Pluto in scorpion in woman and men


Pluto in Scorpio can be met in the horoscopes of people who have emerged in the period from 1984 to 2000. In this case, Planet Pluto falls into its daily abode together with Mars, as a sign of exaltation of uranium. This marks its maximum manifestation in the life of the Native.

Pluto in Scorpio

Pluto in the sign of Scorpio: Features

Pluto, who fell into the constellation of Scorpio, dwells in the strongest position. Therefore, the qualities of the zodiac sign are maximally revealed, and both positive and negative.

The planet Pluto itself is associated with revival, destruction, updating, hidden forces, stress resistance and energy potential.

  • With the incorrect education and development of the nature of the NATI, it becomes very egocentric, has overestimated self-conceit, self-disclosure. Frequently faces anxiety bordering with fanaticism.
  • In the case of harmonious development, the individual has a high sensitivity developed by the sixth sense. It is from nature a bright individualist, incredibly bold and targeted. Not afraid of any obstacles and difficulties.

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He will never be a "gray mass", it is distinguished by very categorical judgments. But the problem is that it is known only or white or black, without border states. Also inherent in creativity, resourcefulness, the ability to transform completely useless things to the right and important.

In his life, the owner of Pluto in Scorpio has to worry serious suffering, deep emotional shocks. As a result, it can both become aggressive, evil, vengeful (low spiritual level), and, on the contrary, to refer to holiness, spiritual elevation (high degree of awareness).

Nait dreams of changing the wrong, in his opinion, the state system, seeks to confront the old power. At the same time, he has the opportunity to combine transformed structures, creating something fundamentally new on the basis of the old one.

Another of his distinctive feature is an impressive physical endurance. Whatever happens, a man with Pluto in Scorpio has the highest chances to survive.

characteristic high physical endurance

In addition, he lives in a saturated and diverse emotional life, has an inexhaustible margin of vitality. In life, it is waiting for numerous descents and lifting, as well as bright energy impulses. It is engaged in either the invention and the development of the new one or the destruction of the old one.

In woman

The lady with this astrological aspect seeks to do everything right to appreciate others. In this connection, it is inclined to continuously analyzing all their actions, a thorough control of oneself. I do not make anything, without considering it.

The owner of Pluto in Scorpio - Nature is very hot and passionate. But it can be passionate about such situations where the aspect threatens her serious danger. Therefore, it is recommended not to have any affairs with the authorities.

She is still self-confidently in life, can competently lead its financial affairs. But often Planet Pluto plunges it into dangerous illusions, because of which his whole life is capable of collapse.

This girl thinks everything

In a man

Pluto In the constellation of Scorpio in a men's horoscope provokes an uncompromising attitude towards himself, and to other people. Such a man will always blame himself in any life failures and incidents.

He seeks to bring his life to the ideal, but often faces mass misconceptions, fraught with serious problems. Pluto in scorpion times gives the state of despair "all or nothing" when a person begins to actively chase success.

And if something does not develop, he does not work out for the framework that he himself put himself - he feels a deep loser and is very suffering.

By the way, astrologers warn about possible mass suicide surplus by 2030. After all, at this time, people who are influenced by Pluto in Capricorn (or rather, their definite part) will be disappointed in their lives, in themselves, will understand that they could not achieve what they dreamed about. And congenital categories and perfectionism will not give them to see the harmonious problems of solving problems.

This is a clear reason to think about all the owners of such an aspect and a little diminish their ambitions. Or at least realize that not all of our plans are destined to be realized in reality (who knows, perhaps it is only for the better).

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