How to learn to guess on the maps: Tips for a newcomer for a playing deck


Learn your future, get the advice on the right decision of an important issue - the deck of ordinary playing cards will help. They are also called digital or gypsy. I started guessing a long time ago, my favorite friend was taught this useful skill. Since then, no important decision takes off without the advice of his deck. In the article, I will tell you how to learn to guess on the maps and where to start learning at home. If a person has a desire for learning, he will win predictive art easy and simple.

how to learn to guess on the maps

Where to begin

First you need to purchase a new deck of playing cards, because it is impossible to guess on the player. If the deck has ever played in a podkin, it will not give truthful answers to questions. You can buy a playing deck in any stall or supermarket at the checkout, but this does not mean that cards do not deserve respect. Tarot decks look elegant, but playing cards also know how to give truthful answers.

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After purchasing a deck, you need to "make friends" with it. For this, it is put on the night under his pillow, and in the afternoon wearing a handbag or pocket. To install contact with a new deck, you will need at least three days, or even more. That you will feel yourself.

You can learn to guess on maps using simple layouts to a question or desire. There are such folds that give an answer using one card. Then you can move to the splits of three or more cards. Answers about the performance of desires can be found with solitaire, but it is better to do this in the company. Solitaire is laid out on a 52 sheet on a deck, it is a very interesting and spectacular occupation. With the help of the layout of solitaires, you can easily and have fun in the company of close people, and at the same time, and learn about the prospects for the planned plans.

To prepare for divination session, you need a special mood, so it is recommended to carry out a small meditation on a lit candle to clear thoughts from household problems. But it will be required only at the very beginning of training, in the future the setting will be automatically activated.

Before the layout, it is necessary to mix card sheets thoroughly - to shock the deck. Then it is recommended to "remove" the top layer and move it down. For this use the little finger of the left hand. If you are guessing yourself, then the direction of the mother's - in the direction of the heart. If you are guessing another person, it should shift a deck - and the direction of the motion of the maiden will be towards his heart. Here are the basic rules for preparing for a divination session on a playing deck.

The practitioner divination on a playing deel should know that the interpreters of cards from different layouts may not coincide. Usually, a separate interpretator is given to each scenario. However, over time and practice, every fortune-up will work out its personal interpreter and a combination of cards that will be used for predictions. And for a start, you just need to carefully study the interpreter, which is given to the definite cut, and do not mix different interpreters.

Choose two or three scenarios that you will constantly use, and bring your hand on them. Layouts must be responsible for the following questions:

  1. Will a desire come true;
  2. Is there a love in x to z;
  3. What events will occur within three months.

When well mastered these three scenaries, it will be possible to gradually study other card folders, which are very much on the Internet.

How to learn to guess

Tips beginners

That the deck has always told the truth, it should have only one mistress. This means that another person should not guess and even take in his hands. If there are small children in the house, a deck must be protected from them.

The fortuneful deck should be stored in a special box so that the cards do not absorb unnecessary information from the room. It will also fight them from dusting and accidental pollution.

Fortunery practitioners always have a few decks: for themselves, for customers, for layouts for different life spheres. For example, one deck is suitable for finance and domestic issues, and for love is another. But this is a matter of personal preferences, as you can guess on a single deel, and it will give truthful answers.

Important! Never take into the hands of the card, if you are in an emotionally unstable state. It is also not recommended to guess at temperatures or strong headaches.

Periodically, the deck needs to be cleaned from the accumulated information, otherwise it begins to give not very truthful predictions. For cleansing a deck there are special rituals. Usually for cleaning the candle or salt is used.

To receive a truthful answer to the question, it is necessary to correctly formulate it. To learn how to correctly put the questions of the deck - no less art than the interpretation of the scenario.

You can not ask the deck the question, the answer to which is already known. This will lead to the fact that the cards will not work with you and give accurate answers. Also, you can not ask the deck the same question again - there will be a false answer.

It should not be guess for a long time interval (year and more), since under the influence of events the situation may change, and the reputation of the fortune-up from this will suffer greatly. The best term is three months, the maximum of six months.

For successful divination on the maps, spent skills and natural intuition are needed. In order not to lose form, practice fortune-out once or two per week. If you don't take a deck in your hands for a long time, skills will lose over time.

It is believed that it is impossible to guess. But this rule does not apply to other people, but only to themselves: it is impossible to guess for your own future. However, you can ask the deck of questions about any event or analyze the situation - at least every day. You can also ask a deck that one or another person thinks. Therefore, a ban on frequent divination concerns only questions about the future, but not the current situation and other people.

how to learn to guess on the maps of ordinary

Online divination

To decompose the deck of cards click on it:

How to learn to guess on the maps: Tips for a newcomer for a playing deck 3686_4

Fallen cards:

Why predictions did not come true

This question interests mainly beginners. Practitioners Oracles understand that cards show only the most likely option of the situation. In the process of life, any person can change the course of events by committing an unforeseen act. Therefore, it turns out that fortune telling did not come true. But this is not quite true statement: just the fortune teller did not provide for other options for the development of events. In fairness.

Do not make predictions about global events, do not even be considered. The fortune telling on the playing cards is a practically an intimate process that covers only the sphere of the life of a separate person and his personal interests.

Professional fortune-tales know that the deck can sometimes play silence or artate. If this happens, it means that there is no answer to the question or this answer is not necessary. Over time, you will also learn to understand your deck and you will know when it is not located to give any answers.

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