Men's Georgian names


Men's Georgian names, or rather, their meaning will make you take a fresh look at the nature of the people of this nation. Not all boys are Georgians equally temperament, hot-tempered and loving. Read the article to better figure out the subject.

Top 3 Georgian Male Names

Most often, boys and men with the names of Nikolosis, Georgy and Luka can be found in Georgia. Read their meaning to understand whether your family is suitable for the child, whether you want to see a similar character from your children.

Georgian names for boys


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The most common name called boys in Georgia is Nichoz. The carrier of this name reflects all the typical Georgian character traits.

Its value:

  1. From birth, it is very active and energetic, because of which parents are difficult to cope with it. It acts more than it thinks, decisive and often makes decisions spontaneously. His name is the personification of the entire hot Georgian temperament in one person.
  2. Entrepreneurial talent he absorbs with mother's milk, so it has every chance to become a successful person, earn a lot of money and implemented in society. Although sometimes his quick temper prevents things, he always finds a way out of difficult situations.
  3. At the same time, he has a lot of stereotypes, frameworks and restrictions, because of which his thinking is somewhat pattern. If he can expand his picture of the world and get rid of most of his mental borders, then the mountain will be able to turn on his goal.
  4. One hundred percent is confident in its attractiveness. He looks really not bad, so it's easily conquering the attention of the woman liked. But in the relationship becomes a real despot, powerful and uncompromising tyrant.
  5. In sex and marriage, selfish will require complete submission from the disclosure and will not be careful if it will argue with him and express your own opinion. It believes that the family should reign a complete and unconditional patriarchy.


In second place in popularity - the name of George, which is also often called boys. It pays several "pitfalls", which is worth knowing if you decide to call your child.

Georgian names for men

Its value and characteristic:

  1. This man can debunk all myths about the recalcitable and temperamental Georgian character. It is quite calm, it always behaves balanced. It is difficult to withdraw from himself because he knows how to control his emotions.
  2. The surrounding seems to be kissed by God, - he is constantly accompanied by luck and lucky in any case, for which he is taken. In difficult situations there will always be friends who come to the rescue, and the circumstances will be the best for it.
  3. He attracts people to his ability to listen, understand and divide someone else's point of view. Never imposes his position and does not argue, seeking to understand the interlocutor. Thanks to these qualities, he has to himself.
  4. Very responsible and seriously coming to the fulfillment of any case. You can rely on it, he will not let go at the critical moment. What started will bring to the end. It works flawless and is on a good account at the authorities.
  5. Most of all loves deception and lies. It will stop communicating with a person immediately after it will understand that he can not be trusted. And himself in relations with people is always honest. It has a reputation of a person whose word is firmly like a rock.
  6. He is not a leader on his nature and practically devoid of ambitions. Power does not entail him at all. Also unfortunate and negative emotions prefers to live alone with him, so as not to spill anger on others.
  7. An inborn romantic, he will sing a sweetheart serenade and writing poetry. But because of indecision may be afraid to show the initiative and take the first step. Very often, the wife takes a strong woman who herself will give him to understand that he wants to get close to him.


The third place in the list of popular names is occupied by Luka. A man with this name is more likely to resemble the Englishman - it is so calm, rational and cold.

Georgian names

Its value:

  1. From an early age, this is a very independent boy. He behaves restrained, leisurely, serious. It makes decisions only after it thoroughly thinks. It does not work in the sorry and understands that only he himself is responsible for the consequences of their actions.
  2. Everything has its own point of view. To make him change the views, you will have to find very good arguments, bring a lot of arguments. "Want to convince me - prove," his motto in life.
  3. At the same time, it is very sociable, easily finds a common language with both peers and older guys. And everyone who spends time with him in one company enjoys credibility. He is respected.
  4. Luka learns well, trying to succeed in everything. If something does not understand, it will be hard to sit and understand not to remain unacceptable. This behavior can be explained by the fact that he brings to himself very high demands and seeks them to fit.
  5. At the same time, he is able to criticize teachers if they, in his opinion, do not work poorly: give little information or not interestingly presented. Parents will have to spend a lot of nerves to instill his subordination and respect for the elders.
  6. Adult onion is a pretty cold and calculating man who hides its true feelings and intention from all. It will never show the surrounding emotions. Canny.
  7. At the same time, he is honest, hearty, always ready to come to the revenue to a friend and help him in a difficult situation.
  8. True Casanova, he often meets with several girls at the same time, not seriously in any of the elected.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The value of Georgian male names destroys all stereotypes about the temperamental nature of the horses. They are the same different as these names.
  • The three most popular names are Nikoloz, George and Luka.
  • The first is more quick-tempered and decisive, the second is calm and romantic, the third one on his mind is cold and calculating.

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