Fortune telling on the maps: how to learn how to make exit


Learn to guess the maps maybe everyone, if there is an appropriate desire. But for this little to buy a deck and conscientiously learn the value of the cards: you need regular practice. Divination on the maps needs to be practicing constantly. My friend in his youth was learned to guess on the playing cards and successfully predicted, but then it took it and after some time I forgot. In the article I want to share the experience of independently mastering the alphabet of divination and several popular solutions for all occasions.

Card reading

Where to begin

Training of the skill of divination begins with the acquisition of a fortuneal deck. First you need to master the deck of 36 sheets, and then acquire the poker - in 54 sheets. You can try to make an alignment on a new deck on the same day, but only quite light. However, professional fortune -akers recommend first to "tame" a deck, that is, to customize it to work together.

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Cards for fortune telling you need three days everywhere with you, and at night put under your pillow. In this case, information about the deck will enter the subconscious (through sleep) and will be perceived much easier. In their free time, you need to lay card sheets on a clean table or other solid surface to carefully study them. You should also learn how to make a deck correctly so that the sheets do not fall out on the floor.

Note! Card divination develop intuition.

Together with this you need to learn the value of each card (print on sheets for convenience). Studying the deck begins with masters. Their 4, and each suit is responsible for a certain life sphere:

  • worm - personal life, relationship, love;
  • Peak - enemies, troubles, illness;
  • Bubnovaya - money, welfare, friends;
  • Trephs - work, relatives, career.

This is a description in general terms. In the process of studying the deck, you will find interpenetration of the masters in each other and some nuances. For example, a combination of worm and peak suit will be denoted by passion (illness due to love). But this understanding will come with experience, and now you just need to delve into the value of each card (see video tutorials below).

General recommendations for gadgetting:

  1. Do not hurry to immediately lay out the card sheets, hold the deck in your hands for the energy setting.
  2. Never let your deck alone even just to hold: you should know only your owner (hostess).
  3. It is impossible to guess against the will of the person and without its permission.
  4. It is impossible to make the alignment, being in a bad or gloomy mood, as well as in a drunken or excrected form.
  5. It is impossible to guess during the disease or with headaches.
  6. Double and the same question cards do not ask, otherwise the answer will be inaccurate. If necessary, ask the deck the next day.
  7. The deck is periodically kept in salt (specially buy a pack of salt and put cards there, then the salt is thrown out) to clean it from negative information.

These simple recommendations must be followed for successfully learning card fortune. And now consider uncomplicated card layouts.

fortune telling on playing cards

Signal to the future

Card fortune telling is complex and simple, start training follows from the most accessible to understanding of layouts. Come on the question of the future for a certain time, for example, by 6 or 12 months (it is better not to make up for a long-lasting future), and drag the deck. Then move it to her little hand to the heart towards the heart and move the top of the deck down.

Now lay a deck on 4 approximately equal handhes. From each bunch, get on the same map and put in front of you.


  • If the bubnica falls out, awaits success in any endeavor.
  • If the worm suit fell out, harmony expects in his personal life, and the girls are marriage.
  • If the cross (trophic suit) fell out, it expects a profit, an increase in the service staircase or a gift.
  • Picking masta cards foreshadow trouble.

These card values ​​must be correlated with their aspirations and intentions. You will immediately become clear what the deck wanted to warn.

Important! To better understand your deck, write down in a separate notebook all your flaps and dropped cards. Also write down the date when they spent fortune-telling on the maps. Subsequently, check how your prediction has come true, and write down the result.

fortune telling on playing cards

Fortune telling on love

This simple alignment will answer the question of the love relationship, which is not yet. Call yourself with a worm lady, drag the deck and put the worm lady in the center of the table. Then around the lady spread 12 cards elongated arbitrarily: they symbolize 12 months of the year. But this year starts not from January 1, but from the month in which you make the alignment.

Now turn the 12 cards one after the other and see the value:

  • Valts - empty relationships, just flirting without continuing;
  • King - a man in age;
  • Ace - a serious young man with intent;
  • The worm ace is a future husband.

See what month the specified maps fall out. If the ace falls on September, then in September an adult man will be interested in you. He needs you or not, this is a secondary question.

If none of the specified cards fell in the situation, it means that this year your personal life will not change.

Fortune telling at wish

The ways of divination on the playing cards for the desire a great set. You need to choose from all the most suitable and practicing it constantly. Since the desires in our life of WHO and a small trolley, then the skill of layouts will be worked out on a regular basis. Practice.

Slowly mix card sheets of a deck, thinking about your desire. At this point, it is forbidden to think about something else, besides my desire, otherwise the card will show the answer to your extraneous thoughts (and then they say that the cards lie). Well mixing the deck, pull out one card out of it and see interpretation:

  • A digital card with an even digit predicts the fulfillment of desire;
  • A digital card with an odd digit predicts the failure of desire;
  • Bubn or worm currencies (red) shows that it is necessary to try and make efforts to make a desire;
  • Cross or peak currency warns about sticks in wheels (interference);
  • Bubnovaya or worm lady predicts the help of a woman;
  • The cross or peak lady warns about the interference due to a woman;
  • Bubnic or worm king talks about helping a man;
  • The crusade or peak king warns of interference due to a man;
  • Ace of red predicts a quick execution of conceived;
  • Ace of black warns about the failure of the conceived case.

In this way, you can work out all desires and even pay out for your friends.

Card fortune telling

Safety measures at fortune

Card fortune telling is not as safe as they seem at first glance, especially if you are guessing for other people. Therefore, there are certain security measures, which should always be performed.

After the end of the divination, always ventilate the room and light the candle for 30 minutes (can and longer).

You can not lay cards in the bedroom - only in the living room or other room.

After the end of the divination session should be washed the face and hands on the elbow under running water, especially if the prediction was negative.

The deck is periodically cleaned with salt. If you are often guess, then cleaning should be carried out once a month. Cards remember negative information and can broadcast it into your life.

If you do not have a fortuneful mood, then you should not fulfill the requests of people to pay them for life.

The deck can be tired of divination and give distorted information. In this case, she needs to give rest, and extinguish on another (spare) dealer. Experienced fortune tellers have several workers decks.

If you are guessing someone, take at least a symbolic fee for the service. The fee interrupts energy contact with man. If the contact is not blocked, your destinies can shuffle.

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