Dream Dream: His main differences from other dreams


Dreams - an integral part of the life of each of us. In dreams, information from the higher forces often comes, as it is better to do what to fear what happens in the near future. But not everyone knows how to properly decipher the signs of dreams, therefore, various dreams are so popular.

One of the most famous today is the dream of a Tsvetkov, with its features we will get acquainted in this material.

Evgeny Flowers - author of dreams

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Evgeny Petrovich Flowers appeared in 1940 in the city of Great Luki (Pskov Region). Since ancient times, the Slavic - Curvichi tribes lived in the specified place. Wallowdling of these tribes were carefully guarded by unauthorized eyes.

Having received secondary education, Eugene enters the university, which ends, receiving the scientific stage of the candidate of physico-mathematical sciences. After that, the young scientist settled to work at the Geophysic Institute.

Tsvetkov attracted the area of ​​journalism and popularization of science. He begins to write articles, and in the first half of the 70s he heads the department of the scientific and popular publication "Knowledge - Strength".

But the authorities did not allow Eugene to publish the "disagreeable" materials (which were the most interesting for readers). Violating the ban, it was possible to suffer criminal liability. The gifted scientist could not accept such a situation for himself, so after 3 years of his work in the USSR leaves the country for a long twenty years.

His new "homeland" became in turn of Israel and the United States of America. There, he is actively engaged in scientific activities, protects the doctoral thesis, he deserves the title of professor. Achieves international recognition as the author of climate problems on Earth.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Eugene returns to Russia to re-start popularizing scientific and spiritual knowledge.

4 years after that, RTR television channel broadcast the transfer of the author, where various esoteric themes were considered, the work of Russian culture leaders and so on.

But Evgeny Petrovich was realized not only in the profession of a scientist and journalist, but also an artist and writer. From under his feather there are dozens of books. Their spell genre is mystical realism.

The most popular edition is the book "Happy dreams" (in the people it is called simply "Dream of Tsvetkov").

Why should I decipher dreams?

The world of night sirows lives according to its own laws, which, if desired, can comprehend anyone who wants.

  1. Thanks to the correct use of interpretations of dreams, you will discover new useful information, you can determine your motivation, as well as understand why the desired is not carried out in practice.
  2. Also, rightly interpreting the dream, you will prevent the bad events that he warns.

In dreams we receive prompts over

Dream Dream: Interpretation of dreams, its features

Evgeny Petrovich in his edition "Happy dreams" offers a completely new technique that does not like all others. Dream Interpretation is compiled with a special creative approach. There is a division of all dreams to such 2 main categories:
  • Nothing germs that are simply psychological noise - they quickly erase from memory;
  • The prophetic dreams are of great importance in the fate of a person.

Another essential feature of the Dream of Tsvetkov - it is most adapted for the Slavic culture. Therefore, people living in the countries of the former USSR can successfully use. This is important, since the mental settings affect dreams and how we perceive them.

The process of interpretation of each dream is a small discovery, a kind of art, revelation. Evgeny Flowers over 25 years old engaged in the study of the nature of the night sir. He came to the conclusion that every person really learned the interpretation of dreams, extracting the semantic load. True, this is a difficult and difficult.

In many ancient peoples, the dreams had the right to decipher exclusively the priests either of the Magi, that is, owners of mystical abilities and secret knowledge.

The author of the publication believes that special attention should be paid to the brightest and memorable dreams in which a person feels bright emotions, they remain in memory for a long time. It is in such fence that the information about the future is hidden, various tips and tips from the higher forces are hidden.

Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams in dream dream book for women and men

Does anyone have a dream - a representative of a strong or weak floor? Perhaps you never asked this question, and it would be worthwhile.

For the most part, the beautiful sex is more interested in esoteric, mysticism and interpretation of dreams. Women from nature are more sensitive men, have a more developed intuition, many things are aware of the subconscious level.

Male is distinguished by rationality, they are guided by logical law in life. They do not remember their dreams as usual. But, on the other hand, many famous men dreamed of fateful dreams, many of whom influenced the entire history of mankind.

As an example, the night hirings mentioned by the Bible can be given - the dream of Jacob about the stairs to heaven. And the President of the United States Abraham Lincoln (when he was not yet a politician) repeatedly dreamed, as he wins in the election. Well, of course, it is impossible to forget the famous Chemist of Mendeleev, who saw the famous table of elements in their modern form in a dream.

It turns out that men's dreams are distinguished by a deeper meaning, as well as a simpler interpretation.

How was the dream dream book

It should be noted that the work on this publication a scientist dedicated about thirty years of his life. So, the flowers were engaged in the study of the ancient Chinese, Indian and Tibetan treatises, in particular, the "Books of Dead". He also took advantage of the information from the traditional European and Russian meetings of dreams.

In the dream interpretation used ancient knowledge

The esoteric teachings of our ancestors of Slavs had a very strong impact on the author and his work. Also in the book you will familiarize yourself with the results of research conducted in special laboratories, where the mysterious process of sleep (Europe, USA) is being studied.

Plus the flowers added decryption of his own dreams and those visions that he had to interpret at the requests of others if they came true.

It is noteworthy! As a rule, dreambooks have a structure with alphabetical order. Tsvetkov's dream book is built differently, very similar to Chinese traditions.

So, all the night feces are chosen, pushing out of their main semantic meaning. Thanks to this approach, it is realistic to obtain the information in which you need and without which it is impossible to correctly understand the symbolism of sleep.

Edition "Happy dreams"

Why did the book get such a name? It is the same name with an important head of the dream room. In "Happy dreams", the nature of sleep is revealed, the experience of various cultures in the interpretation of the night trembling.

Dream of flowers

In a separate section, specific examples are considered, as the night hirdles are correctly understood, the author's personal experience of the authors seen them is given.

In addition, the book tells the methodology for the detection of hidden meaning, calls work with dreams complex, nonlinear, creative, intuitive process. From person will need high sensitivity, a wide range, tremendous patience.

  1. First of all, you need to identify key symbols and sleep metaphors, and then move to its rays. It occurs on the basis of a combination of all known data, often quite unpredictable. According to Flower statements, people can manage their dreams, or rather, control their own behavior in them. We are talking about the so-called "conscious dreams". The author trains how to get into such a dream. And manifesting his will in it, a person is easily "neutralizing" the danger, removing benefits from sleep - additional energy that allows you to solve psychological problems, heal the neurosis.
  2. In the next section of the dream, we find even more revolutionary techniques. There, for example, the author is offered "scenario of happy dreams." The topic includes geography of dreams, sections with the main themes are proposed in alphabetical order.
  3. Many applications are offered: important excerpts from vintage manuscripts studied by flowering, and the works of the author himself.

Today, Tsvetkova's dream book is the only one in his own way of the global collection of dreams, allowing you to avoid danger predicted in a dream, as well as change your life for the better with the help of night sir.

The use of the publication allows a person to create himself, to compose and implement its most intimate desires (but necessarily only creative, non-nobody harm).

And another obvious plus, which adds a lot of colorful in popularity: unlike other publications written in the past century, it is quite modern. Therefore, in it, you will find almost all the phenomena, objects, situations that have arisen in the world in the last few decades.

Finally, a useful video about the dream book:

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