Are there any ghosts in reality or not


Are there any ghosts really, or is it all just the fruit of human imagination? Of course, it is impossible to answer uniquely to this question. At least as long as you do not see a pretty (or not very) ghost your own eyes.

Therefore, let's agree that if you do not believe in mystics, consider everything like nonsense, you should not read the next article. She will suit people interested in things that go beyond human knowledge.

Are there ghosts?

Are there ghosts in real life?

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The answer to this question is unequivocal - the ghosts exist! Many people have been observed for their lives inexplicable from the position of science phenomenon. Not all of them believed in the otherworldly, being jar atheists.

And more - even having ever met with ghost, subsequently they were ready to write off the seen on anything: hallucinations against the background of nervous overvoltage, the use of alcohol, various psychotropic substances ...

But the world also lives people with paranormal abilities who can see what is hidden from the eye of the average inhabitants. These are extrasens or mediums that show high-intestaciousness to someone else's energy field.

Psychics often meet the inhabitants of otherworldly reality, so they laugh at ridiculous skeptical arguments.

But the most interesting thing is: mystics say that everyone can develop a gift to contact with other worlds, if a sufficient desire and perseverance will show.

What about the latter can not be saved 100% confidence, so I suggest you further talk about ghosts - why do they stay on earth? What are the types of ghosts? And finally, I propose to get acquainted with the most famous global ghosts.

Why are ghosts exist on earth?

What is the reason for this phenomenon? In fact, the ghosts are the souls of dead people who, for various reasons, do not want (or can not) leave the earthly plan. Usually they interfere with the cases that they did not have time to complete during life.

The clergymen suggest that criminals should not lose their lives through the death penalty. After all, it is unacceptable according to the commandments of the Most High. True, there is a sense here. According to psychics statements, death cannot be regarded as a punishment for the soul. In fact, earthly sufferings are simply ceased due to physical death.

In addition, the holy fathers unanimously agree that a person has no right to commit suicide. After all, only God gives life, and he has the right to pick it up. If a person accepted the courage to finish himself on his own, he made a terrible sin. Remember how previously there was a ban on burying suicides in cemeteries.

And in this issue, psychics unanimously converge with priests, saying the following:

"Suicide leads to the interruption of its karmic program, which should be worked out by a person during his earthly life."

Therefore, the souls of those who killed themselves, people often get into the lower energy layers. They understand that they could not cope with their earthly destination. And they will have a new birth to work out former karmic task. But living conditions will already be more serious, because suicide has greatly affected this process.

It turns out that the first category of ghosts is the soul suicide.

But far from all the ghosts imposed hands on life. It happens that the soul cannot safely leave the Astral Plan of the Earth because of an unexpected murder, an accident.

After all, as you know, we all possess not only the physical body, but also mental and astral. When physical death comes, the energy substance is separated from the dead flesh.

For another 3 days, the invisible subtle body stays next to its terrestrial body. After the specified period, the essential shell is separated from the physical. This is the same phantom who see eyewitnesses.

Famous image of ghost

Then another 9 days of the soul can be on earthly before completely leaves him, going to higher mental levels. People who subjected to regressive hypnosis sessions were told that the place was their home. It is there that they will stay exactly so much until they come back their turn to come to the ground.

If you are interested in learn more information on this topic, then I advise you to familiarize yourself with the book of the famous American hypnotherapist and the writer Michael Newton "Travel Souls". He introduced his patients in a state when they recalled their past lives, and also told him about the place of finding the soul after death.

And now let's go back to the souls. The above occurs with the soul that survived the natural physical death. This happens due to the fact that the energy body gradually collapses. Such a soul is ready to make a transition, without experiencing suffering and regretted your earthly life.

However, what about those souls that are forced to leave the physical world prematurely? Their essential body has not yet been prepared for the transition to higher plans, so it may hang up at the lowest astral level. And these souls also become aggregates.

From which we conclude that the second group of phantoms are people who died suddenly.

Varieties of ghosts

Having understood with the fact that there are ghosts, let's talk about their views.


Mystics share all the ghosts on sedentary and wandering. Set up - these are those from time to time demonstrate themselves to live people in the same place: in the cemetery, in the house.

It is caused similar to the fact that they are not normally buried or they did not have time to complete a kind of earthly thing. And one more reason - a terrible act performed during his life, which does not give safely to go into a different world.


Such ghosts differ unpredictable. They are met in a variety of places. Usually the purpose of their visit is to prevent an unfamiliar person that the danger threatens him. Or they transmit other important information.

The most famous "place of residence" of wandering phantoms - Tower Castle (London, United Kingdom).


They are not very powerful phantoms that lead cyclic life. Usually they are trying to share with living in the information that should be conveyed during life. But it does not do with a specific purpose, but more by inertia.

So, the ghost of the murdered will lead to the place of their death. Hinged treasure - will indicate where to look for treasures, and so on.

