spouse must present a bouquet of his beloved wife, consisting of 21 roses - as a sign of a jointly spent years. Roses should be red, associated with flame love.

What else can a husband surprise his wife?

  • Jewelry with opala. By the way, these stones are found in nature in a pink, green or blue color, so it is not difficult to choose a product under the wishes of my wife. Please take the beloved earrings, ring, massive perrsect, volumetric pendant, beads or bracelet with opala. The ideal option is a gift in the form of a set of products.

Opal decorations - perfect gift

What kind of wife please Husband?

  • Observe the topics of the holiday. Poster to the beloved as a present ring, tights, stylish cufflinks, pins or hairpins for a tie with a false insert. There may be even a key chain with data from mineral.

But, of course, the most important gift for the 21th anniversary will be real sincere feelings, loyalty and devotion. Spend today's evening somehow differently, not as usual. Discard your usual pick-ups to each other, pickles, make a compliment to your beloved person, tell me from the soul, for what you love him, appreciate and proud of them.

Of course, no one has the right to indicate how you will celebrate this date - if there is a desire, you can do it in a family circle. The main thing is not to forget that the holiday implies not just joint gifts with gifts, but is an important date for spouses, they may have something to share with relatives: for example, their experiences they received over the years of marriage.

And this is a wonderful reason to start a new stage of your family relationships - even happier and harmonious!

How to congratulate with opal marriage

You are mistaken if you have long been breeding your head for a long time, whatever such surprise people who lived together for 21 years. Just rely on your intuition, think about the preferences of both spouses. And be sure to note the following follows:
  • Take advantage of pre-prepared speeches or toasts in the form of poems;
  • But the prose also retains its popularity;
  • If you have musical talents, then an excellent version is a song in a personal performance.

Celebration culprits will certainly be glad to any of the selected options for congratulations. The main thing is to make them sincerely, from the pure heart and soul.

In conclusion

21 Anniversary of the marriage - a female wedding does not require a particularly lush celebration, it is enough to spend time alone with each other. This is the ideal date to realize that real love over the years does not age, but, on the contrary, it becomes only stronger.


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