Uranus in Aquarius in a woman and a man


Uranus is the first highest planet. And while Saturn is associated with order, discipline, restrictions, uranium - will tell about full freedom of self-expression! It can be bolded to call Fritz among the planets. As still manifests itself uranium in the natal map, in particular, Uranus in Aquarius, learn from this article.

Uranus in aquare

Characteristics of the planet Urana

Uranus is associated with:
  • high intelligence;
  • innovation;
  • inventions;
  • unique, non-standard thinking.

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With a favorable manifestation in the horoscope, he makes a person with an enthusiast, an active scientific figure, scientist committing revolutionary breakthroughs (such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein).

The adverse effect of the planet is manifested in:

  • stiffness;
  • inability to exercise their uniqueness;
  • feeling of constant restrictions;
  • The presence of social framework.

Uranium in Aquarius: Features

Fake in Aquarius, uranium acquires maximum strength, because the planet is here in his constellation (Uranus - Aquarius Governor). Uranus in Aquarius have all those people who were born from 1995 to 2003. What traits do they differ? High perseverance, ingenuity, originality, independence and love of freedom.

This generation is interested in science, with pleasure, studies various modern flows and directions arising in society. In the main mass, such individuals do not often remember the past (exception - when the sun is in cancer), they cannot tolerate old, proven methods, old books, films, and so on.

These individuals have an acute inner need to update everything that they meet on their path. They crave changes, and not only a personal character, but the global, supporting all of humanity. Their rapid deeds and behavior often turn around the surrounding in shock, and sometimes cause a sense of strong irritation.

Uranus in Aquarius is very interested in science, seeks to make scientific achievements. And most often they succeed, they become genius of science and modern technologies. Just take a look at modern schoolchildren and students, in the blink of an eye developing all the wonders of modern technology. But the people of an older generation is already given much more difficult.

Such children quickly master the technique

Persons having a Uranium in Aquarius may well be successful, the main thing, their parents do not try to fight aggravated freedom and does not seek to indicate them what and how to do.

In woman

Such a girl can be a researcher, work in the laboratory, but you will not even guess about it. Here manifests the stealth of uranium nature in Aquarius: the complexity in the expression of their emotions, they prefer to keep them with them. It is important not to focus only at work, paying enough attention to your beloved person and children.

The representatives of the fine floor with this aspect of uranium seek a luxurious life, do not mean themselves without beautiful, expensive things and decorations. Therefore, they can decide on the marriage union by calculation, just not to live in poverty.

They also possess excellent organizational abilities, they will be able to negotiate with any person. Such ladies are active, punching, incredibly targeted. Whatever happens to them, they definitely roll out of it.

Have a sharp mind, strongest intuition and developed logical thinking. In a professional plan, they are well suited to the field of fashion, because they have a lot developed by the new items, they carefully follow the latest fashion trends.

Girls with Uranium in Aquarius follow themselves, you will never see the ragged in the old, a hut. At the same time, they are simply crazy about their independence and no one will be allowed to limit themselves in something. But in relationships show loyalty, never go on treason.

Girls with uranium in aquarity watching

In a man

Representatives of the strong floor with uranium in aquale in nature are calm, weathered, unusually patient and disciplined. Such a man will endure the tricks of his beloved girl until the last drop of his patience is over.

Thanks to its character, it will come out dry out of the water, no matter what happens in his life. Uranus has a strong impact on fate, giving the ability to stunningly adapt to unstable world conditions.

These men can be called real geniuses: they have a deep intelligence developed by imagination. Can achieve success in literature, engineering. Also interested in technique, perfectly understand the technical know-how, constantly monitor changes in this area.

True, in labor activities, there are passivity to work, because they spend too much energy for complex tasks. And at work, and in family life is more likely to hide real experiences in order not to demonstrate their slacks.

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