Messenger ghosts

They do not arise just like that. Their goal is to prevent anything important or report any news. At the same time, such phantoms, as a rule, do not use speech, preferring signs and gestures.

If you bring to see such a ghost, pay high attention to what the ghost handed you.

Hallucinatory phantoms

These are the so-called "phantom ghosts". They can be alive to be alive, and they can leave signs testifying to their presence - move things in the house, leave notes, open / close the doors and so on.

Crisis ghosts

Such phantoms see people in the tragic periods of their lives - in front of an accident, serious illness or even death. As a rule, entities warn about the incident, being in the appearance of a native or close person who is threatened with danger.

They may be one eyewitnesses, and can be collective phantoms.

The most famous ghosts

Let's find out, the ghosts of whom most often met eyewitnesses?

Girls with resurrection cemetery

The place of action is Illinois, the town of Justit (USA). There, people often watch a mysterious woman with blue eyes and blond hair that catches the passing car. At the same time, the woman is ridicked in white clothes and calls Mary.

According to the stories, she addresses it to ride it, but always disappears when the car drives up to the cemetery of the resurrection. And this happens, all is not a little bit - about 80 years.

Mary asks to bring it to the cemetery ...

Ghost ship

This is a marine phantom, known as the "Future Dutchman" (refers to 1641). It was then that Hendrik van der Decan, the captain of the East India company's ship, in a hot dispute decides to bypass the cape of good hope during a terrible storm. For the sake of dispute, he is ready to sacrifice his own life.

It is not surprising that it was the last time you saw the "Break of Dutchman." But since then, his ghost will see the sailors. And it seems that Phantom is about to dive into their ship. But then it safely dissolves in a dense fog.

This mystical phenomenon was observed very many. Perhaps the most famous memory belongs to the King of England Georg V. He even also issued a mysterious meeting to his personal diary.

So, the monarch describes first the appearance of mystical red light, from which the shape of the Brig, his masts and sails gradually arise. Then the ghost ship disappeared in a foggy haze, and the sailor, who used to succeed before everyone, fell from mast, crashing to death.

Ghost Anna Bolein

She was the second wife of the king of England Henry VIII. The Power of the Queen lasted not long - only 3 years. And in 1536, Anna Bolein was accused of being a witch, asking her part-time and incest (healing).

It is likely that the Queen was simply agreed by envious, but it did not save it from the terrible fate - the death penalty with a head chopping.

Since then, the phantom Anna is often shown to people in ancient churches and castles in London. According to eyewitnesses, she appeared as a very beautiful woman, closed in an elegant, rich robe. Although the other people claim that they saw a different picture - Anna Boleyne's behead, holding his head in his hands.

Hotel Stanley and his ghosts

About him tells the famous writer Stephen King in the novel "Lights". The work was subsequently screening, having received the same name.

The location of the Stanley Hotel is Estes Park (Colorado). It should be noted that the hotel's management is extremely grateful to the king for advertising. Therefore, the same movie is constantly broadcast here, it is easy to understand which one.

Hotel Stanley Colorado USA

There are many confirmations of the existence of ghosts at the hotel. Visitors express complaints about noise and hum in the halls, but if you look out of the room, it is not visible. And in the corridor, little children are often played, although in reality they are empty.

407 The hotel number is a favorite place of other entities. There are usually a major ghost belonging to Lord Danravin. He in his time was the owner of the Earth, at which later built a hotel.

They say that it is the Lord to blame for all strange noise in a building. And he has fun at that he has stealing their things. In general, the Stanley Hotel is an interesting place, but very troubled.

Ghost Amittille

Perhaps you have already heard this name in the same film. But not everyone knows that the cinema is based on real events and tells about one of the most terrible stories with the participation of ghosts.

It happened in Amittille - a small town. There in 1974, a certain Ronald Defeo at night killed all members of his family, shining them from a shotgun. Subsequently, in court, he assured that he acted to indicate a Native Indian leader.

The story forgot a little, but in just a year later the Lutsev family moves to the house. New residents will soon face strange things: incomprehensible voices are heard in the dwelling, there are bad smells, there are cold spots themselves, the crucifixion rotates ... the final point was the attack on the residents of the house, after which they hastily got out of it, leaving most of their things there. .

Sukhareva Tower

Not only scoop is famous for its ghosts, they are in domestic countries. For example, in Moscow it is Sukhareva Tower. She served as a place to observe engineer, astrologer and alchemist Yakov Bruce. The specified events occurred under Peter I.

Mystic spent every night in the tower. And, as the legends say, it was there that the famous "black book" was kept, written by Satan himself. She brought the panic horror on the residents of the capital.

When Jacob died, the light in his favorite tower still continued to light up at night. In 1934, the tower with bad glory was demolished, but the ghost of the Mystic still occurs on the place.

All these stories are convinced of the existence of phantoms in real life.

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