Rahu in scorpion in woman and men


Rahu (otherwise called the northern or ascending lunar knot) is the planet drama and illusion, the external decoration of life. Rahu is always opposite Ketu (southern or downward node), in reality it is one figure. If in the horoscope Rahu in Scorpio, then Ketu will be in the Taurus. As such a combination manifests itself, consider further.

What teach us to Rahu and Ketu

Rahu in Scorpio: Features

Such a person should learn the adoption of revolutionary changes of himself, the conditions of his life. He wants to relax, as if his soul had already completed her way. In past incarnations, he survived a lot of unpleasant events that prevent him from accepting changes in the present.

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He stubbornly adheres to the old patterns of behavior, which enjoyed in the early reincarnations. Life for him is a solid tension and struggle. He, like a bull, a plowed field, goes slowly and hard, seeing only one straight furrow in front of himself.

At the same time, a tremendous amount of physical energy is spent, which negatively affects spiritual development. Therefore, he does not see new opportunities.

In addition, he hates to adopt someone else's experience, preferring everything in life to comprehend independently. What is spent more spent than you need, time and strength. But in return, he gets a sense of confidence.

In the last life, Nat showed increased sensitivity to the people around him. Therefore, in the current embodiment, he discovers sensory impressions since childhood, finds out that it is able to deliver positive emotions and how it can be obtained.

True, it is never possible to fully satisfy your requests. After all, at one need, the other is happened, which prevents him from rejoicing what he already has. According to the result, the owner of Rahu in Scorpio is constantly fighting for people, things and ideas.

He with great stubbornness keeps everything that he considers her. True, the more reaching its accumulation, the more he drives himself into the angle. After all, if in the early lives he needed a lot of property, now it becomes more baggage. Over the years, heavy load increases more and more.

It is important to abandon the accumulation

In a man

He desperately seeks to become influential, because thus wants to get rid of the tormenting feeling of failure (roots come from past lives). Therefore, usually chooses an authoritative profession.

In the past incarnations, his ego experienced such a great damage that now native proves by all their forces to others that they should respect it.

When he managed to reach his rhum in Scorpio (karmic task), a complete transformation comes in life. Then he is disterinated erases old patterns of behavior, learns to get rid of the whole old, who has exhausted himself and more unnecessary.

To grow spiritually, a person needs to eliminate everything old from his life.

Internal dependence should be transformed into absolutely independent thinking, actions. Then his spiritual strength will grow annually if he succeeds in clearing consciousness from all oppressing.

Another important task is to learn correctly interpret your subconscious desires, needs. It is necessary to work out respect for yourself through self-discipline.

In woman

With the specified position of the lunar knots, the soul was going through the wrong road for many years. Now the soul vessel must be turned upside down to remove all the decay that accumulated.

Of course, such a karmic process will be quite painful for the personality of man. As a result, he may lose everything that he was so expensive and close. But at the end of life, with great probability, he will be able to give up more than he assumed at her beginning.

And such a symbolic death of all obsolete, unnecessary will create a completely new life.

There will be a revival of Phoenix from the ash


If you have a rhahos in the horoscope in Scorpio, it is necessary to engage in spiritual development, maintaining the inner force, exhausted will.

What else do you need to do?

  1. Do not strive to go in life on an easy way, it is better to choose the one that is more difficult, but more efficient for your soul.
  2. Discard memories, do not cling to the past, for what you know. Take any changes, even shock, because they will provoke your height.
  3. Earn finance, but do not make any savings. On the contrary, spend money, show generosity, be more idealists than materialists.
  4. Do not be afraid to say "Goodbye" things, habits or people.
  5. Do not seek calmness: on the contrary, in this life you need to destroy old to create a new one, reborn like a Phoenix from the ash.
  6. Do absolutely everything with soul, sincerely and in work, and in the family.

In the future life, you will be able to realize your secret dream or awaken the potential dormant to this.

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