Selena in 3 houses in a woman and men


Selena (differently called white moon) in the horoscope tells about everything with light, which has accumulated a man's soul in its past reincarnations. She will also lead about the bright way of obtaining help from over, spiritual improvement, identifying good, light, which was created by good acts in the past. What will tell Selena in 3 houses, we will understand the following material.

Selena - Good Moon

How does the village manifest in the horoscope?

The field in the human natal map, which hit the white moon, affects the stream of high-frequency energy. This energy can be used for both himself, and the world around.

Selena provokes the development and improvement of the evolutionary characteristics of a person, and besides, softens acts on events relating to the house in which she fell (in case of difficult astrological aspects, for example, Stellium).

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Another White Moon will tell about the peculiarities of the life of the NATIV, on which he must focus as much as possible, what efforts he needs to be attached to self-realize, to achieve success.

It may seek the impression that the White Moon affects people not too much, but in reality it is not at all. The fact is that low energy vibrations are more visible and obvious to the average person. And to learn how to feel the presence of high frequencies, it is necessary to safely track the events around themselves and do not respond to cunning attempts to lower you down.

In addition, people with a low program cannot fully reveal to Selena. It acts differently: does not allow them to make negative cases associated with the field of the horoscope in which the White Moon settled.

Consider on a specific example. Suppose, Niet Selena is in the 8th house. Then she, like the Guardian Angel, will not allow him to make conceived murders at the external level, situational plan.

That is, the external circumstances will develop in such a way that, for example, the victim did not come, or, if Selena dies in the sign of Scorpio, the killer at the last moment will not be solved on such a terrifying act under the influence of internal psychological motives.

If you carefully examine the position of Lilith and Selena in Natal Map, it can be concluded that the individual is moving in life.

Statue of the ancient Roman goddess Selena

Selena in 3 houses: Features

The White Moon, who took the third field of the horoscope, provides a native a slight establishment of contacts with society. She also favorably affects the intellectual abilities and mental patterns.

This person with ease is given a process of comprehending the knowledge, obtaining certain professional skills, relaxed communication with higher persons. It has rational thinking, has good logic.

In most cases, Selena in the third house gives extreme warm and mental relations with relatives. Sends many pleasant meetings and useful dating to the individual. From the very moment of the appearance of the owner of such a white moon, the owner of such a white moon clearly and clearly formulates his mind, in the understandable language, he brings his thoughts to others.

And another village, as the guardian angel, assigns the tenth road from its ward, discussion and affection. Surprisingly, such a person nobody smires bones behind his back. Also, NATIV has developed abilities to writing, can be professionally implemented in the literature or become a diplomat.

Selena in 3 houses

In a man and women

Representatives of both sexes with Selenva in 3 house have a well-developed intuition, which helps them in life. They are attracted at the unconscious level to the desired sources of information. Therefore, to deceive them, for example, in love relationships - the task is almost impossible.

They become happy thanks to contacts, gaining knowledge, close relatives. Sometimes accidentally heard phrases or in time noticed signs of fate can affect life.

Also in life, such a person helps a very helping brother or someone from the close environment, taking the role of his defender and the keeper.

In addition, with a favorable aspect of Selena, native organizes successful speeches in public. And if the aspects are negative, on the contrary, begins to relate to performances of non-serious, too windy.

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