Lunar calendar haircuts for January 2020: favorable hair hairstyles


Beautiful curls are the heritage of any fair sex. It is important to care for them, applying high-quality cosmetics, not forget about masks and salon procedures. And it is also important to cut and color hair depending on the moon phase, because it has a very strong impact on women.

Therefore, I propose to your attention the lunar calendar of the haircut for January 2020: favorable days for hair cutting.

Lunar calendar haircuts for January 2020

When cut the curls in January 2020

1 number

Find out what awaits you today - a horoscope for today for all zodiac signs

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The moon is growing in the sign of the Aries. Today it is better to postpone with a haircut so as not to weaken your immunity. In addition, the changed hairstyle will quickly lose the shape, the hair will start breaking, will become dull. But with a haircut will increase intuition.

2 Number

On the contrary, favorable days to reduce the length of the hair: the chasis will fit, and you will add yourself to my life! Plus, your prestige among other people will increase.

3 Number

Moon in the first quarter, a sign of Aries. If you have long dreamed of sign up for a haircut, be sure to do it today! You will be satisfied with the result, and also improve your energy.

4 Number

The lunar disk is growing in Aries. On these days, nothing new can be done, in particular, make changes to the usual image. Refuse to visit the hairdresser. Otherwise you can get very sick.

5 number

The moon grows in the Taurus. It is favorable to make creative affairs, to harmoniously affect themselves and on the world around. But they mean not radical changes, which means that the haircut is still banned.

6 Number

Phase of the growth of the Moon in the twins. Any undertakings are recommended. With the help of a haircut today you will improve the appearance, find out the curls by adding their vitality. Favorable and coloring of curls.

7 Number

Any caring manipulations are suitable: food, recovery, recovery, but not a decrease in length! Due to the haircuts on such a day, you risks to weaken the curls, plus you can attract different problems in your life.

8 Number

Successful date to change the usual image. Ideal a change in hairstyles and styling. The main thing is not to paint your hair.

9 Number

The moon grows in a cancer sign. The energy of this lunar day is strong enough to implement any accumulated work, plans. Deciding on a haircut, you will add successfulness, improve well-being. And the curls will be gratefully shining with a luxurious brilliance and please the increased vitality.

10 Number

Full moon in the constellation of cancer. The date will suit the fulfillment of ordinary affairs. And with a visit to the hairdresser, it is better to haul in order not to spoil your mood or hair. Any action with curls will weaken their condition, increasing the chances of the development of different pathologies.

11 Number

The moon decreases in the sign of the lion. On a decreasing moon, in principle, it is undesirable to cut or paint hair - such actions may have very sad consequences. So, as a result of the haircut today you risk relieving betrayal and failure.

12 Number

The decrease phase in the sign of the Virgin. Although the lunar disk decreases, but today it is possible to cut it - so you will increase your attractiveness in the opposite sex. Other experiments with curls will be positive: hairstyles, styling, curling or straightening.

Stream hair today you can

13 Number

This is 19 lunar day - time of Satan, when the high probability of failures and conflicts with other people. In this connection, it is undesirable to agreed either to paint the hair: you will remain dissatisfied with the effect, plus weaken health.

14 Number

The 20th day of the lunar cycle is also unfavorable for the cardinal changes of the appearance. As a result of the shevo, it will find an unclear look, and the state of "pyryshki" will deteriorate significantly.

15 Number

The moon decreases in the sign of the scales. It has time for successful change, such as haircut or staining. The campaign today in the beauty salon will help improve appearance, and also affect the mood.

16 Number

This is a creative date. In her, it is impossible to suit the new haircut made better if you dream about improving the financial situation. The main thing is not changing the image too radically.

17 Number

The 23 days of the cycle of the moon carry the energy of aggression, irritation. It is better not to record today to the master, because the haircut will not give the desired result. Because of her curls weaken.

18 Number

24 The lunar days carry high activity, but at the same time significant changes in appearance are undesirable. The reason is simple - otherwise various failures may occur, draw disease. Why want to risk your well-being?

19 Number

The moon decreases in Scorpio. Do not make anything urgent on these days and do not plan a haircut. Otherwise, visual acuity may decrease, and the overall health will suffer. Yes, and such actions you will attract gossips to yourself.

20 Number

The energy of this day is negative. Therefore, today it is undesirable to take serious steps, start new things - they will not give the desired result. Having tripped the stylist to the best times.

21 Number

It is very favorable now to work on yourself that internally, which is externally. So, you can safely make a new haircut and hairstyle: Thanks to them, you will find faith in yourself, reproduce your "Pynes." It is also favorable to paint or restore hair.

22 Number

The moon decreases in the sign of the Aries. 28 days of the moon cycle - harmonious, unhurried. Today it is impossible to do anything destructive, even crop curls. Otherwise, you risk encouraged with unsuccessful events.

23 Number

Refuse any new undertakings and solve serious questions. Well on this day to eliminate all the old, who has granted itself. Based on what a haircut option is quite successful - cut hair will take a negative energy with me.

24 Number

New Moon in the Sign of Aries. Today is the final day in the lunar month. It is recommended to sum up the results of the past 29 days, but no changes are not desirable. Having traveled today for a fashionable haircut, you risks greatly disappointed. Therefore, it is better not to do.

25 Number

The moon is growing in Aries. Day when full harmony reigns in life, any ideas are carried out. The ideal script for today is to make plans for the future. But it is impossible to cut, because with the cropped tips you will give a part of my vitality into space. Better make a volumetric braid.

26 Number

The date of new began, respectively, the haircut is very desirable. It will fill the curls of energy, and you will fill with positive emotions.

Today it is worth a habit

27 Number

The day has a strong negative energy. New new haircuts and hairstyles are undesirable. They worsen not only the hair themselves, but also negatively affect overall states. Permissible only to paint and treat curls.

28 Number

4 days of the lunar cycle. They attract emotional instability and desire of changes. However, it is not necessary to be kept on false temptations: because of the haircut, the hair will deteriorate, they will look neakkurat and lifeless.

29 Number

Harmony Day when you can solve almost any life questions. Everything started successfully today. Therefore, rather hurry to the hairdresser, if you want to make a cool haircut and improve your curls.

30 Number

It is favorable to make plans, begin new things, because your intuition works on a complete coil. But at the same time there is even a slight haircut now. Otherwise, your energy will weaken, the general immunity will worsen.

31 Number

The moon continues to grow in the sign of the Aries. 7 Moonful days are unsuccessful for making tips. Due to the haircut, the hair will lose their strength, will become brittle, disobedient. True, you at the same time improve your sixth sense.

Listen to the recommendations of the lunar calendar in order not to know any problems with hair and please the surrounding luxurious dump hair!

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