Lived together for 20 years: what a wedding and what to give


My aunt this year anniversary: ​​20 years of living together. Not many couples retain marital relations such a long time for various reasons. But if they lived together for 20 years: what is the wedding and what is called? The twentieth anniversary is called porcelain.

This material is durable and fragile at the same time requires a careful relationship. On the one hand, the choice of gifts does not represent complexity, but on the other hand, you can buy at all what you like the anniversaries. In the article, I will share the ideas with you: how best to celebrate the celebration that to give spouses that it is strictly forbidden to give.

20 years old wedding

Traditions of porcelain wedding

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The name of the anniversary year is not at all associated with the fragility of the porcelain, which can be easily smashed with careless circulation. Rather, on the contrary: in the old days it was expensive material, and it was not easy to purchase porcelain products. The wedding anniversary of 20 years is a significant event in the life of a couple, so the anniversary should be approached very responsibly.

Jubilean Traditions:

  • The festive table is served only by new table devices from porcelain;
  • Clothes of anniversaries should be bright tones;
  • Alcohol is not accepted on this day.

The main symbol at this celebration is dishes, so it is customary to put a completely new service. This is due to the fact that during the collaboration of life the couple broke a lot of dishes, so serves a table with new plates and dishes. Bitted utensils, according to belief, brings happiness to the house, therefore the family did not break up for such a long period.

The anniversaries put on clothes of light tones as a symbol of purity and indispensability of desires and intentions. Not every couple will be able to preserve the relationship for 20 years, and only the victorious temptations remain inseparable. From this day, the married relationships go to a new level, heading for the Golden Anniversary.

Instead of alcoholic beverages at the celebration, it is customary to drink tea and eating a cake. This is due to the theme of the anniversary - they drink tea from porcelain cups. This feature of the solemn evening imposes an imprint and on the style of the anniversary - invite only the closest people who do not come for the sake of entertainment event with alcoholic beverages. This day is nice to spend in a narrow family circle with your relatives and tested time friends.

20 years wedding

Ideas gifts

What do you give for the 20th anniversary of the wedding? Of course, porcelain products. It can be a table set for 6 or 12 people. If the family is big, it is better to choose a large table service. Instead of a table, you can choose a tea set for 6 or 12 people, which will also have to be by the way.

What can be given to the anniversaries, besides a porcelain service? It can be a beautiful and original porcelain vase: it will be beautifully looking for live flowers for anniversaries. Porcelain thematic figurines are very popular: a pair of doves, a couple of swans, etc. Figurine is not given a separate spouse, but a pair together.

Instead of porcelain, you can give other useful things:

  • household appliances;
  • Collective alcohol;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • Bedding sets, textiles.

You should not focus on porcelain products, you can give other presents, which will come by the way in everyday life and household. For example, a set of beautiful bed linen is always appropriate at wedding celebrations. It does not hurt and beautiful bedspread or cozy plaid.

Note! Picture in a beautiful frame - a great gift for a wedding anniversary. Pick up the composition harmonizing with the interior of the living room or bedroom of the spouses.

The presentation needs to be a beautiful wishes of a happy life-written, written on the original postcard. You can buy a medal and engrave the wishes of marital happiness and longevity on it.

20 years wedding what a wedding

Gifts from Spouse

Not only guests give presents and souvenirs to the anniversaries, but the spouses themselves are glad to give each other's gifts. What can you give to your beloved husband for the 20th anniversary of living together? It can be an original nominal plate for soup or a second dish. The name of the spouse can be engraved in the workshop.

If the spouse smokes, you can give the original ashtray, as well as accessories and tobacco smoking from the tube. On the tube you can nicely write or engrave the name of the spouse. If the husband smokes cigarettes, you can buy a beautiful cigarette party and also engrave the name of your favorite on it.

Note! Spouses can give each other any gifts, not necessarily from the porcelain.

Also, a spouse can be given to any things that he dreamed of: a hunting set, a set for fishing and a tourpack, a set of hunting knives, a marching set of dishes, etc. If the spouse drives a car, you can give accessories to the salon or cleaning agents for ordering in car.

It is advisable to choose such a gift to serve as a reminder of the anniversary for many years. Rugs in auto, covers for seats in the car, autoslasp, tourist tent, scrupted or gas hiking oven - these things will last long and leave warm memories of a solemn event.

Gifts from spouse

What can spouse please or surprise your girlfriend of life? It can be a beautiful coffee or tea set for two persons for joint tea. If the spouse carries a wrist watch, you can give a golden bracelet to them. There are no jewels a lot, and there is always enough space for storing: a gift in the form of an original casket for jewelry will never be superfluous.

Also, the spouse can give a beautiful colors vase, original figurines or jewelry. In addition to the listed gifts, you can present what the spouse has dreamed of a long time and could not realize in reality.

20 years wedding which wedding is given

Gifts parents

What can giving children to their parents on the anniversary? It may be things made by your own hands. If children already work, you can buy beautiful and useful things in everyday life:
  • cozy plaid;
  • set of cups for tea or coffee;
  • home appliances;
  • kitchen sets;
  • Furniture Items - Puffy, Coffee Table, etc.

In gifts, the main thing is the heat of the soul, and not the cost. If my mother has long dreamed of the kitchen combine, but did not allow him to acquire it, children can embody her dream into reality. But instead of expensive home appliances, you can create crafts with your own hands, which will be much more valuable and more important for parents than purchased things.

You can also buy blanks for gifts and bring them to mind personally. For example, paint white tea cups and plates or write congratulations on them with an anniversary.

Note! A ticket or a gift certificate for a photo session or horseback walk - a great idea of ​​a gift for the anniversary. This event will remain in memory for a long time.

A voucher to a sanatorium, a personally drawn picture in the original frame, shot of a celebration video, a balloon flying or a ride around the city in the horse rose - the ideas of gifts on the anniversary are quite a lot, if you turn on the fantasy. The main thing is that this day I remember for a long time and became special.

Forbidden gifts

What can not be given to the anniversary of the wedding:

  • sharp objects;
  • antiques;
  • watch;
  • Mirror and mirrors;
  • Horn on the wall;
  • bird figures, except pigeons and swans;
  • empty wallet or bag;
  • pearl ornaments;
  • Images with a lonely figure.

It is impossible to give antiques, even the most original and beautiful things. What has already been in use is not suitable as a wedding gift.

Acute objects carry negative energy and aggression, so knives and forks on the anniversary can not be given. The clock is a reminder of the allocated life, so they will never give birthday and the wedding.

Mirrors are not the best gift for a celebration, as they can break up and bring misfortune into the family. It is impossible to give what will break into a lot of fragments. The exception is the objects from the porcelain.

Bird figures from porcelain or other material - a bad idea of ​​gifts. Birds are considered to be messengers of trouble and trouble, so they should not be made.

Pearl products - to tears, empty wallets and bags - to poverty, lonely figure - to loneliness. Such gifts can not be given.

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