Together 3 years: what a wedding and what gives


My cousin was married 3 years ago, soon they and her husband will celebrate the next anniversary of living together. Recently, a good tradition was reborn in our country to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding, and not only the anniversary. If the spouses lived together 3 years: what kind of wedding do they have? This anniversary is called leather, as the spouses have become more sensitive: literally feel each other skin. Consider the question of how and where it is better to celebrate the anniversary and what kind of gifts to choose.

3 years What a wedding

Leather Wedding

Three years flying unnoticed, but how many discoveries were made. The spouses were in touch against each other, mutual understanding improved. Three years of living together called leather, because nothing prevents partners to feel each other directly to the skin. If during this time the spouses kept the reverent feelings to a friend and did not run out in different directions, then a new level of relationship awaits them ahead.

On a note! Three years of living together - the first significant date from the day of the wedding. It is the line that can be passed not to each pair.

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The skin is a flexible material, but very durable. If the paper and sither can easily break their hands, then this number will not pass with the skin. Therefore, the three-year-old frontier is called leather. Flexibility manifests itself in the ability to hear a partner, to give up to him and adapt to his worldview. This ability to find compromises, and not chop everything from the shoulder. Even when clarifying misunderstandings, the spouses learned to bypass sharp corners and not to disperse from the spark flame.

If inexperienced spouses put their truth and right to the head of the corner, then a experienced family couple in priority mutual respect and love. Toporafully leaving his forehead into the wall and prove his point of view with foam at the mouth - this is already in the past and does not have any importance for living together.

However, the third anniversary of the wedding does not yet mean that all conflicts are exhausted and disagreements do not exist: they are present, but expressed not so much intensively and brightly, as at the very beginning of a joint stay. This relationship is already inherent elasticity, which protects the family cloth from breaking and damaged. It is too early to rejoice yet, but still the first achievements on a joint road can be noted with a scope.

3 years old wedding

Folk traditions

Previously, the art of being a spouse and keep a household was transmitted from Mother to her daughter: a young woman absorbed all the nuances and subtleties of the married life. Today, all traditions are forgotten, but an attempt is made to reconstruct.

When preparing for a three-year anniversary, young must perform the following conditions:

  • Remove all cracked dishes from the house;
  • remove everything that reminds of conflicts and disagreements;
  • Repair and update all leather products, even unsuitable;
  • bake bread from rye flour;
  • bake domestic figures;
  • Prepare meat dishes on a festive table.

By tradition on the wedding table there must be red wine and fruit. Fruits of red and wine symbolize a passion that should not fade. As wine, every year becomes stronger and becomes more deeply shades of taste, and married relations should become stronger and tastier. Spouses must eat red fruit in front of guests of invited guests and drink red wine.

The first from the rye karabaya should bite off the spouse. With this action, he confirms that he made the right choice 3 years ago and was not disappointed on his wonderful chosen. After the spouse hits the rye loaf, the bread slices are put in the soup made of meat broth.

Note! For folk traditions, the table is served with a simple bread soup and red apples.

Why bake on the third anniversary of animal figures? First, it is not any animals, but those who give people food, - cows, poultry, etc. Secondly, cookies are preferably a stove along with his spouse: it will attract well-being in the house. Animal figurines that will distribute guests will help increase the welfare of the married couple.

3 years wedding what wedding

How and where to celebrate the celebration

How best to celebrate 3 years weddings? It depends on the desire of spouses and financial position. You can order a table in the restaurant and spend this evening alone with each other, you can go on a romantic trip, and you can just enjoy communication in a homely cozy atmosphere.

If the spouses decided to invite friends and relatives to the celebration, it is necessary to take care of the design of the interior, respectively, traditions - leather products or a skin substitute. An excellent option is the rental of a country platform or departure to nature. In this case, a hunting party will fit. If you can rent a country house or cottage, you can use this option.

The holiday should be solemn and cheerful at the same time: do not forget to invite Tamadu. A talented guest can replace a professional Tamada, but it should be negotiated in advance.

If a dance party is assumed, then the newlyweds must fulfill the first and last dance - to open and close the dance floor.

Ideas gifts

Leather products in stores - a huge selection. It can be belts, covers for smartphones, shoes, wallets, a subscription to a spa, bags, and so on. Natives can prevent spouses a chic gift - leather furniture. Friends and acquaintances are gifts easier, but also without leaving the leather style. For example, a leather suitcase as a gift from friends can suggest newlyweds that it is time to go on a journey or rest.

It is important to preserve those magic moments of married happiness that were during the honeymoon. Therefore, for refreshing memory, you can give a beautiful leather photo album or a photo frame with leather inlay.

Spouses can give each other leather gloves, belts and bags. Leather clothing is always in fashion, so leather products in any form - a great present on a small wedding anniversary.

Do not forget together with a gift to write wishes from the soul on a beautiful little postcard. These words will stay in memory for a long time and will warm the soul into durable life moments.

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