Moon in Aries in women and men


Extraordinary activity, energy and impulsivity is what the moon first gives the Aries. Such an identity can behave with a timely and stubbornly, sometimes makes thoughtless actions, but they always apply maximum effort to achieve their goals and work hard on their favorite business. What other features of the character manifests the moon in the Aries, I will tell in this article.

Moon in Ovne

Impact on nature

Aries behavior with moon in a sign cannot be called stable. He does not like to sit still, is always busy and often the disputes with others inspire. The presence of a lunar aspect makes representatives of this zodiacal sign uncontrollable, so it is difficult for them to obey the generally accepted rules and get along in the Big Team. But at the same time, the leadership qualities of Aries allow them to lead people, so if they occupy a leading position in the enterprise, it will certainly become successful.

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Thanks to the moon, in the sign of the Aries, they acquire the ability to inspire people, but they also easily suppress them emotionally. It is sometimes difficult to communicate with such people, because they never hide their emotions, pronounced aggression or discontent. But despite such a rigid and uncompromising character, they are easy to hurt, because They take to heart reaction and expressing others.

Aries with a lunar aspect in a sign under favorable conditions acquire a lot of positive characteristics:

  • developed intuition;
  • Farms and appeals;
  • Responsibility for loved ones and own actions;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • Creative skills;
  • ability to solve problems;
  • Clearance and morale.

As for negative traits, most of them moon only aggravate. In addition, under the influence of the planet, several other non-identity features of the person may develop, for example:

  • despotic and ruthlessness;
  • Emotional instability and quick temper;
  • Azarity and non-Controlness;
  • sharpness and rigidity;
  • Stubbornness and uncompromising.

Fortunately, Aries calm down as quickly as "flashes". That's just if he offended someone, it would not apologize, but it will try to smooth out the angles in communicating in a different way, for example, in high loyalty.

Aries with moon

Feature of female character

A young woman with a moon in a sign is very energetic, positive and open. It is not boring with her, because it fountains ideas that immediately seeks to bring to life. But communication with such a person is not always positive. It is worth starting with her to argue, as she immediately becomes sharp, coarse and self-confident, imposes its point of view and does not want to listen to sound arguments.

Over the woman-authentic emotion often take the top, because of which it is inclined to make rapid acts, absolutely without thinking about the consequences. Sometimes such spontaneity and determination helps her to achieve the desired, but more often it leads to problems.

Aries with the moon in a sign loves freedom very much and will not obey anyone. Her future chosen must respect her position and do not try to adjust her behavior. The girl's heart will be able to conquer the heart, which, first of all, will become a friend for her and prove his reliability and seriousness of actions.

Features of male character

In the male character of the moon in Aries manifests emotionality and temperament. Of course, at the first acquaintance, he tries not to show it, because of which many perceive him as a self-confident and impenetrable person. Such a man does not like to communicate with weak people who constantly complain about something, he prefers to look equal to himself.

In Aries with a lunar aspect, non-standard thinking, which allows him to find exits from different situations and generate original ideas. He loves communication, so there are always many friends and acquaintances around it. Such a person usually becomes a soul of the company, but because of its directness and impulsion, he often wounds the feelings of others.

Men with the moon in the sign attract mysterious and mysterious girls, but next to it will only until they fully solve their secrets. If a guy liked someone, he declares his feelings without constraint, and he will not walk around and about. Despite the fact that he likes secrets, he does not want to participate in intrigues. If the girl decides to "play" with him, trying to provoke jealousy, it will not end in good.


  • The moon makes Aries more impulsive, and sometimes uncontrollable.
  • The influence of the planet is able to strengthen leadership qualities, which allows the Aries to achieve tremendous success in his career.
  • Such personalities are very quick-tempered, but at the same time depart.

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