The sun in the 10th house in a woman and a man


The sun in the 10th house is a sign of ambitious people who want to achieve in life very much and live better. Details of natal cards of men and women with such an indicator I dismantled in this article so that you can learn more.

general characteristics

Depending on how the element is patronizing the sign of the zodiac man, the sun in the 10th house will manifest in different ways. It will indicate professional qualities and spheres in which the owner of such an aspect can be successfully implemented.

Sun in the 10th house in a woman

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How the sun is manifested in 10 houses from different signs of the zodiac:

  • Fire signs have a pronounced talent manager. They are lucky and promising in any case for which they take. Often choose the public service and rapidly grow through a career staircase.
  • Earth signs are chosen for self-realization accurate sciences, construction spheres, finances. Become magnificent scientists, researchers or financiers. Frequently pose a high goal that can change the life of a large number of people.
  • Water signs love to learn and teach, can be magnificent psychologists, linguists, teachers. Sometimes they pay attention to areas associated with culture or art.
  • Aerial signs - inborn intellectuals, so try to develop in professions, where you need to strain and develop the brain. They are also important to communicate, remote work or freelance they are not suitable.

Sun in the 10th house in a man

It can be said with confidence that this man was lucky, because he from birth is endowed with huge ambitions and confidence in herself, his talents, as well as purposefulness. These qualities help him achieve great success.

Sun in the 10th house in a man

What is characteristic of him:

  1. He knows how to lead people, inspire and motivate them, so it can become an excellent leader or to establish his business that will lead to success. Easily finds the line between the whip and gingerbread, so the subordinates will adore him.
  2. The main thing is not to transfer the "commander" tone into personal relationships, since in this case the woman will be quite difficult to get along with it. He must understand that the chosen is sometimes worth forgiving small whims and typical women's weaknesses.
  3. He seeks to win in everything. Wants to achieve high social status and be rich. Easily turns the desires in the target and reaches them faster than all other people, thanks to the enterprise, perseverance and hard work.
  4. Mother playing an important role in his fate, so it is necessary to build good relationship with her, not to cling to children's insults and injuries. If so are there, it is worth working with a psychotherapist. This will give an additional bonus to self-realization.
  5. The high plank, as a rule, as a rule, asks the father who takes the leading post and enjoys an authority in society. A man seeks to "catch up and overtake" the Father, to achieve even greater success.

Parents for him as a result - an example for imitation, patrons, assistants in affairs. It is they who often discover new opportunities for him and send along the right path.

Sun in the 10th house in a woman

Such an indicator in the natal map indicates a large share of the likelihood for a happy marriage. It implements its female qualities in the family, building harmonious relationships with her husband and children. Long in the greatness does not remain.

Sun in the 10th house

What is still characteristic of her:

  1. Prefers serious and responsible men, where you can rely, and windy and frivolous intuitively bypass, rightly believing that they are not the best option for marriage.
  2. She likes confident men who have already achieved something in life, implemented and successful. It often marries a person older than himself, who belongs to her a little differently, cares, supports and solves her problems.
  3. But even if her husband is still at the beginning, she will inspire him and send it. Next to her, he will become a successful, rich man who gratitude her to everyone that she only wishes.

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  • In a person's life with such an indicator, a lot of goals and aspirations. He does not notice obstacles in front of him, and beware and stubbornly moving forward, winning success, fame and wealth.
  • Such a location of the planet is considered one of the most successful, because people with this aspects not only want a lot, but also luck in life. Such a feeling that the universe accompanies them at every stage of life and helps without much effort to fulfill desires.
  • It is easily able to cope with heavy affairs and responsible projects, which often exhibits arrogance, considering himself a head above all other people. This is not deprived of the truth, but it can "help" a set of enemies.

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