Together for 13 years: what a wedding and what gives an anniversary


To the number 13, an ambiguous attitude, this is a kind of test for exposure and stress resistance. If you managed to live together for 13 years: what is this wedding and what is called? Despite the ominous figure of 13, the anniversary of the wedding wears a romantic flower name - the lonely cheshev.

My best girlfriend flatly refused to celebrate the 13th anniversary of living together because of fear of separation from her husband. Is it worth paying attention to the number 13 and how to safely note the anniversary of living together? Talk about it in the article. I will also tell you that it is customary to give spouses to this memorable day.

13 years old wedding

Traditions of the valley and lace wedding

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Why did the 13th anniversary called the lace and lily of the lily, with which it is connected with? It is believed that for such a long period of joint residence of the relationship of spouses become elegant as lace, and gentle as the valley. Spouses have already learned to be elegantly and imperceptibly bypassing sharp corners and not to light the fire of family conflicts, so their relationship is compared with thin lace. A gentle and careful attitude to each other can be compared with a fragile flower of the valley, timidly and modestly hidden in the leaves.

On a note! What an intricate pattern of lace threads are spouseing spouses in daily communication depends only on them. It may be more or less dense, but always - beautiful and elegant.

Why are 13 years old weddings compared with the valley? Because this perennial plant is annually reborn to life. Lily Slap symbolizes the revival of the temporarily fascinated feelings of the spouses to each other. As it is updated and blooms again and the feelings of spouses.

The traditions of 13 anniversary are associated with the protection of family relationships from the harmful effect of the Darkness forces, so Ignore this event is unreasonable. In the old days, this day, the hostess of the house hung wreaths from nettle and sprigs of aspen to the gate and gate, since these plants were attributed to the inferior properties.

The manufacture of the guard from evil forces was engaged in all the households. The mistress with his daughters was wreaths, and the owner with sons did from the remnants of brooms and swept all the energy and physical garbage from the house and the oppression. Then the brooms were burned away from home.

In the 13th anniversary it was customary to plant a birch in front of the house. The whole family took part in this rite: they dug a hole, a birch sapling plant and watered. After that, the birch barrel was tied to lace and asked for protection against the forces of Darkness.

To back up the house, behind the stove lay a lace handkerchief. In the modern, the stoves were replaced by gas plates, so lace hide behind the stove or fireplace. At the same time express a request to the houses about the protection of the family from evil spirits. In the form of treats, the houses presented a saucer with milk and sweets.

In the evening, 13 years of living together were noisy and fun. It was believed that the loud sounds would drive the evil spirits from the family and prevent them from doing the dirtyness. However, other people's people were invited to the celebration, but noted the anniversary in the circle of relatives: other people could make a breakdown in family relationships in this date. This belief is associated with a negative interpretation of the number 13.

The room where the celebration will be held, you need to decorate with white flowers, hang lace tulle or curtains on the windows. The table is a rash lace tablecloth of white and put cutlery from crystal and silver. Cutlery placed on lace napkins with lilies embroidered on them.

The dishes on the table should also be "lace". Salads from above are decorated with a mesh from the mayonnaise, bake lace pancakes with holes, the cake is decorated with curls of the dough, and flowers form flowers from boiled eggs. From the leaves of green onions make stems for flowers and curls.

Clothing of spouses must be withstand in bright colors. A woman can put on a lace dress or a guipure cape, and a pocket of a man's jacket can decorate a napkin with lace.

13 years wedding what a wedding

Ideas gifts

Approaching the anniversary of the wedding is 13 years old - what to give native to this memorable day? First, all that is associated with lace, weaving and openwork:
  • napkins;
  • tulle;
  • lace sewing;
  • muffin shawl;
  • openwork shawls;
  • any knitted things;
  • Threaded wood threads;
  • dishes with the image of the valley or lace;
  • lamp with lace lampshane;
  • Alers from birch.

Secondly, items with the image of the valley. Thirdly, charms for home. But you can also give spouses everything that will be useful for home and farm. If the wife is fond of knitting, give high-quality yarn. If the husband is fond of fishing, give fishing gear.

Gifts spouse

If the wedding anniversary falls on May, you can give a spouse to a whole basket of the valley. At another time of the year, and in the spring too, you can give a spouse lace underwear: it will use it and remind the past passion.

Gifts can be completely different, but with openwork inserts. For example, gloves with insert from lace, jewelry with openwork omse. You can also buy any gift, but pack it in an openwork mesh or pinch a postcard with lace or the image of the valley.

Gift spouse

It doesn't matter exactly what to give a spouse to the 13th anniversary: ​​the main thing is to do it from the soul. You can give a bathrobe or a set of accessories for a sauna, home tools, or equipping a hunter. If the spouse is engaged in intellectual labor, you can give a diary in openwork binding or organizer.

If the spouse spends a lot of time in the garden, you can give wicker garden furniture. You can buy a braided rocking chair in the house, in the car - a comfortable cape on the seat.

13 years of living together what a wedding

Number 13 and superstition

It should not be thought that in the thirteenth anniversary of the demons will be able to spoil everything. If the family believes in God, complies with the church rules and goes to confession, the unclean power does not have the power to disorder in family relationships. It is impossible to ignore this date and count on Avos: the anniversary should certainly be celebrated with the whole family. Compliance with tradition will help save the marriage alliance from destruction and ragged unclean strength.

The ringing of crystal and silverware on the festive table will help scare up unclean spirits. You can also be taken in copper or clay bells so that dark forces leave the room. Believers sprinkle housing with holy water and listen to the recording of the bell ringing. The listed precautions will help protect themselves and their home from dark spirits, and the number 13 will lose all sorts of mystical and destructive power.

What you can not give, and not only at the 13th anniversary of the wedding:

  • Acute and cutting items such as forks and knives;
  • Mirror and mirrors;
  • Wall clock and wrist;
  • Image of birds, except pigeons and swans;
  • lace handkerchiefs;
  • Drawings with single figures.

Acute objects symbolize aggression and malice, so they are not accepted to give to wedding anniversary, anniversaries and birthdays. Mirrors can easily crash into a lot of fragments, which will bring with them troubles and misfortunes in the family. The clock symbolize the limitations of life on Earth, it is better not to remind about it in bright and joyful days.

Birds are messengers of misfortune, so their images should not be on wedding gifts, like lonely standing figures in the background of paintings and other sketches. About the nasal scarves know everyone - they wipe the tears. Carefully treat the choice of gifts to not accidentally buy the wrong thing. Even silver cutlery with forks can not give, no matter how beautiful they look: only spoons give.

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